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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. if your in the US and going into college level mathmatics, I would highly highly recommend going for the 89, because it has the ability to easily do matrix operations and other vector operations (not to mention regular algebra and calculus)
  2. there was a good article in scientific american that talked about how nuclear is going to come back (august 2006 issue) because of newer technologies allowing for less waste to be produced and other economic factors pushing up the price of coal and oil. so maybe in a decade we'll have nuclear plants
  3. my point was that the risk of pregnancy remains the same between the teenage and adult years, as long as the same contraceptive measures are in place. When contraceptives are available and there is a solid educational backing for their use, then there is no reason to think that teenagers having sex is irresponsible in and of itself.
  4. its competeing with physics textbooks and physics popularizations, if you scroll down you'll find the elegant universe and other such books. I wonder where it is on the the big list of best sellers.
  5. granted but now your in jail for sex crimes I wish I had seen every movie ever made
  6. essentially any device that outputs energy in some form can be used to make electricity and be plugged into the power grid. if it truly generates energy without any need of fuel then it would probably produce energy more cheaply than nuclear and maybe even coal, and thus would easily gain a strong hold in the energy market. The economics in the energy industry boil down to the price per kilowatt-hour, and if your product produces energy for less money than the currently available means it will catch on in a big way (just think you would be selling energy for the same amount as everybody else, but you would be making it for half the money, economics don't get much better than that) The only thing that could commercially hurt it would be that it may produce only very small amounts of power, but even then the ability to produce power without need of input energy would result in a huge number of towns and cities wanting at least part of their power to be generated in that way.
  7. I don't think that the risk of pregnancy reduces dramatically for unprotected sex between the teen years and early 20's. It would seem far more likely to me that adults are just more likely to practice safe sex, possibly have fewer partners.
  8. I would imagine that you could recapture some of the steam thats leaving the back end of the car after the burning process and run that over the boron again, I don't think this sort of fuel cycle could work as the boron water reaction is really supplying the energy to the system, not the burning of the hydrogen and oxygen.
  9. are you in the UK or the US? I ask because the definition of college is very different between the two countries. basicly college starts when your 18 in the US and from my understanding starts when your 16 in the UK If your in the US and going to college your probably going to take calculus and a few other such courses, in which case you'll want a TI-89 or higher if your in the UK then from my understanding you'd be finishing up your pre-calculus courses and maybe some calculus, in which case you'll want something like a TI-83+ or higher.
  10. ^also if your machine is indeed above unity, when fricition isn't taken into account, then you have something significant. A friction error can only explain away devices that are at Unity.
  11. there are a few companies trying to do what is outlined above, I met someone who is now going to MIT at the connecticut state science fair who did experiments related to self production of hydrogen for use in internal combustion engines. The general idea is that you convert a car to run on either hydrogen or gas (apparently its not that difficult to do) then sell them the means to produce hydrogen on their own. eventually a larger infrastructure will take hold because there would already be an established market for the hydrogen. personally I'd go for a ~$500 kit that would produce enough hydrogen everyday to cover half of my driving.
  12. wierd I wasn't aware that you could bond two hydrogen's and an oxygen together in more than one way, because there is only 1 valence electron with which the hydrogen atoms can bond they can't bond to eachother while including the oxygen. EDIT: I just looked it up, HHO is a blend of hydrogen gas and oxygen according to wikipedia
  13. granted, but you flew to close to the sun and your wings melted. I wish I had a top notch 4 year education now. (just starting school)
  14. what makes you say that having sex when your a teen is irresponsible? or that the risk of pregnancy is somehow reduced when your outside of your teenage years?
  15. I'm pretty sure that the US navy is capable of firing cruise missles to virtually any location on earth at this present moment. In other words, the ships are already there
  16. you can't make stealth ICBM's, as they re-enter the atmosphere they make tons of plasma wich will show up on radar. I don't think so since they're both ballistic missiles, besides I don't believe that most countries have a sophisticated enough early warning system to know that an ICBM was coming
  17. their talking about replacing the warhead with a conventional one, ie non-WMD it seems likee a good idea, modern ICBM's are quite easilly targeted to within a few meters of the target, and are practically impossible to stop.
  18. [oppinion] I've heard that argument made about condoms in that it can be embarassing to walk into a convenience store and grab a pack of condoms. However if your not mature enough to buy something that essential on your own, because your worried about what the person at the counter would say. Then your not ready to have sex.
  19. it really is silly to suggest that such a basic instinct can be subdued merely by with holding contraceptives. People have sex, and if there are no contraceptives present they will still have sex. I am still in the teenage age group and I don't konw of anyone who has sex on a first date. besides I could point out a number of studies which have shown that graduating high school seniors rarely have had more than 2 sexual partners. (and who could call that promiscuous)
  20. not to mention that its hard enough to find a test site for a 50 megaton bomb let alone a 100MT bomb
  21. umk why not post it
  22. the largest man made explosion in history was the tsar bomba (great bomb) in 1951, it detonated with the equivalent of 47-57 megatons of tnt, used the equivalent of 1% the total power output of the sun, and could produce third degree burns over 100 km away. It was also the cleanest nuclear weapon megaton for megaton to ever be detonated. The bomb design was severely handicapped as its second stage wasn't included in the production version, if the second stage had been included the bomb would have had a yield of 100+ megatons.
  23. I think we really should just go with it and say their could be a few dozen planets in our solar system, we could just call the 8 "inner" planets the core planets. and omit the rest from general knowledge requirements the current definition just seems too skeevy in the scientific sense.
  24. I'm planning on going to rutgers for at least one semester because I get instate tuition and they allow me to transfer there with only one semester of community college. I'm hoping to only be there for one semester so that I can transfer out to a better school, but if it turns out to be a decent department at rutgers than I might stay abit longer. Thats why I'm looking to here some other oppinions on it.
  25. hmm... does it involve radiation?
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