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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. two things stop spamming and, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:WMAP.jpg ^thats my universe
  2. didn't you hear the earth already is a computer
  3. well to each of the twins, they see themselves traversing a far shorter distance than the otehr twin saw them travel. Thus there is no contradiction
  4. basic stuff they're good at though, like electricity, the articles on the various kinds of power plants are very good. (speaking mostly of the articles related to nuclear power)
  5. ah, well wikipedia will have everything you need and more.
  6. wikipedia.org most of the stuff you need will be there. If its for a test, your textbook would probably ocntain some good info.
  7. yep pretty much except empathy is a real thing and is a well documented mental condition. There is nothing special about it, you just react to others around you because of their tone of voice, body language, or other action
  8. besides minkowski space doesn't have gravity
  9. umm... no
  10. buzsaw, in the 1980's (circa 1984 I believe) one mr. alan guth published inflation theory and showed that the universe suddenly "winked" into existance over a large volume. and has continued to expand since that time. if you want god I would go with a god who created the universe at that moment that it "winked" into existance
  11. empathy is something everyone feels, there is actually a part of the brain that controls it. This has been documented in the scientific community. Go see my posts in the thread telepathy on the subject (its alot more indepth) or go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathy
  12. as far as debt goes, you won't end up out on the streets because your in debt. There are ways out of it, such as banrupcy(sp?) I know thats not such an attractive idea, but don't worry about it. As for jobs, you may want to consider gettting a job right now. It will give you a bit of work experience and it will help you pay down that debt. In the end though its just a matter of taking care of things 1 step at a time, (I'm sure you've heard this before) things do tend to take care of themselves. out of college you get some job (anything you can get pretty much) and get an apartment. the rest will fall into place also why did you choose physics?
  13. when you burn hydrogen it combines with oxygen. essentially you'll be putting in more energy than you get out
  14. yourdad what state is that in?
  15. the universe is constantly expanding. However this does not rule out an infinite universe, in fact the idea that the universe is finite because its expanding is a long way off from what inflation really says. Furthermore it has been proven through the microwave background radiation that the universe is flat (or at the very least flat enough to contain several hubble volumes). The expanding universe just means we are able to see more every day than we were able to see yesterday.
  16. hey check out the new scientific special edition an identical earth is only 10^10^128 meters away. by the way I actually mean a planet with an identical looking universe, with every atom in exactly the same place in the hubble volume
  17. what level of science is this, does it require some sort of proof? or is it just a yes no answer
  18. china has money though, does anybody know how much money their putting in their space program?
  19. not if it was of energy lower than 1Mev though right?
  20. hey what about a beam of light that orbits the sun/other body. that would move forever
  21. doesn't the iris expand and contract depending on certain emotions? if so then if you managed to control your emotions very well then you could control it, although I think that might take some of the fun out of it
  22. because embryonic stem cells can become anything, while adult stem cells can only become specific parts of the body
  23. if you actually know where your life is going whats the point in living it? if you knew everything you were going to do in your life today, would you have any desirre to go and do it? Life is just about enjoying the ride, knowing the meaning of it all is superflous(sp?)
  24. maht is just a handy tool, we formulate physical laws into the language of mathmatics. A theory that combines all of the fundamental forces has not yet been created. ohter than that I really can't tell what your talking about
  25. CPL.Luke

    Space Gun

    the military has been working on rail guns for years (fully declassified work) the only problem with them is that they take up a room the size of a hanger :/
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