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Everything posted by Physicsinator

  1. Nope. I'm asking for this situation. A perfect rotation aroun its central axis.
  2. Both rotational and translational motion before it goes within the magnetic field since later on, when it enters the field, it changes it's motion... The motion within the magnetic field is what interests me. Thank you! That was exactly what I had in mind )
  3. So, the question I have is: "How does a charged particle rotating around it's central axis and moving with a constant velocity (v) behave when it enters a magnetic field?" I know the right hand rules and I know how it behaves when it only moves forward with the velocity v. But what happens when she's both doing rotational and translational motion? How does her path look then? And what happens with its velocity and the force acting upon it?(Drawings would be much appreciated.)
  4. So, the question I have is: "How does a charged particle rotating around it's central axis and moving with a constant velocity (v) behave when it enters a magnetic field?" I know the right hand rules and I know how it behaves when it only moves forward with the velocity v. But what happens when she's both doing rotational and translational motion? How does her path look then? And what happens with its velocity and the force acting upon it? (Drawings would be much appreciated.)
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