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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. well in polar coordinates the equation is r= r'/360 (theta) +r' because arc length is the integral of r with respect to theta you just integrate that equation to get (arc length)= r'/520 (theta)^2+r' (theta) so then you just plug in the angle theta eg. 360 degrees, 520 degrees etc. and you'll get the arc length up until that angle. ^it should e noted that the integral above is technically a definate integra from 0-theta hence no constant. and theta should be entered in in degrees as thats what the original post called for. EDIT: it appears that the link evon gave is for a method of calculating curvature without calculus, that or a method for projecting circles when surveying a landscape etc.
  2. why pyramids?
  3. well if you consider that we only have 160,000 troops there now, they could hold almost 4 times as much area secure.
  4. meh there's more to life than preparing, what would you be preparing for? eventually you will have a good career going and then you can still bury yourself into it and beoe a ceo/ top researcher whatever else you wanted to become, not spending any time on love life or friends. And you can keep on going like that until you wake up one morning probably sometime in your 40's or 50's and you'll discover that you traded your life for a suit and some money, and if your lucky the admiration of some people who you will never meet or know. that is not the way to live life. Personally I work very hard at my physics degree right now, I want to be up there at the top of he physics world. But I do not want to trade my life for some prize to put on my mantlepiece. And the fact is you can have both, you can be a great researcher and live life all a the same time, all that matters is that you love what your working at, and you take the time out to do other things and live. And if you ask me how I kow that this works, I can tell you I failed highschool, I went through and never did any of the asigned work and kept at my own thing, I made friends and had my fun. In the process I discovered exactly what I wanted out of my life (which is another discussion all together) and at the end of my junior year of highschool I decided I had accomplished everythin I wanted to and I dropped out. I got a GED and went to community college for one semester. I have now been accepted into UMASS for the spring semester, maybe I'll spend a few semesters there and transfer out I don't know, butwhat I do know is that you need to find what you want in life and go after it, if you want to enjoy your life and be successfull you can, no matter wha background you have. Just look at my record I went from being a highschool failure on my way to joining the 5 year highschool senior club to going to a major university in just 1 semester, while living my life and and making friends.
  5. well the correct square root would be (x-1)^2 +2=y/2 so then you multiply by 2 and your done.
  6. stagnating? have you looked at he field of biology at all? rocket man, that couldn't have been the original idea as the lazer wasn't invented until the 1970's
  7. in that design the spring changes length thus changing the tension in the spring. if the spring does not change in length, and the tension doesn't change then the lever arm could not gain any velocity as it would not have gotten energy from anything.
  8. increased troop presence. we should have gone in with the force levels that the generals (all of which are retired now) wanted, somewhere on the order of 300-500 thousand, essentially enough troops to secure baghdad properly and to have acted in the role of a police force in bghdad until a proper force was trained. part of the problem is that we allowed chaos to reign in the country for too long after we invaded, so that to the Iraqi's the american invasion came to e recognized as an imperialistic country invading for oil with no regard to rebuilding the infrastructure etc. With a proper troop level we could have disarmed the majority of citizens (instead of allowing every family to keep at one ak-47) and stopped the looting. however my personal preference for handling Iraq would be to bomb any known chemical/biological weapons sites and declare victory, with the sattelite imagery thats available to mission planners we should have been able to know exactly where the weapons were (if they had infact existed) and destroyed them. Air campaigns are really the western worlds form of guerrila warfare, I don't believe that there is a single nation on this earth that could do anything more than the equivalent of throwing rocks at tanks when it comes to a nato air campaign. Whats more is that in the modern era the american airforce could have leveled every single military base in Iraq within a week, costing saddam hundreds of millions/ billions of dollars. Creating the same situation for us that guerrila fighters enjoy, one where it costs them next to nothing to attack their enemy, but it costs their enemy enormous amounts of money to go after them.
  9. yeah if you have the money than you can just start back in at the intro classes and go with it.
  10. exactly, the device simply wold not move. because there would be no net force acting on it either. because your gearing it such that the spring is to be kept at the same tension at all times, that means that the force of tension in the spring is being transmitted back to it, ie the force is counterbalanced and the spring cannot move.
  11. a high resolution video. in some instances some foam packing to make sure there isn't any air making anything move. even then I wouldn't necessarily be convinced as someone can easily edit a video on a computer now (I know I've done it before, it took all of about 15 minutes, including the learning curve) the fact is that it would be very difficult for me to believe anything that didn't either happen when I was present, or in the presence of several sketics/ magicians in a controlled enviroment.
  12. well the first time it was totaled it only cost me about 1100 to fix and I got 2000 from the insurance company so it was well worth it to get it fixed.
