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Everything posted by CPL.Luke
what math ar you in if your in calc you could play with this one. your on a baseball diamond, a runner runs from first to 3rd base, at what rate does the distance between the pitcher and the runner change?
^wrong forum dude but as for the paper, it appears to be bunk, I'll be honest I didn't read through the whol thing, but skimmin through I saw little to no math, improper paragraph formatting, and all the other signs of bunk research.
I always believed that thatfraze originated in an old john wayne movie where his horse was named nellie and at one point when he wanted the horse to stop he said woah nellie. Also its interestigthat there doesn't seem to be anybody on the flipside of this issue in this thread. maybe that demonstrates the way most people feel about this issue, out of curiosity is anybody here in a minority group?
Pangloss I'd also like to mention that while I don't believe that the Iranian suicide sqauds would be good for anything other than forming giant bullseyes for American or other western nations planes. Most middle eastern nations lack a significant air force (or one thats coordinated enough to handle a massive attack such as the Iranians could launch. and in my oppinion the US will try not to involve itself in the affairs of a nuclear armed country. unless were just providing the air support...
the fuel flow inside of the rocket can be ignored as the momentum exchange will simply cancel out, the only thing that matters is the momentum being carried away by the fuel exiting the rocket, and the rocket. also I've seen that application of the chain rule reffered to as the rocket equation for reasons that it allows for very intricate applicattions for thrust functions. also if you note the rocket equation in the wikipedia article appears to merely be the solution of the differential equation I posted.
go to google maps and scan around the groom lake area for a little while, you'll find a rather large runway and a large set of hangers and maybe even a couple planes sitting around.
the rule that the longer an internet discussion goes on the more likely it is that someone will reference the nazi party
well there is a rocket equation, namely dp/dt=m dv/dt +dm/dt v however it gets really interesting when you try to figure out how the quantities of mass being ejected out the back create the force that the rocket feels. Or how a person in the rocket feels a constant force but with respect to any given frame he is not acceleerating linearly. I've always wondered how you would formulate a proper coordinate transformation to take the force percieved by the man in the rocket too the force observed by a person in anouther frame.
maybe it was a translation, that add should have worked in spanish or english
the final budgeting of ITER has been agreed upon and the construction of the complex is set to begin within the next couple years. Any thoughts?
well I remember that during the election cnn commented that while US forces weren't directly present at the polling stations, they were within 10 minutes of them all.
^now that sounds like the seeding of austria and parts of czechslavakia to germany in the 1930's and oh yes I just did invoe george's rule
also at least in the physics forums some of the best debate gets started by people who mistakingly believe themselves to be experts. For instance there was a thread on ion rockets not long back, where someone who knew nothing about rockets started posting from the standpoint of expertise. I posted what atual works on a rocket (without saying anything about the original poster) and me and him debated for a while, and in the end he raised some interesting points which made me re-evaluate my knowledge of rockets. I got swansont to come in, and then we ended up deriving the rocket equations in that thread. in my 1000 posts here that would have to be my favorite thread, just because it turned into a very informative thread on rocketry, and it started from the "idiocy" that eveyone's critocizing. we need a couple "idiots" around to make us want to debate, in one of my first threads here I tried to disprove potential energy, I failed miserably but nobody ever said that I was an idiot, and some members spent alot of time with it. Now I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum trying to educate people in the illogical(ness) of their oppinions on science. but the key is that you shouldn't call them an idiot. Eventually they'll come around or leave, if they come around we have anouther valued member, if they don't then they leave and who cares. It's hard to count the number of people who got banned for challenging relativity and other such things, even though they were polite about it and always made new threads to discuss their ideas without hijacking other threads.
well the Iraqi police force has proven to be a disaster, essentially acting as death squads and continuing the sectarian violence. Hence why US troops are heading back into baghdad soon (did it already happen?) and I remember that there was a bit of controversy over some of the resistance groups not being allowed to participate in the election. (for fears of what happened in the palastinian election happening in the Iraqi election)
but we didn't allow the insurgent groups to participate in the election, so they don't feel the need to honor it. and as much as we hate to admit it the resistance movement in Iraq has the upper hand, and they will always have the upperhand there. We could send half a million troops there and they would still have the upper hand. the fact is that it costs next to nothing for them to have someone walk up to an american soldier and blow themselves up costing the US government hundreds of thousands of dollars, and there is no shortage of people willing to do that in Iraq. The resistance movement in Iraq can keep attacks like that going indefinately, and we cannot maintain an occupation there indefinatly. The cost of keeping 150,000 people there is to much for our economy to bear, and in order to stop the current violence they are talking about sending over 300,000 troops over there. We cannot beat the Iraqi insurgents, because they represent an idea, and that idea is that america is bad and should go home, or that they want to be represented more, and you cannot beat ideas. If we go over there and arrest every insurgent, and every Iraqi involved in the resistance then there would be twice the number the next day. So there is only one option in Iraq, negotiate. That may not be politacally acceptable but it is the only working option in this situation. Keep in mind however that the resistance movement in Iraq is very different from groups like black september, these guys are fighting a war, not commitin random acts of violence in order to intimidate their enemy.
