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Everything posted by CPL.Luke
you mean like a giant cannon that uses some sort of explosive to propel it right? if this is the case than anything other than a simple electronic system would be destroyed. Also its alot quiter and cheaper to just use rockets
this was an idea from the times of jules vern the acceleration would kill or destroy anything on the craft
for a beam of light is time fully dilated? as in via length contraction a beam of light traverses an infinitly small distance at the speed of light? is this why light always has to travel along the shortest path? (in GR)
the question of the validity of any theory is not in the realm of metaphysics. that being said time dilation is readily observable. It conforms to what special relativity predicts. It does not matter if SR is not the final truth. It is still the only explanation that works at this point, and it is pointless to try and refute this.
a giant ball of rock floating in space is still hard to move. inertia. furthermore an astronaut has to be afraid of all the micrometeorrites out there
if you get cut or scraped your body grows more skin/veins/arteries/capilaries
I figured it was a joke, just was bored so I posted the giant correction just in case
but if you build one capable of doing the work a human can do, you'll find it would be alot cheaper. also cutting off large chunks of asteroid and then bringing it back to a ship would be extremely difficult for a human
its possible to derive the lorentz contraction formula from the michelson and morley experiment. Thats how lorentz got it, but the equtation is a worthless group of terms without SR. Also I don't believe electrodynamics works without time dilation. Furthermore, time dilation has been observed in atomic clocks that have been placed on space craft
::psst:: kirby, chemo is to, but not many people seem to be dying of it and actually if you researched africa at all you would find that africans (sub-saharran mostly) are vastly more promiscuous than westerners. Many sub-saharran cultures did not have anything that even resembled marriage until christianity was forced upon them by missionaries
yeah, I know how the effect works, I was reffering more to the bit down near the bottom about light computers that could now be built from just varying the speed of light through the course of the chip
thanks for the latex, I have a hard time seeing mathmatical relations otherwise however why not just say that (lorentz factor) = (lorentz factor), which is basicly what your saying. now, the predictions of SR are readily observable, this includes time dilation. Why are you complaining that it isn't real? Einstein just quantified the observable phenomenon Also, if you want an easy experiment to show that time dilation works, take two magnets and stick them together (its easier to understand the concept with electromagnets, but anywho) magnetism or electrodynamics is a prediction of SR.
robots don't need food or air...or water...or bathrooms...or living space true, but will it ever become that cheap? bigelow aerospace is planning on charging something like a million dollars for a 1 week stay on their station. And, not to mention there isn't all that much to do in space. You go up, get completely awestruck by the earth, zero-G, and the myriad of other things you'll bear(sp?) witness to, but then its a week in something either the size of an suv (for a space ship interior) or a week in something not much bigger than a bus (space station)
I've heard of this phenomena before (maybe not to this extent) when blood flow is restricted your body will grow a new artery/vein to maintain blood flow
it is an observable phenomenon, if you grow bacteria in a culture, then drop some penisillun(sp?) on them then let the ones who survived grow again, then drop some more pennisillun(sp?) on them none will die. WOOT for evolution and natural selection
actually it is, most people in africa don't use condoms. Also a large number of people in africa are unaware that they are infected by aids, and a number of them don't care. In 2000 the infection rate was at 11000 per day, and 6000 deaths per day. All do to aids
5MW laser... the sparks are actually contained pretty much in the glass
agreed yourdad ....where's the suicide booth when you need it... ...woot futurama
I believe it will aid in the peace process. Especially because now our continued backing of israel may not be seen as such a threat to the muslim world
the bloated look is you being healthy :/ purposely dehydrating yourself is a very harmful activity and should not be undertaken. also, to my knowledge your body does not hold excess water, it keeps what it needs to function at peak levels. reducing this will lead to fainting, lightheadedness, and fatigue moral of the story don't dehydrate yourself
yeah, IMHO though the real money is in launching sattelites to orbit. Scaled composites so far isn't devloping that capability, at least to my knowledge. It requires money to succeed as a corporation and to build the space infrastructure required to make a space economy viable. one note on the NEA's though, if we were to start bringing in resources from them wouldn't that cause the current prices for steel (which is already incredibly low), nickel, and any other materials available in space to collapse
oh yeah just think I should mention, it took over 30 seconds to post my response, and after counting it has 2904 words in it, I'm proud [/tooting my own horn]
health classes are notorioulsly bad at teaching students anything meaningful. My advice to you is to bring ear plugs to that class and either direct any questions you may have to your parents or the internet.
no, you can't improve upon it, but you certainly can see how it works