  13. so I think my car might be cursed. I bought it 4 months ago for about $800 it's a 95 taurus with some minor problems but thats to be expected for a car that old and at that price. now I had the car in the mechanics shop in order to get some minor repairs done after I bought the car, and the day I was supposed to pick it up, a truck backed into it. it was totaled for 2000 I fixed it tonight I was hit in the side and probably had the car totaled again. just thought I'd share the story.
  14. spritinil you have to take into account that he can edit the film to make it look as if it stopped spinning immediatly after he wanted to end it. good spot mokele also I want them debunked because the odds are that they are bogus, and if they aren't I want to have confidence that its not just my own bias/ eyes being tricked etc.
  15. The second device is also flawed as it would not move. The spring has a set amount of potential energy in it, this potential energy will not change (and be removed by you) unless the tension in the spring changes.
  16. hmm alright someone debunk this for me I clicked on it while watching the other video, whatever the guy did he did i very well. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1DgJxePCh0o&mode=related&search= and this one the first guy has the candor of a magician, and I think you could fake his stunt with a string or two, but the second one I'm not sure about, and there were at least two more on there of similar quality in terms of the difficulty in debunking them.
  17. yes exactly right, due to special relativity light changes frequency when you move toward it or away from it. By solving the relativistic doppler shift formula you can see that if you driving at 49000 miles per second towards a red light, it will appear green.
  18. actually acceleration is always given as the second derivative of discplacement with respect to time. as a consequence velocity is the integral of acceleration with respect to time, and discplacement is the integral of velocity with respect to time. hmm I was always a fan of teaching calculus through kinematics, for instance when I learned calculus the derivative was derived by talking about the motion of a train. It makes sense to teach it this way as well considering Newton created the derivative in order to solve certain mechanics problems.
  19. klaynos how do you get by in courses like linear algebra? I never used my calculator until I hit linear algebra, now I'm glad I laid down the extra cash, otherwise I would have to quit studying math as it's far to time consuming to work by hand. for reference, I'm talking about calculating determinants and inverses. It probably shaves off a good 3-4 hours from my homework assignments
  20. your proposal doesn't work. the water will not be pushed out the top with enough energy to come back in (over time, it might happen at the start) ideally (no friction present etc) the device could spin forever, but the moment you start taking energy out it will begin to slow. ie. it just stores energy, very poorly at that.
  21. they also consult with people on every episode to make sure everythings done right (although they do scew up sometimes)
  22. mokele i'm suprised that you would use evolution as absolute evidence for this. If the mutation that allowed the use of psychic powers came attached to something that imited your lifespan to lets say 5 years, or made it near impossible to have children then the mutation would be very very uncommon. similar to that genetic ailment that makes bruises turn into bone (forgot what its called) Spirtini you mentioned that you were 16 so I'm assuming your conducting these experiments with a highschool teacher, highschool science teachers cannot be relied upon for everything. fr instance I doubt that your science teacher has any experience with a guiger counter (no offense neither did mine ) so I wouldn't expect to get perfect results with that. Also this is where mokeles points about biological mechanisms come into play. NOTHING in the body could generate ionizing radiation. (escepting the ingestion of a radioactive isotope, in which case you should immediatly go to the doctor). furthermore ionizing radiation in anything short of the quantities that would incinerate the person holding the guiger counter will not exert a measurable force on the macroscopic scale. So why are you looking at it as a possible source? could it be that nuclear radiation sounds cool, extreme, and fantastic? something that would be far more interesting to obsere would be the microwave band and lower. but again the amount required to move almost anything would be enough to light something on fire. (although maybe it could move an empty can) look up crookes radiometer. I think its also very important for you to look up some basic physics. So that you know something about what a force is and what energy is. because on all of your posts where you referenced these things I found errors.
  23. that page also linked to a google talks video, I think its just some scifi writer's blog.
  24. actually the energy is power is proportional to the square root of the tension. the full formula for power is, 1/2 u v w^2 A^2 where u is the linear density, and w is the angular frequency v is the velocity of the we and is equal to the square root of tension/ linear density. and it is possible to make the tensions exactly equal, for instance if they all meet at 120 degrees. For the Y setup I'd buy that the amplitude of the wave that procedes down the third string is equal to the original two waves, and half the power travels back up the two strings, or that the two waves hit the center point and create a thrid wave that has root 2 the amplitude of each component wave. however for an instance where you have to electromagnetic waves that interfere constructively, what hapens then? note the formula for the power of an electromagnetic wave is E^2/c
  25. you can't... first try subbing in v-x for all of the y's and plug in the derivative v-x= y EDIT: woops, you already did that. are you familiar with integrating factors and exact equations? or actaully it looks like if you sub in for y again at the end you'll get an answer.
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