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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. The RAAS involves the juxtaglomerular apparatus . . . . . well I guess something had to . . . o.o

    1. Joatmon


      These big words have an effect on my blood pressure! Ah well, learn a little every day.

  2. I don't know exactly but I think you will have to do something like what is suggested in this off-board thread post #7 http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic32253.html If the output from the computer is DVI-I try getting a DVI-I cable. I haven't had this problem myself and was only aware of the difference in connectors because I had previously been considering connecting my PC to an LCD TV to play video games.
  3. Yeah, there are just so many hosts to go through and do background checks. I bombed the first round in picking Lunarpages and I'm hoping to not do this twice. Thanks Cap'! : ) It seems Lunarpages has upgraded their package variety to include 'intense' managed, but their VPS package--singular, non cloud--sucks . . . . . as does their service as I have just wonderfully been privy to in my hour long conversation with a rep who told me it was my fault I wasn't getting my email followed by an oh it was us. :/
  4. In-between would be great! I should probably note I am on windows server presently and I hope to use DotNetNuke with adequate power behind it.
  5. I have been with Lunarpages for two years now and I have been somewhat unhappy with their services. I guess the big thing is they have their $10 - $20/month accounts and then they skyrocket in price as you move to dedicated without providing any services in-between their two targets. Also they have little concern for their customers. I have three more weeks paid on my account and because I have opted to not renew they have terminated my service at the beginning of the month without notice and I'm going to have to wait on the phone for an hour to find out what is happening. I'm just curious if anyone can recommend a host?
  6. I just want to clarify my point here where it may have been misconstrued as suggesting that there should be an avoidance of conflict to be civil; this is in fact not what I meant. There is quite a big difference between using your wit and logic to defend a side of an argument and simply disrespecting posters by introducing obtrusive and abusive statements for the sake of denigrating the individual. Honestly iNow you represent as a highly intelligent individual, but your tactics employed suggest otherwise. I know this may not be the place where you feel it is in any way important to be proving yourself but if your current approach is anything like how you interact with others in real life I personally would seek alternatives. . . . the ability to control ones opinions is most often noticed, noted, and the person tends to be treated with a much higher level of respect. Of course if the individual feels their opinions do not merit much respect they often act out to ensure a validation of the suspicion thereby avoiding any responsibility . . . . . sort of guilt by association I suppose!
  7. iNow you take every chance you can to lay the smack down on as many people as you can. You post with this underlying bitterness that I expect from drunken teenagers, which can be cute sometimes, but you are like brute force hack. I don't see others doing this and those few that I can, off the top of my head compare your activity to, have been banned. I think you add a lot to posts as well and this is a very good argument for everyone else to just let it go, but sometimes someone doesn't, and if you wanna play your cards that way your going to find you will have to defend yourself now and again. This is not defending yourself, this is you posting garbage for garbage sake. I like attention too and so I say things sometimes, but is it really that important to you to have a free for all on the many ignants that come in to spout off about nothing? ^ you posted this in a thread that I was taking seriously. Everything you said in that thread destroyed the integrity of what was being said. I come here to have fun but I also come here to be around people that take things to the next level of seriousness because there aren't many places in the world that exist where this can be done. If you don't like what is being said try being constructive or ignore it dammit, or flag the post and let the mods do their thing, which even if it is nothing you can at least feel you've tried. Don't pander . . . . . . like I just did . . . . .
  8. I was telling the story about Prof. Cox today in physics class, and I accidentally called him Bob Cox . . . :/

    1. ajb


      Don't worry Swansont has probably called Brian Cox worse things than Bob! :)

    2. Xittenn


      F'n Bob Cox? :D

  9. Make sure you are using the correct DVI for the job there is DVI-I and DVI-D. Also some get confused when the output or input device can do both but you are using DVI-I cables. Otherwise, I have no idea.
  10. I had picked up the newer online FF but it wasn't very much fun .. . .

  11. Xittenn

    Game Theory

    I just meant like a time derived process, not in the more precise meaning associated with evolution in the biological sense. More so, I was thinking about comments made in other threads that related to growing limbs with stem cells. I'm not suggesting growing limbs with stems cells, but I was thinking on ways of modeling artificial generative growth of tissue systems by induced signaling, which would be a pretty cool thing to do IMO. **growth and structuring
  12. Your observations are very interesting. As for my own original meaning I'm not quite sure how you've misconstrued it to mean anything but what I had originally stated. 1 0 <=== closed system two entities 01 0 <==== one observes zero and stores a copy or 101 0 <=== one observes zero and says there are two possibilities present 1 or 0 and represents this with a check mark; 10 == it was a 0; 01 == it was a 1 In both cases the size of the system had to increase to accommodate the observation. I guess this could be the equivalent of saying that there is a cost to increase the organization of a system, as observed in thermal dynamics, but I think this has a slightly different connotation.
  13. Xittenn

