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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. I understand fine, its just that your misaplying special relativity. assuming your clock is sitting stationary WRT the earth then there is no time dilation between it and the earth, therefore the earth would not read from the light (because thats all we have to know that the clock is there) that there was time dilation ie. that the clock was running at 1/7th (or whatever time dilation you want, the equation doesn't work for a velocity of c anyway) the rate at which clocks run on the earth. so, light can not be dilated, it merely carries information from 1 point to anouther. If your idea is different then this, then, if it does work, you would have to build it up off of a different maxwell's equations, as your idea is not part of special relativity and by extension does not mesh directly with maxwell's equations. In other words, you would have to find some fundamental innacurracy or missing term in said equations in order for your idea to work.
  2. the laws of physics don't cover objects moving faster than the speed of light. To our knowledge they don't exist. electromagnetic radiation travels at c because thats the way our universe works, the constants are what they are and they lead to light traveling at c. I think where your getting confused is that your trying to apply the equations of special relativity to light (time dilation, length contraction ec.) this is pretty meaningless because of two reasons, a: special relativity does not apply to objects travelling at or above c, b: even if they did it would still be meaningless as the speed of light is the same for all observers, and is thus lorentz invariant.
  3. rita is a cat 5 now with winds of 165. It is the third largest hurricane on record
  4. isn't that what the magazines purpose is?
  5. I think most college physics proffessors know how to build a tv (its just a cathode ray tube, a device that can have a varying magnetic field on a ring (tons of different circuits can do this), and a phosphorous screen) the only difficult part about it is programming it and making the circuit board. I know that and I'm a junior in highschool.
  6. didn't lorentz create the lorentz contraction just to try and make the ether work? I remember being told that he created the lorentz contraction in order to say that the wavelength of the light had been compressed just enough in the direction of the earths motion (michelson morley) in order to make it impossible to measure the velocity of the ether. He reportedly had commented on it that it was a rather ad hoc fix in order to maintain the idea of the ether.
  7. the energia rocket russia built could do a bit more. the shuttle does 60 launching two rockets that can do 50 is probably more expensive, everything would need to be built in space as well (very expensive and difficult). The modular construction would probably hinder structural integrity as well. and finally if you want to launch a 125 tonne space craft you better build a 125 tonne rocket.
  8. so is any civilization that hasn't been around for thousands of years. from what I've heard of them they had a decent idea of the solar system, but alot of ancient peoples had this. Who knows how accurate it was though? don't believe anything your art teacher tells you about history unrelated to art.
  9. that experiment just reshaped the light pulse so that the leading edge of the wave became the peak. Its called anomalous dispersion I believe.
  10. the people who work with antimatter only are capable of creating and using a few dozen atoms.
  11. yes we do know, its through the weak interaction mediated by the W and Z bosons, severian could do a much better job explaining it than I could, but YOU could also just pop over to wikipedia and read the relevant article on the weak interaction and radioactive decay. as for time, your idea of it is not quite accurate. Time is just a dimension in which we measure the intervals between events, when a muon is moving far slower relative to us (they are created in particle accelerators all the time) the time of decay (in our reference frame) is lower. if you want more proof of time dilation look at the GPS system. The computers aboard those sattelites have to compensate for time dilation in order to give the user an accurate reading. If they did not do this your GPS reciever would alter your position by 10km every day.
  12. the meaning of grok not be found in thesaurus is. only from waiting there is.
  13. radioactive decay occurs because of the weak nuclear force. When particles decay they averagely do it in a certain period of time (its somewhat based on a probability), the probability that a muon would last long enough to reach the surface of the earth is so low that it would be impossible to see them in the numbers that we do (sattelites have measured the amount of radiation that hits the atmosphere). The reason why the particles do in fact reach us is because there extreme velocity relative to us causes there time to be dilated according to special relativity, so from the particles perspective very little time has ellapsed between its entering the atmosphere and it hitting the ground.
  14. my personal plan is to use my main desktop for most things (the one I have now) and buy one of those tablet pc's for mobil work
  15. CPL.Luke


    inbreeding, why does it cause deformities?
  16. if it did do that it would still reflect less radiation back to the electron than the electron emited.
  17. swansont, last time I read anything on QM (it was a real text book) it taled extensively about the uncertainty relationship. How could you ssay an electron has 0 angular momentum without saying that it could be anywhere in the universe?
  18. I think the history of this thread shows that all who have posted that nonsense have been banned :/ please look at the things they did before posting if your not just anouther bot that the universe has to come an post here mods should check to see if da world is the same as the universe.
  19. proof of one, derive the basics of pulsoid theory right heere, or photocopy one of the many odcuments you claim to possess into here. One of the problems with your website is you present a few dozen threads without any order as to which one comes first in understanding pulsoid theory.
  20. reyam I would advise you and everyone around to take a look at the evolution side of things first, as it gives you a far better idea of what evolution is and is not (a mistake made by many creationists, who practicly try to tear down all of science) also if you really want to see how impossible the creationist argument is, look into molecular biology, most of that stuff isn't even called evolution but thats what alot of it describes in some way or anouther. This will all act to show you how molecular biology is tied directly into evolution even though they aren't the same thing. the two are both proven facts and are shown to be true in labs every day (to the extent that asking the question "is evolution real?" is like asking "do atoms exist?" since you are in highschool just read the sections of your bio textbook on molecular biology, (you can get one from the science department or in the library if your not in bio) after reading this stuff (should only take an hour or two to skim over the relevant chapters) you can then go and read the stuff on creationism, you will then see how impossible all of the arguments they give are. That all being said I do in fact believe in god just not in an organised religion. THe two are not conflicting, I believe that god created the universe and all the relevant perameters and all and then let us have it. (by perameters I mean the fundamental laws of physics at the big bang).
  21. also, if you take the speed of light and or gravity to be infinity, then you don't have to worry about the motion of the packets, as they don't really move just appear at the end of there journey
  22. proof of one, your asking questions about what pulsoid theory is in no way shows that your point is right.
  23. CPL.Luke


    can't blame them, they don't think that your doing this for a joke, they assume its something they don't see everyday, and if you just ask people off the street they don't want to think about it to much. if you asked people in chemistry class what dihydrogen monoxide is I'm sure everyone would be able to tell yoyu, if you asked most people what it is they would say h2o, but if you tell them that its the source of all these problems they won't automaticly try and convert it to the molecular formula. not ignorance, just lazyness.
  24. he's wearing blue jeans and a red and white striped shirt and hat right? you also forgot the picture....
  25. those projects are all based off of things other than pulsoid theory, you will find that not a single proposal submitted will reference pulsoid theory as something that it is trying to test. also I think you believe that the views statistic is the number of people who have looked at a page, this is not true it is in fact the number of times people have accessed this page, since I have accessed it probably at least ten times today (just that much of a looser) you can knock that many views off of it, you could also knock the 20-30 times I've viewed it in the past. I'm sure that you and the rest of the people who have posted here have viewed the thread a great many times (at least twice for each post that they made in the thread). and lets see considering that there are 96 posts in the thread that means that there have been at least 192 views from people just posting, now take into account the fact that a person could have hit refresh while viewing the thread before posting adding 1 to the view count, take into account that not all of the people who posted here made a post every time they viewed the thread, you find that a large number of views is to be expected for a thread with 92 posts in it. There are no people silently reading this thread who actually believe your idea, (also why would they not have posted if they agreed with your logic?) also does the system add a view if you go to a different page within the same thread? I would imagine yes but could not speak to this as a fact. EDIT: ah post number 666 (on my count) the time has come where I shall rise as the anti-christ that I am, do not be suprised if the world is over when you awake.
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