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Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

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Everything posted by Arnaud Antoine ANDRIEU

  1. I only talked about infinitely small. String theroy --> Picture from Benoit-Mandelbrot
  2. We can also say : one real time lap (m/s) = 0 to 1 m/s But with the classical clock We can also apply for a "real time lap of 1s" : 0 AM --> center-of-the-clock center of the clock --> 6'30 AM 6'30 AM --> center of the clock center of the clock --> 1 AM Each segments account for 0.15 seconds : two in the "real time" (the first and fourth) and two in the "paradox time" (the segments of the medium, the second and third). In physic we can only see the first and fourth. Sory my English is bad namely physics (m/s) : 0 AM --> center-of-the-clock center of the clock --> 1 AM This means that the time has its spin and It half too !
  3. Just Trying to Make Sense of it all ---> Bible
  4. The photon can function as you say , because it is made up of two fields or two forces. Electric field and Magnetic field But the photon also become a Force of energy. Everything Changes, Nothing Is Los
  5. I understand. But what about Dirac Sea ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_sea
  6. The concept of matter waves can it create Strings ? A hypothetical superluminal particle can create this field called String. What do you think of it ? The Huygens Combination and Matter Waves --> a superb link to visit --> http://www.quantummatter.com/space-resonance/matter-waves-and-buddhist-thought/ Can we just do-it with only one source ?
  7. What's the difference between your model, and mine ? Simple question ...
  8. You can in fact identify three points : M1 the string ; C1 the charge ; and E the energy. Conclusion : The energy goes faster than the speed of light. That-it.
  9. Yes. I have already mentioned here "asymmetry-and-monodynamic/page-2#entry724445" --> wiki the Curl_mathematics Is that it-is one story about the angular aomentum. Can you help me to find a raison that I've made an asymmetric topic method ? "Asymmetric" does mean two objects --> M1 and C1 on my pattern. M1 is "the string". C1 is "the charge". The distortion between them create the matter (particle and anti-particle). The energy vector Q is "the needle". So the angular momentum, is in the force of energy. String's Distortion create the mirror to asymmetrically in the vector Q.
  10. Yes. A rotary "sewing machine". There's only one vector to set .. "a chain code" The needle.
  11. Correct Scientific Procedure, especially in Physics, Does mean Post-Nobel-Prize ... or simply one topic to debat it ?
  12. All that to say that is far from being corrected We can remake here http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/72284-correct-scientific-procedure-especially-in-physics/
  13. 25.5 degrees C is only 0,000 000 000 000 000 000 001 % on the Kelvin scale. The flexibility levels are a much more supperior has some 10 or 100 °k
  14. Of course, must be added to all the "rotational kinetic repulsive". The curl mathematic and others as "one force between two stellar objects" and "electrostatic repulsion". The feedback of energy ,, not through a mirror, but through a kind of rope. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/_Curl_Mathematics We would then be the fruit of this harmony. Between two receptive objets, and not through a mirror like we do. At that point we only talk about Resonance. This same principle can operate as three "receptive objets". One Pingpong for three. But it becomes almost impossible to calculate a lot of phenomenon. Can we reduce the paradox, if we apply a rotation control of the light source in the Young's experience or double-slit ?
  15. Yes. Symmetrically, easy to-do. But in reality this doesn't work as welll. And I know that you know symmetrically too ? Yes. Only one shot into the "very highy tense string", can be enough to calculate that, and all over derives. But never in the same time. This is the first rule. One after the other. It is the vector Q The electron can't be the positron. But the positron can set the electron. From my point of view. For one photon, the opposite direction (asymmetrically), represent the static discharge. (vector K)
  16. Good evening. Do-you want to say there's two states in the same time ? Thank-you and perfectly symmetrical ?
  17. It's like a "Light-Bridge" to me It's begin "Bright" Thanks
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