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Everything posted by CPL.Luke
it also takes a long time to evacuate a city with over 10000 people on it, the police also have to shut down the roads at a certain point as to prevent a large number of people from being stuck in gridlock trying to get away somewhere when the hurricane hits
The christian/jewish god is not exactly a loving and caring god in the bible -sodom and gamorra -the flood -expulsion from eden couple more but I'd have to dig out the bible to make sure I had the facts straight on those.
why does the E field remember to get weaker at the rate of 1/r^2 ?
you said take it from iraq... how do you think were giong to do that?
eh I wouldn't go as far as to say that, a third party in the US usually has the effect of diminsishing the effectiveness of one of the parties and in effect, making one of the three parties a majority interest even though it only has half the senate floor. I personally would be fearful of a democratic system in which 3 or more parties have roughly equal footing, because it allows for the population to be governed by a very small minority. For instance two of the three parties has 33 seats on the senate floor, one party would hve 34 seats, that coupled with the presidency essentially makes the entire populace governed by a 33% minority. democratic systems really can only have 2 parties on equal footing. Also as for kerry, he wasn't that good. I personnally feel that while he was better than bush (although lets face it the dead rabbit in my back yard is better than him ) he was put into the place he was in more because the democratic voters failed to turn out in the primaries and actallly vote on who they wanted rather than just on who they thought could win.
the middle east has the oil , its primarily us and the europeans fault that the situatino is like what it is there now, they didn't mess with the US, and it wasn't the same people who bombed our buildings that have the oil, Osama Binladen's family has oil operations not him. I think you would have to seperate the plant from the fuel first, otherwise it would be like trying to run on peanut butter
I meant that alot of the US wells have since dried up, alot of the oil wells in the texas/nebraska area have gone dry. I meant more US sources of oil
One more peg in the proof of Alien Life?
CPL.Luke replied to darkkazier's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
http://sciam.com/search/index.cfm?Q=parallel+universes&SCC=T&OP=EXACT&M0=8&Y0=2005&PD=DR&M1=1&D1=1&Y1=1993&M2=8&D2=31&Y2=2005&SORT=R&RP=20&QT=A&code=pagefooter&selectedNews=y&sa_offers=y&sa_3rdparty=y those sciam articles describe what I'm talking about specifically this one http://www.sciamdigital.com/browse.cfm?sequencenameCHAR=item2&methodnameCHAR=resource_getitembrowse&interfacenameCHAR=browse.cfm&ISSUEID_CHAR=CA29952C-2B35-221B-6C8F91F472F302EA&ARTICLEID_CHAR=CA31F23A-2B35-221B-6B2E1550FC30AE50&sc=I100322 and this one http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0001572B-C4D4-1E95-8EA5809EC5880000&sc=I100322 -
solar for electric is alot more efficient. It would cost more to have everyone growing and eating their own food then it would to grow it all in a centralised place and sell it. growing more hemp won't decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, with the amount of land already covered by green plants, it doesn't make to much of a difference to bulldoze a section of green plants just to grow more green plants in the same area. Even if we had colonies on the moon they would just be drains on the economy and wouldn't be of any use. We need to wait for there to be an economical reason to have a moon base. I heart hydrogen. oil is dying, let it. and where do you get your numbers for fuel efficiency from. Free market usually rules, if we dont have them now we shouldn't have had them then etc. The only time things get messy is when the government interferes and if you want to grow oil so much, start a company that produces the oil from hemp, or soy, or whatever. If its really as good as you say, you should be able to make money at it. sorry for the bullet notes, Its way to late here to form concice paragraphs. and, grokking the fullness is always a good idea kirby
save up for a trade school, and find a job in another city for said trade. usually the jobs that pull 7.50 an hour are for people who need a bit of money to support themselves until something better comes along. you don't need to become a lawyer or a neurosurgeon to live comfortably. just don't try and make a carreer out of a 7.50 an hour job. its not the hardest thing in the world to aquire a job that you can make 15 an hour at. For instance I've seen jobs at warehouses that pay $10 tax free (under the table). you don't need any special qualifications to work at a warehouse
being a capatalist is nothing to be ashamed about, so far in the history of the world it has proven to be the most effective system ever created. Also if you analyse the price system it ensures that all resources are used in such a way as to produce more resources, I have no idea how you could possibly imitate the success of the price system in this respect.
