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Everything posted by CPL.Luke
apparently bigelow is planning on marketing two versions of the station, a little one and a big one. The little one is pretty much a proof of concept but apparently they do plan on selling the modules to various government agencies and anyone esle who wants one. anyway, scaled composites is attempting to produce reusable space planes. Spacex as far as I know has no plans for a space plane. Instead they are planning on building a series of boosters with the aim of dramatically lowering launch costs. They already have recieved a 100 million dollar contract from the air force, and assuming their test launch goes well they shall be well on their way to undertaking a significant portion of all sattelite launches. The company has plans for a series of heavy lift boosters that should have a launch cost per pound of $500. They also have plans to eventually produce man ready space craft that would be able to go out all the way to mars. Spacex is also backed by the guy who made paypal
no these were carefully caried out scientific experiments involving atomic clocks also I have never seen that expression and it sounds almost like your trying to use it for a relative speed of light, could you please find a reference for this somewhere?
it has been proven, it took a long time and millions of dollars but hiv has been conclusively linked to aids for more in formation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiv
where are you getting this formula T'/T=C'/C? V= dx/dt changing the definition of time will necessarily affect the speed, Changing the time is the most logical way of correcting everything though. Also, it is a well documented fact that clocks on airplanes or space craft run slower than our clocks.
woopsy, I confused it with the equation E~mc^2 + 1/2mv^2 my bad
hey, why don't you just derive special relativity yourself galileo, using the light time clock (a simple two plate experiment wit ha photon bouncing around between them) once you do that, you'll see that relativity is the only solution for such problems, and has to be right
no because the relative times are only observed by an outside observer. if your in the clock then it all happens like the diagram in S furthermore masanov why did you use such a complicated example, your light time clock appears to be a far more complicated version of the one used in most derivations of SR. If something works in a simple version of the experiment it will most certainly work for a more complicated version of the same experiment. Just with a few more terms in the equations
if you actually have something there, then you should just directly call a scientist working on aids its not that hard...
yeah I figured it was a joke, but just couldn't hold myself in
http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20050819/sc_space/scientistsmesswiththespeedoflight does the link work for everyone?
all I'm going to say is curse you time magazine now back on topic The method I find best in trying to get to sleep is to take deep paced breaths, not to slow and not to fast. One problem our body has is that it won't sleep if it doesn't feel your getting enough oxygen.
yourdad I'm sorry to say but the equation for energy in special relativity that you posted only works for low speeds (not so well for velocities above 1/3 C) its best to just use the tried and true L m C^2 where L is the lorentz factor
the scanned in image of a language that I would guess no one here understands other than you does not help your argument. If you have a translated version of it that would be great now, if you are this doctor or know him personally, you can find contact numbers for dozens of important scientists working on aids. If you or he sent those scientists his results he would get people to come out and see his work first hand. posting this on a forum makes you or him look very bad in terms of scientific credibility. You must also understand that even if you/he does have something of great importance to the medical community anyone here who has connections (of which there are very few) would be putting their reputation on the line for someone they met on a forum, who provided no scientific evidence or explanation for the treatment that they had created to cure aids. The only way that this indian doctor is going to get recognition for what he has done would be to contact a scientist working with aids personally. Through an email or the telephone, most scientists keep contact numbers on their universities/lab websites.
