I have an idea\ question about what could cause gravitation and i need someone to tell me that its not a working idea
The first thing i did was to try to simulate the way matter bends space by spreading a sheet so its straight and there is nothing under it (weights on the sides) and then placing a ball in the middle.
The sheet is the space, the ball is the matter and becouse im doing this with gravitation present the ball pulls the sheet down, looks like when matter bends space.
So how can i make the ball bend the sheet without gravitation?
i could use its polar opposite. antimatter ball?
a space filled with antimatter next to a space filled with matter could cause the "matters" to pull towards each other and bend the space around them? If matter is attracted to anti matter.
Here is a drawing:
Matter is marked by X
Anti matter is marked by -X
The space X inhibits is marked by Y
The space -X inhibits is marked by Z
And i placed a third space between the two that is marked by W. The third space is neccessery becouse without that the Y and Z spaces would touch and then there would be no bending of space. only a pulling force.
() is the force between matters.
-------------------- Y
() () W
-------------------- Z
-X -X