the universe is infinite, and so there can be nothing "outside" of it. even if there was an "outside" to space, there would be no definition of it so it doesn't exist, and it doesn't take up space. The idea that our universe has to expand into something basicly stipulates that there is some form of coordinate system outside of the universe
we don't have that many sources of oil anymore, and if we were to simply take the oil from iraq or mexico, the oil price would skyrocket from the increased cost of extracting oil from iraq or mexico (terrorism would skyrocket) not to mention america would have an embargo placed on it in a second. This would make your expensive $3 gas tank would go up to $10-15 a gallon, not to mention a halt on most of the imported resources that come into the US. also the price of oil went up when we invaded iraq, not down
also a company that pays each of their workers a maximum so that they aren't really making money won't grow and if a company can't grow than it will just leave more workers unemployed. as for what pangloss said, I agree fully. When it comes to moving it doesn't cost all that much, especially to move into a city where there is a huge amount of work to be had.
the current democratic party has become impotent, all the republicans have to do is use the word liberal and it kills them, the irony is that the republicans are now the liberal party in most instances (especially in foreign policy) while the democrats have become farely conservative on most issues. Also, the democratic party has gotten so obsessed with regaining some semblance of power that most people voted for kerry just because they didn't want bush anymore. The primary system also failed in the 2004 election because the news spent s much time on the iowa caucuses that once kerry won those everyone just fell in behind him, I actually heard one pundit (forgot his name) say "I liked dean alot, but I'm being a good democrat and getting behind kerry" (paraphrased). This thinking essentially got the democratic party to get behind someone they didn't really back (I can't tell you how many times I heard the phrase "he's the lesser of two evils" in relation to kerry), then they all complained about it in the election. If you don't like a candidate take it upon yourself to vote in the primaries. also Bush's tactic of winning the election was just to appeal to faith while not blatantly preaching, this is what has won therepublicans the plain states (50 years ago those were democrat). Furthermore after making the appeal to faith all he does is run off talking points, case and point being his rapid repition of the words "freedom" and "liberty" and "war on terror" etc. these amount to little more than talking points, but in a twenty four hour news cycle the inevitable effect is that the people who we are supposed to turn to for advice and coverage of these events don't have anything to analyze without coming across as blatantly attacking bush. So, these phrases get plastered all over the news without any analysys, and since a large number of people are bent slightly towards bush because of faith, they take them as real incite and use them to argue for why bush is doing a good job. When the democrats try and use this tactic against bush they are left with phrases such as "religion should not be in schools" and while the minority democrats will say that that is a great point, the majority of americans who do heavily believe in the bible (especially in the south and the plain states) it comes across as "god doesn't exist" or "the bible is evil". This coupled with The bush administrations ability to have 3rd party lobbyists create ads that blatantly slander kerry and implant ideas into the general public, such as the infamous gun boat veterans against kerry ad, can turn a candidate who is otherwise really no worse than any other, into a horrible candidate that people are only voting for to get rid of the other guy. The two main factors I see influencing the next election are that people are getting fundamentally tired of hearing talking points, for instance the republicans successfully changed the reason why we went into iraq no less than three times, and the possibility that future democratic candidates (assuming most of the party leaders get booted out) actually sit down and talk about the issues rather than just giving out talking points. Kerry claimed on multiple occasions that he had a plan that would essentially be a miracle cure for the american economy, but never really allowed the votig populace to see it in all its detail. What would truly be effective in a future candidate is just for him to be blatantly honest and use every republican attempt to slander his image to hit them back, ie. responding with a full press conference and explain away any criticism of his in all of the boring detail. Also one thing that I would like to see is the arrival of the british method for questioning the prime minister candidates. I saw a talk blair gave to a crowd that practicly attacked him with questions that did detract from his case. In america all conferences are so heavily screened that you have people litterally standing up just to say what a good job the president is doing.
