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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. "thow art god" and I was thinking more about the section where the israelites built a big gold cow (or some such) while moses was talking to god.
  2. I honestly never had a problem with the whole observation phenonmena in quantum mechanics, I just see it as the particle interacted with something and the wave function collapsed. as evidenced by the attempt to disrupt it by not recording the observation. now christ slave I believe that you are a real person, now if somehow there is a fancy dimension that you "become" what does this allow you to do, does it allow you to see more than yourself, if so than telll me what is sitting next to my computer (I'll promise to not move anything there). also if this is the case give me specifics like a book title. If your just saying that this "5th" dimention is more of something that allows you to see yourself better, that is just you thinking about yourself, its not a higher dimension if your claiming that it is a higher dimension that allows you to meet god or something like that I would say that you should rephrase that statement to "and I become high" I also recommend this thread gets moved to pseudoscience
  3. hmm isn't there something in the bible about inpersonating a deity... I don't know something about idoletry
  4. ^to all of christ slaves posts. erm...no..... One thing that can be taken as evidence (I guess it could at least) for a homosexual gene is that a study of homosexual men showed that they are aroused by male pheremones as much as straight men are by female ones, maybe this is just because the body recognizes that its haveing intercoarse with males rather han females at this specific point in time. Maybe it shows a gay gene. My personal oppinion on the matter is that its a bit of curiosity for many bisexuals, although I personally have never really been inclined to try, I know a number of people who have been bi for a period of time and then later go back to being straight. I think this can be likened to people trying various drugs and such, half the time its just curiosity. I think in a society where homosexuality was accepted as a normal practice a larger number of people would try it at least once. This would also explain why a large number of women have had at least 1 lesbian experience. Its just curiosity
  5. then come up with some evidence for it.
  6. your joking right. ^agreed.
  7. its because he posted alot of random baseless stuff. So the mods decided to ban him. His last post is not representative of why he was banned
  8. the evidence for an infinit univers is that its flat.... I think whats happening is that you think tht physicists actually believe we are in a 2 dimensional plain. What they mean when they say that the universe is flat is that it doesn't curve back in on itself. I'm not sure how I can really explain this (my fault) but I would suggest you read about GR. If you do that you will probably see what it is were talking about when we say the universe is infinit. so that being said, that picture I showed you was a map of space in all directions, and because the speed of light is not constant you can say that that picture includes all time as well because it shows every possible bit of matter that could effect us and when it would have to be doing something to effect us. for more information on that paragraph go look up light cones. EDIT: by GR I mean general relativity
  9. sure, but they never bothered to actually measure to see if the earth was round. We have measured to see if the universe is flat or not. but, you seem to be convinced your right. This is not any form of debate, its just you stating your oppinion without backing it up.
  10. I forgot have they started fining the family for suicide yet? like they do in japan ps2huang I don't think you understand the issue of euthanasia, the debate over its practice is more for people who know for a fact that they are going to die, and don't want to have to go through the pain that will come before their death. For instance would you want to live sitting in a bed for several months with incurable radiation poisoning (don't know if this happens anymore) and watch your skin peal off and your body dying off around you. or would you just like to end it. euthanasia is not about people wanting to kill themselves. People who really want to do that tend to find a way.
  11. first all threads are public, no one "owns" this thread. This is not a statement forum, you can't just have people respond in support of what your saying relative time is seen I've demonstrated this several times, its a well known fact thatt time dilates, and it is used in dozens of applications. two things, A: the reference never said anything about light clocks. B: if your trying to say that my ascertion that an atomic clock in space will lead (I made a typo and said lag in my previous post) an atomic clock on earth by 38 millionths of 9,192,631,770 periods per day is biased, you have yet to grasp the fact that if it didn't bombs wouldn't land where there supposed to (since they do it can be assumed that the system works). Also if you want to see time dilation for yourself wire up two electromagnets and stick them together and marvel at time dilation. Magnets wouldn't exist if time dilation didn't happen
  12. you do realise that C is constant all the time right? the reason its constant is because time dilates. C never slows or changes, only T a second is an amount of time that over the centuries has taken on a strict definition which follows as: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second now an atomic clock in orbit lags by 38 millionths of this number of oscillations per day.
  13. this is usually true, unless its something like trying to argue a massive conspiracy theory, then people will ask for professional research material
  14. a pilot wouldn't notice anything. GO READ HOW AN ATOMIC CLOCK WORKS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_clock If what your thinking is real these wouldn't work. a light clock is useful for deriving SR nothing more
  15. This thread may have had a better home in the psychological forum, I remember seeing a documentary a while back about peole who have been hit by lightning, A large number of them claimed to get shivers whenever an electrical storm was coming in, it was presented as a fear reaction to lightning storms. Its possible reyam your subconcious (or whatever controls these things) notices an exposed wire or something like that and you get scared (whatever you want to call it) of the wire and "feel" it. never the less if there is anything to what your saying it would be psychological. It took my creating a 4 foot long oscilloscope antenna in order to get any electrical signal off of an insulated wire. Mind you these were heavy duty wires that carried several hundred watts, not the normal copper wire that your talking about.
  16. everyone believes you about the synethesia, its a real condition thats farely well documented. We here however are a skeptical bunch and tend not to believe stuff about 6th senses, thats what the posts saying that you might be slightly delusional were about. There is no way for the body to percieve something through a 6th sense, its impossible.
  17. except for the 6th sense part, humans have 5 senses, and 5 senses only.
  18. anybody wonder what it says about the nature of these forums that the hall of shame is still on the front page while this was a page back
  19. severian, do people with phd's ever do research? under normal circumstances
  20. yeah, but its sort of similar
  21. you have been claiming throughout this thread that time-dilation isn't real, in fact you called me a liar when I said it had been observed
  22. what? I couldn't understand you. I really don't know whether your saying we should kill all the pessimists in society or that we should allow people to kill themselves
  23. if you direct your attention to old threads you'll discover that most of the ones who didn't bother to support themselves are usually banned
  24. I don't think its possible for a long long time. On a related note something similar to teleportation is quantum entanlgement and this will be making its application debut in computers sometime in the next 15-30 years
  25. not worth it though, for a far smaller price you can just build yourself a big old bomb thats guarenteed to be ready when you need it and not on the other side of the planet
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