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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. the tourists give their money to the russian space agency Basicly russia bought a certain number of seats on the ISS, if they have a seat for a specific date and no reason to send a cosmonaut up they will sell the seat to a tourist. NASA doesn't do tourism.
  2. alright, most scientists can build a cathode ray tube, all it is is a highvoltage source and and an evacuated tube. it took us so long to invent tv because the physics for a cathode ray tube didn't really exist until the 1860s, then you have the question of why would you want to build such an apperatus? without an express purpose to its construction it takes a long time for someone even to think of building one. I believe this happened some time in 1880. then it took until the 1930s for someone to think that "hey if I bombard a screen with electrons, I get light, if I move the beem around on the screen fast enough and vary its intensity, I can make a picture". however for someone with a bit of physics education living now the process of making a tv is relativly simple. and yes phosphorous is an element and does occur in nature (although maybe not in pure form, go check with a chemist) although most metals can do the job if applied right. the only real technical difficulty in makeing a real tv is making the beam move back and forth across the screen at the appropriate speed and varying its intensity appropriatly in order to produce a picture. this could be done by anyone knowledgable in maxwells equations and (I believe) high school electronics. the picture tube was invented by a 14 year old after all. since most physics students have had both of these, most physics students should be able to design a picture tube. (in some period of time)
  3. hmm I suppose I am just ignorant of what its hook is.
  4. it could be that prior to 24/7 news broadcasting they also tried to avoid blinking, like blinking while they were at a commercial, or while someone else was talking etc. ^maybe cansouth you could also submit yoru findings to the police as well, but beware that the hacker may control them through his uber l337 haxxor powers as well.
  5. hmm am I the only one who finds laser cooling to be a very boring field, no offense intended, I don't know to much about it so maybe I'm just talking out of ignorance and there is something incredibly fascinating in it.
  6. with solar water wind etc. etc. you aren't getting something for nothing. with wind you are getting the energy from the kinetic energy of the wind, it hits the fan causes it to spin and then the fan powers the generator, the wind that is directly behind the blade moves slower than the wind that hit the blade. water, same principle solar, getting energy from the sun the rest, still getting energy from somewhere Edit aftewr reading your second post, the reason the car would burn more gas is because it takes the same amount of energy to fall as it does to clie back up to the top of the roadway again. so there is no net gain of energy, and the system is far less efficient than just building a large powerplant that burns gas for the express purpose of producing electricity. as for the other idea of a bus being powered by people, people would need to eat more food to compensate for the amount of energy there using daily. Since it takes more energy to grow food (I will admit I don't have a statistic for this just seems logical) than to drill for oil and refine it, the total effect is a decrease in the energy efficiency of our society. as a side note, it takes gasoline to distribute the food and such, so I believe with good reason it is more efficient to just use gasoline. I think you need to study newtonian mechanics a little bit, and especially conservation of energy. You cannot get an output for no input.
  7. that would make all of the cars burn more gas, because they are powering the generator. You can't get something for nothing.
  8. the atmosphere wouldn't freeze over, because the current atmosphere doesn't freeze over, which means the earth recieves enough energy from the sun to prevent this.
  9. the thing thatt irks me about this law is that you know that within the next two months your going to see a case where someone shoots anouther person over some drug deal or some such, and "percieved a threat" from the other person haveing a gun or some such, and getting off
  10. anouther thing is that personally whenever I see a website asking for money that I haven't been a part of for a while, I don't go there anymore.
  11. no, SFN's beuty is in the fact that there are no subscriptions, anybody can come here and post as a full and equal member of the community. the ads aren't that bad.
  12. dogfights don't happen anymore, the planes fly far to fast to be effectively shot at by a machine gun (some planes aren't even equippeded with one anymore), and missiles all have ranges of over 10-20 miles, I think some radar guided missiles can be launched from up to 65 miles away.
