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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. well considering that there isn't much difference betweeen getting a man on the moon as compared to getting a man on mars (realy a question of scale). It makes it much easier to convince politicians to sign off on the thing. Just consider how the conversation between a senator and an engineer would go when discussing a mars mission. before new moon mission. Senator: so what do you need to get to mars? Engineer: well we need to find a way to get a years worth of oxygen out there, we need to design a really big rocket and build it. We need to rebuild the entire infrastructure of nasa etc. with moon base Senator: so what do you need to get to mars? Engineer: well we just need to attach a big rocket to one of these CEV's and add an extra payload compartment, and brief the guys who built our moon base on whats going to be diffferent on mars. which one do you think would go over better? also consider that because the moon option provides a cheap long term solution, its lesss likely that it will get canceled, and even if it does the infrastructure will still be there. ready for the private space companies to take over.
  2. I think you can blame the paperwork problem on the frivelous law suits. the schools can ill afford to cough up 10 million dollars because a teacher spanked a kid, a kid didn't get all the special attention they wanted. so now they have to hand out papers for people to sign so that they don't get sued. Don't blame the psychologists or the educators for the paper work, blame the court system that will hand out million dollar rewards for spilling hot coffee on yourself.
  3. we understand your device, it doens't work. if the tension is kept constant then no work is done and the device wil not move.
  4. for the limit question look at the power in the denominator. as for figuring the trig fuction, you can look at it like this. because tan is sin divided by cosin the numerator becomes 4/5 now your left with the denominator, cos(arcsin(4/5)). consider the identity cos^2(x) +sin^2(x)=1
  5. I would have to disagree with the idea that the move away from european education was necessarilly a bad one, if you look at the nobel prizes and such for the past hundred years its quite clear that americans have dominated the sciences and just about everything else for the past 70 years, considering that that coincides wit hthe generation entering school in 1890 or there abouts, obviously the move away from european education was somewhat of a good thing. I would say that a certain amount of memorizaion and such has to be undertaken before students are able to think critically. furthermore i'd say that students must reach a certain age (probably around 15) before they can think critically. The problem today is that on average students don't see a purpose in their education other than to get a good job, and for most of the smart ones thats not much of a motivator. In the 60's we had the space program/ a civil revolution. Things that gave people reasons to dream, reasons to think. Today we don't have that, we have no great wars to fight, there is no great revolution afoot, and as for dreams, the last time we went to the moon was 30 years ago, and any ideas about rebuilding the space program involve 50 year timelines that never move forward. And lastly if you turn on the tv you see that the men who are supposed to lead us send men into war without care for the issues involved (the chair of the house counter-intelligence commitee believed al-quaeda to be a shia organization). Its possible to say that the love of knowledge is gone from our students, but what if it was never there? what if students in the past learned because they thought that it would impower them to make changes in society, but now they simply don't believe that to be true.
  6. actually part of the construction involved building new homes for everyone who was discplaced by the dam, these new towns had running water and electricity, and all the other amenities of modern living that the people who were discplaced never had. furthermore entire temples were deconstructed and moved uphill in order to decrease the impact on the culture of the region. As for more farm land, yes there wil be more, because now there is an easy way of irrigating the land. Now there's an easy way of transporting those goods to the larger markets in western china, opening the door to impoverished farmers to begin to make an actual living, one with which they can send their kids to get educated and give them a choice as to whether or not they want to be farmers. as for the floods helping to keep the land fresh, the same thing can be done with fertilizers, and I dare a single person here to say to a child who lost their father in the floods the previous year that the dolphins are more important than them.
  7. actually the units of time and distance are defined in relation to the velocity of an object, and the speed of light. by stating that the speed of light c is constant in all reference frames you can derive the lorentz transformations of distance and time. these transformations do like you said require that the speed of light = c in all reference frames, however if this weren't the case than we would see that the transformations did not produce meaningful results. for instance under relativity a ruler traveling at very high speeds relative to an observer will appear to be much shorter than an identical ruler at rest with respect to an observer. This is a testable prediction, because the prediction has been confirmed in experiment we know tha the speed of light c is constant.
  8. CPL.Luke


    if your using row reduction to solve the eqution you'll get very obvious fallacies such as 5=0 for instance if you have two equation such as x+y=0 and x+y=1 placed in an augmented matrix, row reduction will yield x+y=0 0=1 now you know that 0 cannot equal 1 so something must be wrong, and if you check the original system of equations you'll notice that the two lines are parellel. ^EVON a system can be consistent if the equations are not linearly independant, this just means that you won't have a unique solution and your solutions will be lines and or planes, or even volumes. for instance if you have two planes intersecting they form a line, this intersection can be represented by a system of simultaneous linear equations composed of the equations for the two planes. this system is consistent and solving it will reveal the equation for the line along which the planes intersect. for a system to be inconsistent there must be no intersection between the equations, with the simplest case being two parrellel lines.
