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Everything posted by CPL.Luke

  1. you know its funny, but people don't seem to realise that if special relativity weren't true then E&M as we understand it wuold be completely off.
  2. alright the sockpuppets really need to be stopped, they are getting to be very annoying
  3. i was not linking psyvhosis through cannabis with dopamine. from wikipedia The relationship between schizophrenia and drug use is complex, meaning that a clear causal connection between drug use and schizophrenia has been difficult to tease apart. There is strong evidence that using certain drugs can trigger either the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in some people. It may also be the case, however, that people with schizophrenia use drugs to overcome negative feelings associated with both the commonly prescribed antipsychotic medication and the condition itself, where negative emotion, paranoia and anhedonia are all considered to be core features.[68] Amphetamines trigger the release of dopamine and excessive dopamine function is believed to be responsible for many symptoms of schizophrenia (known as the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia), amphetamines may worsen schizophrenia symptoms.[69] Schizophrenia can be triggered by heavy use of hallucinogenic or stimulant drugs.[70] There is evidence that cannabis use can contribute to schizophrenia.[71] it should be noted that everything I've linked off of wikipedia I have seen elsewhere such as sciam, however I find it easier to find stuff on wikipedia. also as far as atypical neuroleptics are concerned while they don't hae as strong of an effect on the D2 receptors they do have a considerable effect, blocking 60-70% of the D@ receptors for the first several hours after ingestion.
  4. As I recall immediately after the black hawk down evnt a large task force (of several thousand marines) was set up in order to pressure the somalian warlords to give back our pilot, they did, and we decided that somalia's problems weren't our problems. We originally went in to prvide aid to a country that was starving, then later peackeepers were thought necessary. And then wen 35 troops were killed we decided it wasn' worth providing aid to a country that will fight and kill you.
  5. 2. yes there is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopamine_hypothesis_of_schizophrenia .... 1. yes they do... read through the above article. 3. my mistake, but the net effect is similar, your brain recieves less dopamine than it was getting before.
  6. eddyjones seems to be quoting from the op's website.... probably a second account
  7. there is some weak evidence linking cannabis use and schizophrenia, and one of the main things schizophrenia does is to amp up your dopamine levels, thus the medications used to treat it usually try and bring the dopamine levels down. I have an uncle who suffered from schizophrenia and he nearly killed himself several times, eventually after working with his psychiatrist he was able to find a course of meds which kept him sane, he's been fine for the past 15 years. I also have known several other people who needed certain courses of medication to stay sane, with the general pattern being that they would start out and hate the meds, and hate their doc, go off and on for a while, and then eventually they would find a course of meds which worked for them. remember that there is a wide variety of medications available which could help your problem, you just need to work with a doc in order to find the right perscription, (you also need to have a doc who will listen to you). The drug use probably doesn't help your situation either, as it could react badly with your medications, and it could possibly cause some additional brain damage beyond what you may already have.
  8. looks like a logarithmic spiral to me, considering that alot of storms follow such a pattern its not surprising that the lightning also occured in such a pattern. also it should be known that the name baphomat is supposed to be a corruption of one of several islamic words, most notably that of the name muhammed. The first recorded use of the word was during the inquisition of the knights templar, where a number of knights were tortured into confessing worship of some figure, although the figure varied wildly between descriptions. From that of a severed head to three heads to a goat etc.
  9. pangloss I wasn't attempting to portray a slippery slope and as such I don't understand your post, however the point of my post was to illustrate that some regulation is necessary even if its regulating what someone can do with their money.
  10. all right so lets say that I'm a lender, and somebody comes into my office and asks for a loan to buy a large amount of stock which he thinks will do very well, I give him the loan. Its my money right so I should be able to do with it as I please... it should also be noted that alot of lenders are actually bankers, hence the principle of banking. If you give me money I will keep it safe and pay you interest. however I will then give loans out to people with your money and make it back and more before you need your money again.
  11. I wouldn't go that far, Certain policies need to be enacted that stop terrorism before it gets to far. However there is a profound difference between attacking a country and fighting war over a handfull of criminals and treating the terrorists like what they are criminals. countries cooperate to fight crime all the time, why should terrorism be different? if a country refuses to cooperate and is harboring someone like osama then its quite simple to bring international pressure on them, like what happened in afghanistan.
  12. yyou also have to consider the possibility of musharref allowing US special forces in, has anybody seen the interview with jon stewart? He doesn't want to mess with the US and he also see's the taliban in his country as a threat, as long as the force was extremely small and functioned more to help the pakistani military fight then it wouldn't be much of a problem. Also we could get the UK and other countries behind the action as many nations have problems with al-quaeda and other such terrorist groups. The key is to work with the pakistani's to get what we want. Not like hat happened in Iraq.
  13. the bondage bit isn't so hard to understand, being able to use someone for your own sexual pleasure can be quite arousing, some people love the feeling of having no control in the situation. the rituals leading up to sexual intercourase can be so cumberome that some people wish that sex just happened (on both sides of the issue).
  14. out of curiosity can it be concluded that the singularity solutions are actually problematic? I know we think of them as fundamentally un-physical but could that be our own pre-concieved notion?
  15. matter can be destroyed it just turns into energy of some form or another. scientists are still lookin for the antimatter but haven't come close to finding it yet, and it is now believed that for whatever reason, there just isn't any anti matter in the universe.
  16. unlikely, also there is a pracical purpose to space flight, materials exploration. The earth is slowly running out of raw materials, and pretty soon we will hve to look to asteroids to continue providing all that we need.
  17. well if you consider the numbers involved, if every star in the galaxy has an earthlike planet and earth has only had detectable intelligent life for the past 100 yaers, than the probability of finding a planet with intelligent life on it is actually very low...
  18. the idea behind an inertial reference frame is that there is no way to make a preference between me traveling at 10,000 miles per hour towards you, and you traveling at 10,000 miles per hour towards me they are both identical situations. also once you add a gravitational field in you no longer have an inertial reference frame, and you can make the distinction.
  19. as long as you site it you can quote it all that you want
  20. yeah and for things like physics small liberal arts colleges are just about the last thing you want. however you should know that getting a free ride is practically impossible unless you win some ocmpetitions that carry scholarships with them...
  21. It sounds like slehar is thinking about it merely as a wavicle type of thing. this is the way that I prefer to think about it and it works out quite well. Nothing new just semantics really. Unless of course slehar is ignoring the collapse of a wave function...
  22. and remember that the standard uncertainty principle that everybody has heard about talks about position and momentum not position and velocity.
  23. note that that does not necessarily that time is dilated at that amount for the speed you gave, unless you did the math?
  24. actually there are a number of places where its succeeded (not on the country scale), there are a number of communes around the world where people live according to marxist beliefs, its just that everyone there decided that they wanted to live like that, there is no dissent on the subject, as everyone chose to be there and live by those ideals. While many of these failed, there are a number that have been going strong for 30 years or more. So you can't say that the system doesn' work entirely.
  25. it probably comesfrom talking to quacks all day
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