I can't contain myself anymore. your son wanted you to change ISP's because AOL's child safety guards are notoriously over-protective, furthermore their part of the AOL browser and are in now way limited to AOL. Most ISP's have better performance than AOL in terms of bandwith, and most internet browsers are superior to AOL's. No ISP will aid would or for that matter could aid hackers, hackers have the effect of clogging up the internet "pipelines" and slowing the ISP down, causing them to lose their customers. Furthermore there is no way an ISP could aid hackers even if it desired to. none of those programs are hacker programs here are the companies that make those programs websites flash.com (couldn't find the bonzai link because there are to many people complaining about it on google) gainpublishing.com The presence of gain on your computer is proof positive that your son is not hacking, as any person well versed in computers will seek out and destroy this program with extreme prejudice, as it is responsible for an unstoppable barage of popups, and performance decreases. i'm suprised you assumed that these were hacker programs before looking into it AMD currently has superior technology to that of intel and intel is currently trying to make chips similar to AMD's designs. AMD is based in sunnydale california (referenc AMD.com) they currently manufacture most of their chips in germany, and also like intel use milasia for much of their chip manufacture. The electronics industry has no use for sweatshop labor because all of the manufacturing requires highly skilled labor forces (you need a degree to work at these factories). AMD chips are currently built into IBM, HP, compaq, and soon Dell computers. You can check that by going to these companies websites or just going down to your local best buy there are no published books on how to hack. The books that had hacker written on them were most likely history books on hacking, as it is a fascinating subject. The book on pearl however is a programming language book, You should be very proud of your son for reading this as it shows he is both inteligent, and could have a carreer in the IT field. DOSing has nothing to do with the dos prompt, it instead has to do with something called a denial of service attack. This is done by writing a virus and distributing it to a wide range of computers, at a set time the virus activates and causes all infected computers to try and access a specified server or web site. The goal is to have the website not be able to handle all of the requests and force it to temporarily close down. A DOS attack could be just as easily launched in 5 minutes as it could be in 8 hours. doom3 is a game nothing more. its true that the game is excessively violent (towards hordes of zombies) and qualifies a first person shooter. the game has sold millions upon millions of copies and so far i have never met anyone adversly effected by it. most likely all of the boys at your sons school and about half of the girls have played the game, a large portion of those have probably played it regularly. unless your son does not have an already present mental condition there is nothing to fear from him playing the game. its called being a teenager, it is a genetic imperitave that teenagers be rebelious, its what forced humans to migrate out of africa, but I will leave the psychological aspects of this to those who are better versed in it than me. Suffice it to say the "problem" is very similar to the one of Rock and Roll, many parents in the 60's felt that there youth was being corrupted by this, in the 70's-90's it was the punk movement that was corrupting the children and prior to all this it was the jazz movement. now its electronic entertainment, I would seriously suggest that you may in fact be smothering your child. just to go on a rant here, in my family it is perfectly normal for children 14 and up to be given a glass of wine or a beer at dinner, my parents have always been very open about drugs and what they did when they were kids, my father openly admits to having smoked marijuana (and a number of otherthings as well), and in the end I do not feel any overiding urge to go out and get drunk or high or anything of the sort. It is a basic tennant to desire that which you cannot have. In fact the only friends that I have who really get in trouble with illicit substances have parents who don't allow them such freedoms normally. extreme measures provoke extreme responses. anyway, moving on linux is a perfectly legal operating system and sold on many IBM and HP servers. I currently am using it on my computer right now. it is superior to windows in many ways, one of them that I shall mention now is that in the 6 months its been on my computer I havn't shut my computer off once, I have zero viruses, and I have gotten 0 popups. The rest of the information in that paragraph is not true either, I would suggest looking those programs up on wikipedia.org to get the truth of it. also look up linus (how do you spell his last name) on wikipedia. now the only thing about linux that you should be worried about is that if your son doesn't know what he's doing he could screw up your computer a bit in installing linux for a dual boot, and if its a family machine he shouldn't install it as the sole operating system, as it isn't readily compatible with most windows programs, you may want to consider buying your son an old computer (to the tune of $100-200 or less) linux doesn't need much to run on , the computer I'm running on right now has the following hardware compaq presario 5000 (it was inherited when a friend got a new computer) AMD athalon 900mhz chip (roughly equivalent to a 900mhz pentium 3) 128 MB of ram 20 GB hard drive (in six months I've only used about 5 integrated graphics card (games don't really work on linux without alot of work to make them compatible) I still have a windows computer that I use for gaming, but for work and general browsing I use my linux comp. One other advantage of linux is that it, its software, and anything else for linux is free , this is acomplished because linux is open source (if you want I can go into more detail on this point) You should also know that unless the computer only beeps at youm you can fix it on your own. Most people who you would take your computer to to get fixed will charge you $100 or more to have it sit in their office for a week or few and then give it back to you and tell you its fixed. If there is a real noticeable problem on the computer (for instance your only getting the blue screen of death) then they will reinstall windows (something that takes less than 5 minutes of work). You could get a similar effect for free by calling microsoft and having them walk you through whatever problem it is your having Most hackers preffered dress color is black or anything else suitably nerdy. The dress code you seem to be describing is punk. and like I said before you