no they are both correct until one physicly enters the others frame of reference. it doesn't matter if the two could send pictures to each other. take for instance the case of to parellel wires each with an electrical current running through them. now each electron "sees a higher density of positive charge in the other wire because of length contraction, so the two wires are electrically attracted to each other (magnetism) this case is proof that it doesn't matter if I see you doing something differently than you see you doing something, mostly because of length contraction combined with time dilation. a ship traveling to alpha centauri at .8C will see the 4 ly distance as something drastically smaller than that, something on the order of like .4 ly (no calculation performed just saying it will be smaller). and from the ships perspective it traverses this .4 ly distance at .8C this relates to your problem in that when 1 ship observes events at a time t in the other ship, that other ship will think that time t occured at time 2t or some such. disclaimer: I'm to lasy to do the actual calculations for any of this stuff at the moment, so don't bother checking the math, its wrong, all numbers just used to illustrate a point that its a combination of all these relativistic effects that make relativity work.
isn't he permanently banned? thats what it says in his rank. I think camb_exp just posts the creationst argument as a joke, I don't think anyone would actually believe that what that website says is true. also his sig seems like a joke so...
funny how your the only one to have the wisdom to see a contradiction in relativity... I mean all of those poor fools thinking that they understood something that really is wrong, creating over a hundred years of physics theories that are based off of it....so sad... /sarcasm martillo there is a difference between you not understanding relativity and relativity being contradictory, if you intnd on having a career in physics then you should spend your energy on trying to understand why you keep making mistakes rather than trying to show how a proven theory is wrong. now, as for the rest of this thread you should think of it like this, it doesn't matter if I see you aging slow compared to me and you see me aging slow, what does matter is when you go to check either my perspective will hold true or yours will.
they have training courses, my cousin worked in a shop for a couple of years changing tires starting at 18, he's 20 now and just went to a school that trains you in how to maintain bmw's. My sister just got her bartenders license, that took all of 5 days, and the people who certified her find her jobs for the first 3 months so that she could build up a resume to find jobs on her own. she can make $200 in tips alone (per hour) as a bartender in NYC. bartending school cost $800, there are schools that are moderatly affordable for every kind of job
a list of things you could do without a degree, -construction work, the wages for that are around $20 an hour -open your own shop (although this takes money to begin with) -waitering (is that the right word) I know people who make around 200 in as little as an hours work -getting a management position at a shop (can be a bit difficult though) -bartending -auto mechanic -plumber -<insert trade position here> all of these can be quite well paying, or at least enough to do slightly better than get by. Now I'm not saying that you should have to get a degree to get by in life, but if your still flipping burgers when your 30, then I would have to say that you can't blame it on anyone other than yourself. and of course companies are going to make the lives of their workers as miserable as possible, they wouldn't be profitable otherwise, and if you want to get paid a huge amount of money for factory work or some such than your going to quickly find that the company has to close the plant down because its no longer turning a profit. Anybody can get a good trade position and make money at it, the only problem today is that trade jobs have developed a stigma. It used to be that a number of people out of every graduating class just went into positions like this and it was considered very acceptable. Companies must always be exothermic in revenues, part of the problem with communism is that without the price system and the like a number of their production ventures were endothermic and used more resources than they gathered.
were not effected by it, part of the theory states that every reference frame is equivalent. So it doesn't matter if to some other planet were moving at .99 percent of the speed of light.
what exactly makes a chamber resonate with a particular frequency? especially in relation to electromagnetic waves.
14 proofs of young earth by creationist fanatics lol
CPL.Luke replied to cambrian_exp's topic in Other Sciences
sorry just had a problem with the grammar, was evolution in your syllabus as part of a bio course to round off your education or something like that? or was it in the context of trying to demonstrate how evolution could be translated into some buisness practice?