I assigned the honest, straight talking and vision aspects from hearing him answer questions yesterday. He not only gave a good seech, but wa more than able to field questions in a thoughtful manner. Keep in mind that this tim he spoke at a conference, not on of the pre-arranged Q&A sessions bush does where everyone in the audience believes that he's the second coming. One of the things I picked up on with him is that he didn't stop at critiscizing the president like most deomcrats do these days, he spoke of actual change, new ideas etc. He also came out with a good albeit somewhat disheartening description of Iraq, the fact that no matter how many soldiers are there we cannot win by force of arms, and we need to look for political solutions there, by going out and talking with the insurgents, we hae some hope of creating a working solution. ignoring them doesn't work(essentially what bush has donefor the past 3 years) the "we don't negotiate with terrorists" line will not work in this case.
well I think its his honesty and speaking ability that sell people on him, IMO thats exactly what this country needs an honest straight talking politician with some vision for the future. and from what I saw last night Obama is that person,
hmm I'm watching obama on c-span righ now, he's giving a speach at the chicago council on global affairs, I'm impressed.
because they think they can. They want a new caliphate and the first step in that would be the absorption of Iraq into Iran. now if Iran were to leave iraq on their own for a period of time, its possible that Iraq could become a power again and giver the Iranians a headache, but if it is absorbed early on then it could directly control the oil and the land mass. as for the suicide squads, you should remember that the Iranians broke the stalemate in the Iran Iraq war, by sending several hundred thousand soldiers at the Iraqi lines in a mass human wave assault. Literallly causing the Iraqi soldiers to flee for fear of running out of ammunition. Thats what prompted the US to provide millions of dollars worth of arms and equipment to the Iraqis, because their was a very real possibility that if Iraq didn't stop the Iranians, they would march clear across the middle east. granted such a force probably doesn't exist on standby, but it doesn't take long to create a force thats only purpose is to charge the enemy lines until they break. And like I said before, if they have nuclear weapons there is no longer any military option, as no country bordering Iran-Iraq would allow UN forces through for fear of nuclear retalliation. and like you said if Iran suddenly controls half of the middle easts oil supplies and have close enough ties with non-US friendly oil producers, then economic sanctions don't work as they can sanction us as well. by controlling such a significant portion of the oil supply they effectively prevent any efffective economic sanction as their counter sanctions would do far more harm to us than it would to them.
I'd highly suggest the 89, its lightyears ahead of the 83 in terms of ease of use, and capabilities. well worth the extra 30 bucks
I also just double checke, it is the figure for the past day. you can also see this pattern in the subforums, the only forum with any real activity right now is the politics forum.
we've never really had this problem during the school months before, in fact i'd argue that the school months should benefit the forum because of students spending more time thinking about science. and considering that this trend started in april that doesn't seem to have been a major contributor.
hmm seems that the trend of inactivity on this forum is gettin worse, I just checked the number of posts made in the past day and it was an abismal 38. thats a far cry from where it was in april at 400 posts per day.
yes ut by the time they invade they may already have nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them. How would a peacekeeping force get to Iran if the Iranians have everyone around them under threat of nuclear war? keep in mind we need permission to fly over pakistan and other such nations. And Iran has already demonstrated that they are willing to sacrifice en mas human wave attacks.
does anyone else think that there may be an Iranian invasion of Iraq following a US withdrawal? I say this because of the long standing gruge between the two countries, and with the US gone There wouldn't be any major opposition to an Iranian invasion. There is also a fairly large contingent of shia muslims in Iraq tht practically demand a theocracy and ouldn't mind at all if the Iranians gave it to them. EDIT: sorry for the poor grammar and spelling, th keyboard i'm on sticks alot.