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Erik W.

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astronomy, Cosmology

Erik W.'s Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hi there, first of all: I'm a world-citizen. I believe that we share this tiny spot as living creatures and that we as more intelligent beings have the delicate task to look after each other and conserve this place for as long as other factors allow us to. Since I was a child I have always been very interested in Astronomy and the Universe as whole: I always said : there must be more than just this place. I mean even the Milky Way galaxy: if there are 100B galaxies, I can simply not imagine that this would be the only perfect place for life in any form. For many years I have been "distracted" from this due to work and other "priorities". However, I am realizing that this is something that has always been fascinating more than anything else, so my main message to many is : If you really like Science, improve your knowledge, there are always others that can help you with this. Don't think you are on your own. Science is the only real area that can help find solutions for humanity and its survival within this Universe.... you can help with this. Thank you
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