In 1990 I proved FLT for the case when c is even.
Today I found proof, also, for even a /or b/. Here is it.
p - an integer,
q - an odd number,
X - set of odd numbers of the type of x=2q+1,
Y - set of odd numbers of the type of y=4p+1.
Let us name two odd numbers x' and x'' uniform.
Let us name two odd numbers x and y diverse (different-type).
The following assertions are obvious:
(1°) if odd numbers a and b are of the same type, then the numbers a+2q and b are diverse.
(2°) the numbers of 2p+q and 2p- q are diverse.
Proof of FLT for the odd of n> 2.
Let us assume
(3°) a^n+b^n=c^n, or
(4°) (c-b)P+(c-a)Q=(a+b)R,
where two of the numbers a, b, c and of the numbers c-b, c-a, a+b are odd and
(5°) c>a>b>0.
Case 1. Number c is even.
Let us select the pair of the numbers of a+b=e (even) and of c-a=d (odd)
and let us examine the pair of numbers of d+e and d-e, which are been, obviously, DIVERSE (DIFFERENT-TYPE) (see 2°).
From the other side, THE SAME numbers of d+e (=c+b) and d-e (=c-b-2a) are UNIFORM, since the numbers of c+b and c-b are diverse, the numbers c-b and c-2a are also diverse, therefore, the number c+b and c-b-2a are uniform.
And we have a contradiction: the numbers in two identical pairs of numbers are different-type and at the same time uniform.
Case 2. Number a /or b/ even.
After the simplest substitution –
a=2^k-a*, where 2^k>c+a, –
the proof of this case for the numbers c, a*, b is completely analogous to previous proof.
(It is certain, - “this it cannot be according to the basic postulate of official science, because this it cannot be ever!” - my proof is not correct.)
Aug 26, 2008