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About GalaxyKid789

  • Birthday February 9


  • Quark

GalaxyKid789's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. a voltometer
  2. a fishing pole holder on a fishing boat
  3. that is correct so post a new riddle
  4. Here are three riddles if you get them all right you are a riddle master Here is a easy one to start I get wetter the more I dry The next one What do you throw away the outside and cook the inside then you eat the outside and throw away the inside The last one I am far from the point but I dont make mistakes I fix yours (hide) a ray of light (hide/)
  5. I am particaly color blind and a manged a 124 whcih is great for me since I cant tell red- green and brown apart
  6. it is a scam just google the name of the company and there is like a 100,000 hits just click any one kk
  7. after I built it all I use it for is writing my c++ programs so if you think that linux is fun to mess with the programing of the Os i will give it a try on my old computer before I upgrade for Xp then I will try to run a parrell so I can have both linux and XP on my new computer if I like linux enough
  8. i know but i plan on upgrading the computer so I can have xp
  9. also is have linux really worth having if you dont have internet I dont think I did
  10. i will try to do that but windows 98se does not have the drives for flashes\
  11. so what it is just a cryto on line
  12. but how can I get to my computer since it does not have internet here is a curve ball for you it only has 96 mbs of ram
  13. where can I get linux for my old!!!!!! pc it runs 98se
  14. Yes I did
  15. I googled it and it came up as a street in eruo I als think that it is not english but latin becuase if the peom This is the poem in latin MEUS LATIN EGO HABITUM Carus , OF TABELLAE EGO HAVE TEN , TAMEN MAY EGO NUNQUAM ANIMADVERTO NEQUE NEC Audite , ILLUD ALO LACUNA Iterum. this is what i have so far Two ow_ _ Is _ _ _ s_ In _wi_ To
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