  9. well I think that some change is neessary, but not neccessarily a test based change. Testing leads schools to teach towards the test, and ignore everything else, if everybody has to solve quadratics and cubic equations then why would you spend any money on teaching shop or photography? as these things would surely not be on the test. also you say that the plan would essentially call for students of a higher calibur to stay in school two years longer relearning things they already know, why wouldn't these students move on while everyone else stayed in or something like that.
  10. yes but how does te EU know that the islamic half won't overthrow the secular governemtn and establish a theocracy? its what happened to the shaw in the 70's and its gotten to be fairly popular.
  11. it is however a mehtod for solving systems of equations... which is what the poster originally asked, personally I don't see how it really benfits the user as you can solve an upper triangular matrix U using backsubstitution. maye I' missing part of its ability.
  12. of course its ethical the yangtze floods and kills thousands every decade, the three gorges dam is going to stop that and save thousands, not to mention that its going to dramatically increase the ability of company's to invest in the region and build farms (because they don't have to worry about flooding, and there's a major waterway whereby they can ferry goods). so of course its ethical, while there should have been more of a coservation effort to protect the dolphins, I wouldn't trade human lives for theirs (that last bit is going to cause an argument isn't it?)
  13. meh, I think everyone still thinks that afghanistan was a good job, that is having some temporary difficulties, essentially we need to put more troops there and it will be ok, because the majority of afghani's support us, its just a matter of getting the trops there (which we all know is a difficult thing to do in today's political climate) but what if the afghani's don't support us? on who's word do we have poll numbers that say that they support us? I've heard the same thing about the people of Iraq up until a few months ago where people could no longer deny that the Iraqi's did not support us. Keep in mind that this administration has lied their collective arse's off before, why should we believe that afghanistan is any different? Furthermore even if the poll numbers are legitamate how do we know there isn't a bias. The Afghani's lived under a totalitarian government for over a decade and have been told that the US is the most evil country in the world, do they belive they can answer the poll questions honestly without fear of reprisal? I hate to argue a debate with questions but these are some very important questions, I don't think anybody wants to pat ourselves on the back because we eitehr A: don't know what the real situation is like or B: know that its not in a place where we can pat ourselve's on the back.
  14. ah, for that you just need to take it slow. and check each step. A single mistake can make it so that the entire thing is bunk.
  15. hmm I could have sworn that I saw a decent sized scorch area after the launch and in several telescope images.
  16. also consider that the magnesium flares would be highly flammable, not something an engineer would want on an already dangerous project. Engineers do not risk lives for publicity. you think that a couple of astronauts needed to be silenced so that they couldn't come out and say something about the appollo missions being faked? what about the 400,000 other nasa employees, and engineers/mission controllers. as for the technology involved, It doesn't take that much computational power to get a rocket to the moon and back, especially when you have a pilot to handle the fine tuning. as for the lunar lander not making very deep foot prints, that would be because it was moving very slowly when it came in, far slower than an astronaught comes in at when he jump up and down on the moon. the booster wouldn't have made a large foot print on the way in either as it wasn't used as the lander landed they used several smaller thrusters in order to slow the decent, the main booster was only used when the lander took off again. and there it did leave a scorch mark on the moons surface which is rutinly photographed today. on a side note there was alot of concern as to whether or not the booster would fire, so much so that Nixon had a speech drafted in case the booster failed and the astronaughts were to become trapped on the moon.
  17. row reduction, when the left columns become the Identity matrix the system is solved. there's really no other way to do it, in practice you always have a calculator or computer do it for you.
  18. on the college board website, or from you professor.
  19. try grouping the x's and the y's together, then thin about what you could do to get it into the form. (x-h)^2/a^2 - (Y-k)^2/b^2 and what kind of conic do you believe that one is?
  20. CPL.Luke


    NDi your history seems to be a bit off in places. Unless the US hass started to produce migs, AK's, and TI tanks, the US hasn't sold the middle east very many weapons at all. also you mention that your country has never been attacked by terrrorists, what country do you live in?
  21. also Dave what do you mean by break? and sorry for the very poor spelling in my last post, I was running a fever of about 101 when I wrote it.
  22. th college board website, or your instructor
  23. you'd be corect sir. I made a istake on te arithmtic.
  24. also the lazer and digital storag media weren't around in the 1890's-1940's there also wasn't any of the biotchnology we have today. carbon fiber advanced rockets (moon shot, space shuttle) a few dozen other things, but I'm sick and can't think properly right now.
  25. it is, most answers are really simple and easy if their right, when they get complicated, thats when you know you messed up.
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