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Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

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Everything posted by Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

  1. Good morning. In fact it can be a long story if I begin to explain the "heart of the System" in english language. but : The divide of : unique one mass into a empty space gives : One analyse wiht a mathematical interpretation by "static-density" into Lap times. or : Of unique one mass into the space-time : we have represented 100% of it, splited on the rate of time, and distance. We can get an better way in circular journey so as to reach of the full "static-density" view --> an example to translate to the stability of the hydrogen Atom in Instantaneous time. That gives : Force of Energy Supplied = Force of Energy Returned. This rule works as the same as we use in the empty air to ² (pattern below). It's Really fast in a Short description of it. However, I invite you to look this important pic below to "understand it" more. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bouncing_ball_strobe_edit.jpg Thank you.
  2. "As much as the Earth is round, is as much as the Straight line can prolong it."

  3. The Big-Bang can Go Back in the Same Time it Go Forward ?

  4. This is Really Good News to me The temperature it can/may create Gravity ?
  5. The temperature it can/may create Gravity ?

  6. Hi, This started me thinking about that : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shield-Trinity-Scutum-Fidei-English.svg
  7. Hi, It's exactly A very good point of view. The English version : http://phys.org/news/2012-11-real-mystery-quantum-mechanics-physicists.html The French version : http://www.sur-la-toile.com/discussion-240826-1-La-lumiere-a-la-lumiere-de-la-mecanique-quantique.html In fact : The Onde/Wave, is the field of particle. and the field of particle (static mouvement), create this Onde. In the following, we only have one's own entity, Because the Field and the Particule are The Same One ! This mean, Each of Those Case depends on, how long (time), and how do you look the While (distance/direction), and especially which alternance in sight do you pointer (aim) !! This is my Perso-deduction since a lot of Months ! Step by step, we will get it, and above all, I say the same "report" in France since January 2012, without changing One Sentence. _____________________ for fun : A Strange Beautiful Picture of decoherence from Benoit Mandelbrot at this link : ( This French Link, is the Fruit of the Very Long Story ) Picture-Link : http://www.sur-la-toile.com/discussion-238257-130-Le-big-bang-peut-il-reculer-...html _____________________ After-specified the pattern of mine, try to Explain more or less the "Dual Onde Story" above. Cordially.
  8. Hi Michel, Yes I know that, but I will try to do something better (and in English too). See you soon
  9. In fact this doc want to explain something about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measurement_in_quantum_mechanics
  10. Hello everybody,

    I come from France.

    See you soon

  11. The temperature it can/may create Gravity ? System by ... Thermo_Fusion_Attractive
  12. Like say Bignose : you can start your own blog/website I'll vist it
  13. Quanta theory ... but it's in Frensh .. What do you think about that : http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/712276arnaudantoineandrieu1.jpg http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/712276arnaudantoineandrieu2.jpg or PDF file : Thank Arnaud_Antoine_ANDRIEU_Quanta.pdf
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