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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. >cross posting there< Yeah sorry, I see where I went off track .... :/
  2. It isn't the same, I think multiple forms are being presented and you are equating them to being the same. Your code looks like it is of the form that is taken from wolfram which is not the form of 17 and where certain definitions seem to have taken different meaning on account of various mathematical assumptions. My approach on this would be to start back at the beginning from scratch and build up again and to this point of knowledge. Sometimes it takes less time to figure out a problem if you throw away everything you think you know and start from square one. This is just my humble opinion however. Sorry I can't give you a better explanation, I'm just trying this out for the first time myself. I took interest because it is something I was already working on, but in different areas.
  3. or better yet [math] k_i = freq_x \land p(a_i) = \frac{k_i}{N} [/math] which you weren't doing!
  4. [math] k_i \neq freq_x \; k_i = \frac{freq_x}{N} [/math] Correct me if I'm wrong but this is in fact the issue, if you hadn't already deduced it. I had already, yesterday, but I wasn't sure what you were doing.
  5. After reading the paper the idea has formed much clearer in my head. The entire purpose of binning, as you have been, is to discretize the continuous function(which I'm sure you already knew ) so that a discrete model may be applied. What I had said before becomes even more important in that you will only have discrete values if the bins form uniformly. In case you may have thought they were uniform, having directly observed these values myself they are in fact not(sometimes.) This requires a partitioning function as described in the three sections following 'NUMERICAL ESTIMATION' and this would be applied to the break value and correspondingly to the number of breaks produced. Thanks for the paper, I think I might play with this for a little while! break: either a vector of cut points or number giving the number of intervals which x is to be cut into.
  6. You're applying a variation of Mutual Information that involves discrete variables and you are using continuous. Your cut is being made with no break and as such your bins are not all formed the same so if you are looking for the members of two sets that intersect but you are using a top half bottom half index to decide membership there might be some inconsistency. I wasn't really sure what "#b/c cutting data into bins leads to weird character types" meant exactly. Do you have a link/reference to this "#calculate MI of random variables. Notation is taken from Steuer, et al. 2002"?
  7. If you apply proper factoring and then answer the question, "which terms are even exponents and will "bounce" off of the axis and which terms are odd exponents and will "cut" through the axis?", this should be a no brainer. I mean Wolfram even gives you the proper form. And why is there any mention of y-intercept if the question clearly states this is with respect to the x-axis? o.o (imatfaal is my excuse for posting in this thread two days later)
  8. The scientific reasoning for why someone would wish to use simple lighting effects and computer video compositing to create a video to put on youtube that claims the existence of aliens? I think this is a deeply psychological issue that surmounts to a human desire to attain meaning in ones life. Our general lack of justification for our own existence is often readily most apparent when we become bored and feel that life has nothing to present us. This serves to remind us of our own lack in value and we feel degraded. Creating videos like these gives the individuals who have done so the opportunity to imagine events that break the mundane in their lives in hopes of escaping their feelings of worthlessness. By sharing them on youtube they allow others to participate in their imagined reality and this gives them some gratification in that they may have for a moment allowed others to forget their own feelings of lack of self worth and have allowed others to be excited about the world around them.
  9. Mazdas RX Series are Race Car Spec vehicles and have little to nothing to do with 'carbon footprint,' although they certainly do not lack in this department and can be readily upgraded to increase performance. Wankel engines are quite powerful and this is best demonstrated by the success of the 787B and the R26B engine. I wouldn't be surprised if a hybrid comes out in the long run that cuts the competition down. I like Mazda and would love to have one for myself : ) Nobody will mind, I'm sure, if you edit your OP to say Mazda as opposed to Honda, not that there is a problem with Honda; there simply isn't a Honda RX-8 and Honda has never produced a vehicle that contained a rotary engine(pretty sure.)
  10. I think if you adjust your last bit of code as follows: MI <- 0 MI.run <- function() { for (i in 1:N) { sum.temp <- 0 for (j in 1:N) { ki <- ki.find(xcut[j]) kj <- kj.find(ycut[j]) kij <- kij.find(j) sum.temp <- sum.temp + (kij * log2((kij/(ki*kj)))) sum.temp2 <- (sum.temp/N) print(ki) print(kj) print(kij) print(sum.temp) print(sum.temp2) } MI <- c(MI, log2(N) + sum.temp2) } } and maybe set N<-5 you will quickly see why kij * log2((kij/(ki*kj))) is giving you a negative number :/
  11. Google 'R Poisson' .... it's pretty simple, not learning it would be silly! And how does 'higher level language' equate to c?