should allow your son freedom in his social and to a certain extent his home life (I in no way advocate free reign households, the effect this has on children is quite horrible). and I shall say again extreme measures provoke extreme responses in children. also a sudden change in dress code is bound to happen in high school at one point or anouther, high school and middle school are the time periods where people start trying to find the place in life where they feel at home, this ongoing search will provoke one or more sharp changes in lifestyle and or appearance as they try to either follow the crowd or define themselves in some way this is not true, computer monitors are very well shielded from the EM radiation that is produced inside. meningitis is a condition involving the build up of fluid in the brain and or spinal cord (nothing to do with computer usage). you might want to know that some apple programmers used to work 90 hours a week infront of a computer moniter, and their all fine. One last point and then I'm going to bed. In recent years IQ scores have increased in the United States, the cause? computer gaming. The fast reaction times required in first person shooters and other games force the brain to think faster and thus increasing the IQ -------------------------------------- If you want an elaboration on any section or references I will be happy to provide benchmarks articles or anything else you need. sorry for the horrible grammar and spelling its 4:48 here and I'm dead tired and if you still believe that linux (not lunix) is illegal, my name is james clabourn moore feel free to report me to the FBI I certainly do hope that none of that sounded like flaming, as I in no way intended it to
odd all the studies I had seen required the use of carbon nanotubules to construct, and who knows when those will become practical interesting figures on the space elevator costs though, I'll read the study soon. here's the sources for my launch cost numbers wikipedia, gives the average launch cost for a space shuttle at 1.3 billion per launch (most of the wikipedia articles on space travel are direct copy and pasts of nasa articles, which are later formatted for wikipedia) can't find the launch cost per pound on the shuttle but I saw it listed as 1000-2000 dollars per pound http://spacex.com/ that company is planning on achieving a cost per pound of $500 when they produce their heavy lift boosters The two companies I listed are backed by people with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal, and have IMHO a better plan for expanding their operations than scaled composites does also bigelow aerospace is building the first private space station, one of the modules for it is scheduled for launch next year. NEA stands for near earth asteroid, these things are solid iron-nickel with "impurities" of platinum gold and other precious metals. they are also the size of the largest mineral deposites on earth, and all you have to do to get at it is cut a chunk of it off, and bring it back (a space elevator would be the best option for bringing it to earth). If only mining companies could see the tremendous oppurtunity that they have here, considering the start up costs of a mine run into the hundreds of millions of dollars
metafrizzics GR works by altering the metric for space time. basicly all it is is defining the distance between to points to be longer or shorter depending on the mass around the space. its only the graphic representations of GR that make it look like an aether
hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah rofl rofl rofl lollolololol where'd you find that list? its hilarious just in case you weren't kidding (which I certainly hope is the case) you should know that that list is impossibly innaccurate, hilariously so in fact if you weren't kidding I'll be happy to provide a long and detailed post refuting every point, I actually hope you aren't kidding just so I can refute it.
you jinxed us skye well off the top of my head I would say that god obviously didn't create the earth as the center of the universe, if you want I'll go grab my bible and start finding references, but for now I must say that its to late where I am to create a long referenced post supporting my points. however if you want to talk more about this i would suggest we create a new thread in the philosophy forum. if you create it I'll be happy to post a more thourogh argument there. I would recommend calling the thread contradictions in the bible (or lack there of) or possible contradictions in the bible at least something thats neutral
problem with a space elevator, is that it would cost several hundred billion dollars to build in the first place. possibly several trillion. with the launch cost projected to go bellow $500 a pound pretty soon it will make the argument for a space elevator pretty difficult to make. with the amount of material you could send into space without a space elevator for the cost of 1 you could probably build a whole assembly line for building things in space from the NEA's. if your interested you may want to look up spacex and bigelow aerospace. there two companies founded by very very wealthy people for the purpose of either space launches or space manufacture
msngr of hop some advice about this forum, you must support your arguments. We do not accept anyone's word for anything, especially those who say because this is the truth. also I meant that if you waited a thousand years aids will be cured by our own immune system, no intervention required.
give a link to a peer reviewed journal that he has published in
to the sexual instinct I think you would have to look at masturbation as an example, most people were never exposed to how to masturbate, but they learned.
I personnally have derived SR in a physics class room. I have seen countless textbooks with the derivation in them. If every physisist in the world is that incapable in algebra, I would question every theory physics has ever created. so far no phenomena has required that the lorentz transformation be different from what it is. Any paper that proposed an explanation of an already explained phenomena, that contained the idea of the lorentz transformation being wrong would quickly be dismissed because its like arguing for creationism
Star trek technology, How much is possible?
CPL.Luke replied to reyam200's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
no the deguassing was used for stopping magnetic mines, as magnetic mines sat several hundred feet underwater and were triggered by the magnetic field of a ship passing overhead. however that is actually a very good idea janus, are there any accredited witnesses to the philadelphia experiment, as it supposedly occured in the philidelphia harbor or something like that -
I think he's talking about 1 spatial dimension and 1 time dimension. I have never seen nything where physisists were confused by 1 dimensional relativity