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Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

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Everything posted by Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

  1. Time dilation would it not simply related to gravity? and detected at high speed?
  2. But I think we can't either talk about dilatation-time with the observer and observable. For photons It is only a question of "journey time" between objects and/or observer. But then, the time dilation is a refer with which experience?
  3. Except the observable, There's no time dilation which objects that do not have acceleration speed. This is the case of our solar system.
  4. The order begins with an imaginary point situated at the center of the two matrices. a->w a->x a->z a->y b->w b->x b->z b->y d->w ..... c->w .....
  5. Hi Tridimity, I am trying to understand something about you. How can you explain with your two messages posted (only two since you opened your account) you get 10 points when in reality you've no and from nobody? Did you open Pandora's box?
  6. In fact I'm not sure what you are asking by that also. Could you better develop first? Thanks
  7. Physically speaking? As a kind of heavenly vault? or then a theoretical mechanism related to quantum decoherence?
  8. What was the old one? Dark matter is not different from Matter? and Dark antimatter from Antimatter? Moomtanman, look.. in other words, and with your story of mirror matter, you want to try to tell us that: shadow matter = Dark matter?
  9. The changing seasons do not fit that way because we have a year?????? with earth, One year it is not one revolution around the sun?
  10. Yes, what's the difference between tesla coil and tesla tower? Thanks
  11. Maybe with neurons you will understand it better. Look. Taking again the example of ions in the case of biological Hyperpolarization --> (neuronal_asymmetry - membrane_potential with ion channels - cyclic nucleotide-gated with protein - ...) and always based on my asymmetric model to two cent coin ; I can still easily bond the physics and biology in the same one. What else? How can you stop me with a plan like that? blog pic posted in february--> asymmetry -dot product.jpg wiki pic-->wiki/Hyperpolarization `¨-'^ ion .. electric discharge .. townsend discharge .. thunderstorms make Antimatter by science.nasa.gov .. or somthing like Penning trap http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penning_trap not on relativity?
  12. The Gold price has lost more than 22% in only three months (April_2013) And more than 2% on this Friday. Yet it is the absolute safe haven. What's next? If it continues like this until the next Nobel Prize Award will not be more than a symbolic dollar.
  13. Everything comes from Negative beta decay. Three of the four pictures come from wiki. wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_decay Only random things are your answer. The townsend avalanche attempts to explain the link between antimatter and matter with --> wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization_energy (collected charge with time distribution) *
  14. This works by cycle. First (charge/paradox) --> antiparticle Second --> particle (creating physical mass) Third --> neutrino --> (consumed charge/chargeless) Fourth --> antineutrino (end cycle/set new charge paradox) My atom_a is shaped following the curve of a beta decay. First leptons, and then neutrinos. Pic from wiki --> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Beta_decay_spectrum.gif/640px-Beta_decay_spectrum.gif Personally, I can already identify the quark-neutrino. My model works like an alternating cycle. It is fully consistent. Pic from http://www.egglescliffe.org.uk/physics/particles/ The following works with townsend avalanche. But of course in my case charges A&B represent "quantum ions". Because the Townsend avalanche was to understand how the A&B charges occur in the space-time-expansion --> to product "EMwave/atom/matter" between anode(charged charge) and cathode(consumed charge).
  15. Hello. I am Happy to see you. See you soon

  16. How can you draw a boson decay rate into a spreadsheet? Can you do me this one please : Negative beta decay http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/Feynman_Diagram_-_Negative_Beta_Decay.png In your Feynman diagram Ve_ back in time? and with it's ray?
  17. Where? You must be confused. ok ok .. I said that my chart will can to place the future particles (cern want to find other particles). See what I wrote on the last line in post #37 .. scalar fields so? In a few days if I have time, I'll make my diagram in the form of S-matrix. And then you will understand how does this work.
  18. The next generation of particle collisions will tell it. http://press.web.cern.ch/ It works better than Feynman http://www.google.fr/imgres Each atom has its own scalar fields. What is not really made ​​with Feynman. But I have probably wrong somewhere
  19. I invite everyone to easily develop one meson diagram with mega & gigaelectronvolt particles and then tracing all bosons ; Thereafter is to understand all possible geometries to the mechanism of ionization (add the lifetime of the particles Or several meson side by side represents one electron per neutron/proton with it's Electron shell by example). You can modify and reproduce as many times as you want. A kind of Memotech.
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