  12. \o_ I'm Lolling
  13. For me? Not really! I think I have a nervous problem, I get tremors when I am confronted with approaching strangers. It's like, take karaoke for instance. I once sang Becks song Loser in front of a crowd of a couple hundred artists, film and game design students. I love to sing and I did really well but it made me shake out of control. People loved it and I had a blast but still. I have a lot of examples like these but this leads to unnecessary places like that debauchery party :/ And when I get angry I get the same thing, very violent tremors. Now these are pretty extreme cases and I think because it becomes so intense I can sort of burn right through it when it happens. With people though, I still get the same nervous feeling, I get really scared of people. I've always had these issues and I think most people who know me would think this is really weird because I am a very sociable person. I can still feel this way even after knowing somebody for a very long time and it has a lot to do with self esteem and being shy. I may be crazy but my most basic internal pattern is to shrivel away and hide because I am not strong enough to face the people around me who often tend to be much stronger and better at being people.
  14. So you want to float your car down the street? Could you be more specific? Model? Ford, Willys, year ... ?? Front only suspension or both? Is it intended to be seen or is it something you feel will be of some benefit in the quarter mile? I once saw a 24 Willys cross the finish at 312MPH :/ I really wouldn't count on this, especially running off of an alternator. It takes more to run a home stereo; well one I would own. My getup would weigh an extra ~ton maybe a tonne at best ... there are those newish magnetorheological dampers. I kind of figured you were thinking something along these lines but it's not like anybody else has this rigged up right?
  15. I think you are just bragging about having found three dates ... you are pretty ok to look at In Ontario it is very common to talk to people you don't know, maybe on the bus or in the movie theater. In BC it is very uncommon and I think it is largely attributed to the number of more recent immigrants, as opposed to being a body formed of well established individuals from many cultures. I am not suggesting it to be a culture clash, Ontario is a highly multi-cultural society. I personally prefer a more open environment where people talk to me when I'm there and where I don't feel too reserved. I am sort of shy and I find it hard to approach strangers. I still feel approachable in BC though because a lot of people, especially older gentlemen and younger children, often make a point of smiling and saying hello. I think being open to interacting socially with others who you are unfamiliar with just makes for a much happier place to be.
  16. Multivariable Calculus by William L. Briggs, Lyle Cochran Vector Calculus by Susan Colley <=== I have the 2nd edition ... It's kind of inappropriate reading material if integration in one variable is a great effort to achieve :/
  17. I have thought on this for some time now and looked over a few of the more readily available products on the market. I didn't find one thing in particular I was looking for and it might be because I am unaware of the proper name. A design I might consider taking seriously would maintain most of its assets in mechanical deployment as opposed to electronic and this is a very important design consideration. It does sort of seem that this is what you intended on doing already. 1) Small Block 2) AC Generator w/ following design considerations: - output frequency single phase 60Hz or 400Hz this is an optimization point and will reflect the initial lifting phase - the output voltage for the initial phase is probably the least important variable but will be closely tied to the required current of the initial phase - the output current in the initial phase will be high and peak dynamic stress will be important the required current will depend on the frequency output and the electromagnets impedance - the output current should maintain, during operation, a substantially lower value than its rated maximum 3) A Mechanical AC Frequency Modulator - this can be home made - turn it at a multiple of the frequency that has been output from the AC Generator; keep these mechanically in phase - the core should be like a sectioned off toroid, probably four sections for load balancing - turn the outer ring of the toroid so that each section is an inductor - the commutators will serve to modulate the original output waveform and this is important as a low frequency will be(most likely) inappropriate in maintaining a floating state 4) Active or Passive Crossover Stage - this is essentially the point that hands off from phase one to phase two - phase one will want to pass directly to the electromagnet to do the lift - stage one is not appropriate(most likely) in maintaining the floating state - the crossover should gradually pass to phase two; abruptly might be an option - phase two will be modulated at a higher frequency by 3) and will also require being stepped up to a higher voltage - the voltage and frequency will depend on proper optimization :/ 5) Step Up Transformer - step up phase two voltage 6) Two Clusters of Electromagnets - as the output is modulated there is somewhat of a duty cycle here so break it up maybe four and five - electromagnets are a big design consideration and will probably be the starting point for the design process - defining these values will depend on the outcome of the mathematical model that is very difficult to process These are just my opinions and come from what little experience I have. The math involved in this is too much and would take me a fair bit of my own time to compile, I can't see any easy solution to your problem. If you have the resources trials and error are your best bet! o.o
  18. Why DC? If it's because you have a crap load of car alternators this is a really crappy reason. In the end this solution will cost you more after you convert the output to AC and step it up. You are best to find something AC Brushless and step that up. A small block 283 or 327 will be sufficient in supplying the constant energy required for such a system. Please don't call me man :|
  19. I think that maybe this is an extremely deceptively simple question, although I may be over complicating things. I think the initial phase of levitating the object to a given height is very flexible in terms of the exerted power required. It will vary largely based on the required time you wish for it to take to levitate to the given height but will also vary according the requirements of phase two. The total energy required will be the same in any situation(mostly.) Phase two will, mathematically speaking, depend on the internal frictions of your system and the fluctuations in motions and electromagnetic fields generated as best described by some Hamiltonian :U I can't calculate this myself but I can assure you the power output required will be pretty high and will require an industrial strength power supply. I might try and figure this out if nobody else answers and/or corrects my original assumption(I get confused sometimes.)
