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Everything posted by CPL.Luke
sunscreen won't block out the x-rays and gamma-rays and various oter particles that strike you every day. beside the statistacal probability that you would get cancer from the background radiation is so low that you shouldn't think about it.
although it may be out of my ignorance it appears that the incompleteness theorem is about recursive functions, not anything to do with SR. of course, thats why its called special relativity general relativity includes acelerating bodies but I am wholly unfamiliar with the mathmatics of it.
this has been discussed before, I think though that from the responsein the previous threads it appears taht most americans believe that overall the response was adequate under the situation. One thing most people in other counries don't understand I believe is that there was only 48 hours warning and over a million people to be evacuated (judging by the numbers of those who have been semipermanently displaced), also a hurricane is about 500 miles wide (at largest (what was katina's diameter?)), so by organizing large scaleevacuation messures and mobilizing troops into that area beforehand you can severely limit your ability to cope with the disaster afterwards.
you are stopped right now, you are never moving unless you are accelerating (in which case SR can't be applied) therefore in a nutshell you could never go faster than light (your speed doesn't just stop like you said) now more to this nothing can get away from you at a speed greater than c, this is caused by the mathmatics of SR and is readily viewable in reality. (it doesn't just stop, it never reaches it)
1 interesting thing that coul happen (although very unlikely) would be for a number of standing senators and such toform a new party just to try and distance themselves from the current two parties stance. They would probably do very well in the next two elections if they did that.
yes the idea just struck them, because they thought of something in an odd way, a scientist crushed an orange and though of the abom etc. The scientific method dictates taht science has to be practical, doing anything else wouldn't be science.
normally the water goes away, this is the one unique situation where the water stays (because of the geographical location of new orleans) also the army core of engineers has a plan to get the water out, they are going to seel the levi on one side and blow out the levi on the other, apparently the other side is lower than the side thats flooded now, so by blowing the other levi the water should poor out over the next couple of days. on a related note, convoys of soldiers and supplies have reached the convention center through the use of amphibious vehicles. also there is a line of several hundred busses entering the stadium to remove the people from that area.
they had 48 hours warning, moving people into the city then would have been very unfortunate, as you put more people at risk from the storm.
hey the UK has never had to deal with a disaster that displaced over a million people. I wonder if they ever had to deal with a disaster on this scale?
because if he's down there helping with search and rescue he's not running the country! going down and walking around in waders and such is more of a campaign move than anything else, and he doesn't have to worry about that anymore. Part of the problem in this country is that every ellected official try's to make themselves look good for the next election rather than doing their job. -The police have only gotten this desperate in the past 2 days. The order for 40,000 soldiers went through yesterday, they were deployed as a response. mind you that the 40,000 is going to be distributed throughout the affected region in order to provide aid to the entire population of the state. (new orleans took a lighter blow than some of the other areas in the state) FEMA is the one running the shelters. and the search and rescue
lets see... 48 hours warning, give 24 hours to organize and aquire the busses, then 12 hours or less to get people out of the city. conclusion.... not enough time as for the US trying to use the army to control civic issues in iraq, thats different there is no other force large enough to control the area otherwise. So far nothing has been said about there being a shortage of force to go into New Orleans because of iraq. So I would venture to say that it isn't effecting it. In fact there have been statements that say that the Iraq war has had no effect on the response to the hurricane. There have also been hurricanes and floods in the south eastern United States for centuries, and it usually just takes the local authorities with a little helping hand from the national guard, the problem thats makeing them send in 40,000 troops now is that they need to maintain order because looting and the like has gotten so bad that the police can only "hold the station"
as I said on irc, the army is rarely deployed to control civic disturbances in the US for a large number of reasons, beginning with the constitution and ending with training. The national guard has been in new orleans since the day after the hurricane. since it has become clear that it will take a fairly large force to control the city 40,000 guardsmen and a few military police are moving into missisipi and louisana. several hundred have already been airlifted into the city.
as swansont said, this contradicts your belief that you understand relativity
what if your computer had crashed?
-thinking ahead of time is not viewing the future -can't know everything about a particle woot for heisenburg -reaching C is impossible, because of strict theoretical limits. unless you want to create a theory that takes into account situations where you can move at the speed of light, its pointless to talk about what would happen at that speed
I was speaking specifically about american domestic sources of oil, I suppose I should have said america instead of we woops. I was trying to say that america does not have enough domestic oil reserves to become self-sufficient. (not to say america doesn't have enough coal to become self-sufficient, which isn't exactly a good option though)
people were very much interested in space back then (mostly because of em). Einstein created SR by deriveing SR from maxwells equations, and by his doing this solved a very difficult problem in physics (the absence of the aether). It also took special relativity about 7 years to be accepted (alot of scientists did not like the idea). it also has since been proven correct by hundreds of observations The main difference between pseudo-science and science is tht scientists use existing work to build their ideas.
yeah but now they're starting to be used in cars. Previously they were only used in rockets and the like.
that dot started out as an infinite expanse of space. its just that through expansion one side of the universe expanded away from the other faster than c, this means that we simply can't see beyond 13.6 light years (even though it does exist)
proper historical inquery would be based on primary sources, (things written at the time) like has been said in the past. Howerver in this discussion I wouldn't necessarilly trust any of our interpretations to be correct. but anyway... as to what was said before about Americans revolting because of slave laws, that would be highly incorrect. The south (primary users of slavery) was originally highly against revolution, I can back this up with accounts from the continental congress (the southern representatives were more opposed to revolution). It should also be noted that almost all of the actions that led to the revolution occured in the north. Also, it should be noted that the revolution started in 1775 (this was when george washington started leading an army and fighting the british)
but then wouldn't you get a gap such as, I would make more money making 36k than if I maid 40k, its sounds like this tax would just prevent the poor from advancing rather than giving them more benefits. In other words it sounds like this tax would in fact help to create the lower working class that it seeks to aid.
kirby, I was reffering to the fact that in the 50's-70's it was possible to completely design your own circuit board, and build it. Today you can buy all sorts of stuff to slap into your computer (I've done some heavy modifications to mine...overclocking...mmm) you can no longer build a motherboard that could support the most cutting edge chips, the fabrication processes required are far to difficult to pull off yourself. also 500 dc isn't that bad, it all depends on the total number of watts outputed through the circuit, a tesla coil while discharging can run up several thousand volts, but at such a low current as to make it harmless. Consider for instance that a car battery if coupled with a suitable resistor (as it is in a car circuit) outputs 256 amps at 12 volts, this is enough to cause problems. I would highly doubt that a hybrid vehicle raises the risk to a mechanic working is all that much. I wouldn't say technology makes things easier to repair, its alot easier to repair a bow and arrow or a carriage than it is a car. Or for that matter an IC which is impossible to repair. Technology necessitates an increasing difficulty in the ability to repair things not the other way around. And as for the cheaper bit, there are technologies that reduce the cost of already existing technologies, and there are technologies that add functionality. Hybrid cars do a bit of both in many ways, it increases the ability for the car to produce fewer emitions while it increases the unit cost, yet it also reduces the cost of operation. COmputers improved functionality, it wasn't until later that new technologies reduced the cost of computers.
it does require electrons to do all those things, and they are all limited by physical limits. furthermore what you are describing are psychological phenomena, and don't have any bearing on the universe.