    Game Theory

    I wonder if biological growth could be considered a form of 'evolution', or more concisely, I wonder how I might apply the theories to the time evolution of an individual organism within an environment. It would make for interesting pretreatments of lab experimentation--morphological responses to stimuli for example. I think I have a lot of studying to do!
  14. I don't agree that systems can deflate as a cause of representation, and this is taking it in the context from my previous definition. You can selectively represent properties and as a consequence there may be created links between a larger subsystem of observables and a reduced set of identifying properties. This identifying set of properties does not accurately represent the original subsystem and is therefore not a complete representation. Regardless the system in this sense continues to inflate as the representation of the property selected does not excuse the subsystem from existence, and to represent a single property of a subsystem requires that the total quantity of information contained in the system is to be increased. This ambiguity in terminology is why I'm doing my research, so that if I found a future need to elucidate a point, I could do so in the confines of greater accuracy and precision, and without any confusion. Ultimately if there was a specific language set that was well defined and accepted I could communicate with little effort to a greater number of individuals. I am looking specifically at this moment at Kolmogorov but only because his works appear to be more closely aligned with my requirements. That said I would gladly accept any and all feedback from the community on this matter.
  15. Will do thanks guys!
  16. Nope, I didn't have anything in specific in mind, and actually I'm looking for the purest of abstraction of the ideas. I've gone over some statements with regards to Thermal Dynamics in respect to Boltzmann's research and writing but I was hoping for something even less applicable. I thought maybe there was an abstraction of ideas laid out in one of the many branches of mathematics that I may have overlooked. Maybe I should just look deeper into Boltzmann's ideas and see where that goes. Thanks!
  17. YBCO & Meissner Effect are good initial search parameters. 1) steeling wire from telephone poles is not a nice thing to do FYI! 2) 2.3 Million Electron Volts in Joules;in volts. 3) If you were honestly concerned about your own welfare you would start with something more practical like an oscilioscope Before you build something like this you should have a working model. I recommend CATIA to complete the drafting process--if you can afford it, which I'm sure you can because you are building an atom smasher. 2.3 million volt electronic accelerator <==== big difference 6kW can be generated by a gas powered generator; rent one cheap, and step it up. I suggest learning at the bare minimum how forces relate to magnetism before you even consider spending 50 cents. Buy a book, they hurt more than your project but it is the good kind of hurt, unlike the hurt that comes from running around a football field all day. Ever see the fly?? Here get ahead of yourself Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Vol. 1 & 2 4th Edition by Douglas C. Giancoli **vol 2 relates more to E & M
  18. How do you know so much dammit! **super jealous**

  19. Well that is kind of the question which you obviously already know, and is why I'm asking because I don't have the formal language and am seeking it as such. Representation: Any systematic use of symbols to describe a property that can also be an exact copy of the property itself. Inflation (in this situation): The growth of a closed system of information where the system includes the information that makes up an observer, a property that consists of information, and no extra information that can be converted in form without affecting the information of the property or of the observer; where the system must grow to accommodate a representation. Information: In my world all is information--everything. If there is a need for a more concise definition we can start with binary, information is the defined two state 0 and 1. Quantity Information: Is how many 0's and 1's there are in a closed system--in our preliminary hypothetical.
  20. Is there a book like Messiah's that very accurately depicts the whole of the subject both mathematically and through common modern English? I would personally gain so much traction if the subject was covered using the presentation techniques that are commonly found in the textbooks of today. I mean the Engel and Read Physical Chemistry equivalent to QM.
  21. I think the answer to your question lies in the context of the audience within the scene. You might think on how this statement affected one of the members in this scene in particular. IIRC ** it's been 17 years since I read the book so this is just a suggested parameter really . . .
  22. Are there formalized statements about the fact that representation inflates the amount of information present? I mean in electronics a binary decoder is an example of how representation causes inflation, but I'm looking for more general statements about this before I feel it is necessary to make my own; order of preference here.
  23. How, many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsiepop? 3? The world may never know!
  24. Xittenn

    Game Theory

    Computer models that could apply these concepts alongside some higher mathematical principles could create some complex models. It could also give you a formal method of discussing the issues.
  25. Xittenn

    Game Theory

    Yeah, I was playing with a few ideas with symbiosis, but I am trying to figure out how a ceiling would form such that the Qs and Qd are below equilibrium. Well I have a new book, thanks ajb.
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