  13. keep in mind that most of ths stuff is visual, so it would be exceedingly difficult for someone to teach you calculus online without you also haveing a calculus book to look at.
  14. sorry I thought that you were trying to say that the universe really is finite, hence why I said the "border to space that your seeking would be the edge of the hubble volume. the idea that the universe is finite is something that has been propagated by laymen because of the whole "the universe is expanding" thing (which it is, its just that each section is expanding ie. 1 cubic lightyear over the course of a few million years will become 2 or 3 cubic lightyears (have no idea on the math of it)), the universe is infinite. if you need a reference there was a special issue of scientific american that came out just a few months ago with an article about it.
  15. buzsaw thats just it, they don't believe that that is the border, besides the fact that that border expands by about 1 ly every year, there is no evidence to show that the universe ends there. so it is logical to think that the universe goes on after 13.6 billion years the idea that the universe is infinite is the mainstream viewpoint of the scientific community.
  16. if you wrote a paper that dealt with "science" and used examples from the bible then I hope it was for a philosophy course. thatoneidea if you can tell me why time dilation works according to SR (mathmatical description) then I will believe that your work might (might) have some scientific merit. You guys really just need to realise that in the end the bible can't bew used as any resource (or example) of how the natural world works, if you choose to believe that god told the writers of it about the universe thats fine, but accept that a carpenter in jerusalem would not be able to understand quantum mechanics, so maybe god dumbed it down for him, maybe he just couldn't understand what god had told him and then wrote down what he believed to be the gist of it. Who knows? but in the end the bible cannot be applied to the natural world.
  17. I think he might be joking look at the smilie
  18. buzsaw the "border" to space that your seeking would be the edge of the hubble volume, this is something like 13.6 billion years away, and is the greatest distance that we are capable of viewing with a telescope on earth. however if you were located at the edge of our hubble volume, you would define an equivalent hubble volume with the earth on one of its edges. all experiments point to the universe as being flat, if this is true there can be no bound to space as how could you have a border to space? you could easily cross the border and then what would you be in? the distance between objects continues to expand, this does not conflict with an infinite universe, as infinity+1=...
  19. the fundamental problem with current space exploration is just that, its for exploation. we need to develop technologies that would make it economical for corporations to start mining asteroids and such for resources. otherwise space travel will always remain a pipe dream. when the conquistadors did their exploration it was to find gold, and when that didn't work out there were thousands of europeans who wanted out of europe, and there were shipyards to construct ships for them to get out on. As a necessary consequence these people had to trade with europe in order to get gunpowder and other such essentials, the government would not provide these things free of charge. Our problem is that we talk about permanent moon and or mars habitation as being entirely dependant on earth continuing to supply the bases with supplies for scientific work. We need to think about how these bases and space stations can trade with earth equally. A moon base would require water in order to survive, however it could theoretically supply earth with minerals (although an asteroid would be far better at this). this is the kind of thinking we need in our space programs.
  20. lets see, I have a cousin who died from it, take a look at the avatar for anouther death related to it... not to mention the hiv that it spreads (even to the non-heroine abusing population I would have to agree with you on the weed bit, even as a person who has never partaken I would say that there is no reason weed should be illegal while alcohol is. However drugs like heroine and cocaine usually do require medical intervention to break the addiction, and should be kept outlawed. In my oppinion any substance that is addictive should not be sold by a company as a commercial product. As it allows the company to physically force you to buy their product. Yes I do have a problem with cigarrette companies, but I would have a far larger problem with a company that was alowed to sell heroine or anouther drug such as that, that is so addictive that a person must be hospitalized in order to get clean.
  21. http://www.math.gatech.edu/~cain/notes/calculus.html seems to be a good online textbook for multibvariable, just wondering if its missing coverage on anything.
  22. heroine has that stigma for a reason....
  23. can't we block your ip yet?
  24. also they can't really call in sick at all, its possib le that alot of them are sick.
  25. He Knows! abort!
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