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Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

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Everything posted by Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

  1. ---> GENEVA, Feb. 14 — The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced Thursday the first long shutdown (LS1) of its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) after three years of successful running ---> http://www.nzweek.com/technology/cerns-lhc-starts-two-year-break-for-maintenance-upgrade-49326/
  2. CERN will make a two-year hiatus. Renovation and improvement of the LHC ---> http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2013/02/14/97001-20130214FILWWW00665-le-cern-fait-une-pause-de-deux-ans.php
  3. Le figaro : news from France : 14 february 2013 ---> "CERN pauses for two years. Renovation and improvement of the LHC" (new perspective from dark matter and supersymmetry, ect ...)
  4. It was juste for a better view for further processing. I imagined to anticipate routes. It's important to understand that the "charge" carried by the energy is unique through the vector (Q). However to make a difference in potential, then we must load the first charge called "master" that triggers the opposite slave. It is a condition after the other ; and not both at the same time. There's only one information to set, and not two informations for two states. I also think that the motion of a small particle can create a large particle in the case of quark.
  5. Of course there was transition. This is a transition from static charge. I am interested in following your new thread here ---> http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/72807-higgs-discovered ---> I saw that you liked my link ..
  6. I give you an official model : The pic come from on this link --> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/blog/2012/07/thanks-mom/ I don't see where is the problem ?
  7. Ok. In my theory there's only one particle to explain one proton or neutron. I mean one particle per proton to explaine the severval quark(s). When we see it (inside the proton) we can in fact to see these three quarks. But it's not. The gluon(s) are only the journey of this quark that we can see to move. The gluon is the quark. Of course all of that use one principe of energy intensity (the maximum density is created by the off of string). The symmetry is so impossible.
  8. Ok. In my theory there's only one particle to explain one proton or neutron. I mean one particle per proton to explaine the severval quark(s). When we see it (inside the proton) we can in fact to see these three quarks. But it's not. The gluon(s) are only the journey of this quark that we can see to move. The gluon is the quark. Of course all of that use one principe of energy intensity (the maximum density is created by the off of string). The symmetry is so impossible.
  9. Which String theory do you prefer ? Superstring theory Bosonic string theory M-theory (simplified) Type I string Type II string F-theory Heterotic string String field theory
  10. Quark confinement and quantum vortex strings in Nambu-Heisenberg model Do you know something about the Quark confinement and the Bosonic string ?
  11. ? you wrong for that see my first or 2nd post here --> http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/72124-asymmetry-and-monodynamic/?p=715803
  12. Do you know something about the Quark confinement and the Bosonic string ? I just want to prove how non-symmetry is
  13. My topic to talk about the "supersymmetry". Not mass.
  14. No. I see it as a proton or a neutron. You know ? Something about Quark Otherwise, I do not know much the Higgs mechanism. Sorry
  15. .. as a kind of "Bohr model" and with the Energy Levels in atom
  16. SamBridge, by example M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimension ... --> wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-theory and the Bosonic string theory is developed in the late 1960s ... --> wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosonic_string_theory From wiki : Fields with imaginary mass (tachyonic particle) "Tachyonic fields play an important role in modern physics. Perhaps the most famous is the Higgs boson of the Standard Model of particle physics, which in its uncondensed phase—has an imaginary mass. In general, the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is closely related to tachyon condensation, plays a very important role in many aspects of theoretical physics, including the Ginzburg–Landau and BCS theories of superconductivity. Another example of a tachyonic field is the tachyon of bosonic string theory." The Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (Mexican hat potential)
  17. The energy causes distortion. The mass is the string. The "maximum tense string" is the line of "gravity zero" and the "perfect planeity". The string distortion create gravity (law of attraction and repulsion).
  18. you wrote to this link http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/72200-backward-time-and-antimatter/page-3#entry727505 : "What you're trying to talk about sounds like virtual pair annihilation which has to do with virtual particles and not anti matter." I want to clarify this point. In my case the anti-matter is the virtual particle without charge ! Thereafter a charge is allocated to this virtual particle and consumption of the load created matter into our present expansion. (the idea of ​​a common field in the form of a hypothetical particle called string or M1 on my first pattern)
  19. All this reminds me of the Temporal Bell Inequalities --> http://www.pi3.uni-stuttgart.de/index.php?article_id=47
  20. We should be able to include a real notion of quantum vacuum (the vacuum state physically speaking) , And associated with a Spin temporal. The clock of "physical matter" does not allow us to see the other half side of the Spin temporal. We only can imagine scenarios about some hypothetical particles.
  21. LHC seems to be making Super-Symmetry unlikely www.scienceforums.net/topic/70462-lhc-seems-to-be-making-super-symmetry-unlikely/
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