  20. Playstation 3 Supercomputer This is pretty neat a Super Computer made from PS3s. I have seen graphics and physics work done for gaming on four and eight of these but I have never seen a hive. Maybe there is a possibility here for future recycling, maybe super computers for students by donation or something. When PS4s arrive I am asking that everyone send me their PS3s for recycling Thank you!
  21. The thread was not intended in anyway to complement other threads or to be in and of itself a maker of April Fools! My hair is not significantly red enough for me to be considered ginger and as such I lack a certain devious nature. I am also not that imaginative and I think my only successful attempts at such ruse has involved convincing a large number of individuals that another has died and also that there was an imminent lay off in progress :/ I think viewing science as a religion, and as a fundamentally and finitely so, answer to existence that somehow embodies a set of rules that when defined substantiates us all, is certainly lacking. I think adopting science as a religion would be a social movement that would be marked by the taking on of ideas that are open to expansion and revision as progression is made by the adopting body. Taking the more prominent role of most religions in dealing with death, Science can say something that we may be able to reinterpret and reinvent and even if it doesn't satisfy our need for closure it can evaluate and adopt coping strategies that are ethical and productive. We die! Why do we die? Is it good that we die? I don't feel it is ... What are we going to do about this here thing called death? Ummmm ... let's make stuff that will delay its onset \o/ Ok sounds good, the opposing body will do a study and present their case on why delaying the onset of death is bad You bastards I hope you fail -.o If people lived like this and adopted the practice of investigation into their lifestyle and into their ideologies and this was organized socially I think we would both have the benefits of what is now religion and the benefits of what is now science!
  22. Would it be too much to ask if maybe you could better define the Jacobi Identity and how it relates to the Jacobiator? Also maybe could you incorporate the fundamental theorems of calculus into this and how it reflects on the achievement of the desired commutative properties, while addressing the issue at hand of developing a ternary operator; if this even applies? it would be much appreciated ajb
  23. You just described 90% of the global human population :/
  24. Well the issues that Cap' has brought up are pretty distasteful. The ideas of Thetans are really no different from any other religion, maybe a little weird. I can think of much more fantastical reveries in other religions that are still to this day practised and given much respect. Myself I have my own thoughts on these matters and they really aren't so different. I kind of see the universe as being something that is so organized and so well balanced that it is hard to imagine that it is not an extension of a culmination of organized activity in and of itself. I believe that outside of our singularity that we have probably been initiated by a higher conscious. Where the Thetans are concerned I often have dreamed of other lives and times and events and time between lives and it often seems very real. It has never involved Venus however or California and I have never observed anything to suggest conscious overseeing us in our immediate vicinity. I don't know, I like to keep an open mind because I would honestly like to be part of a community that had an established set of beliefs that reflected me as a person. Scientology is obviously not it, even if it does contain some of the ideas that I may value. Whether or not they should be perceived as a social threat, I honestly can't see them being any more a threat than any other currently practised religion. For me I think this is really to bad that it wasn't something more fundamental and something more incorporating. Maybe this does reflect who they are as people though. What has been stated so far makes me think of children and how they like to indulge in their fantasies and how often these fantasies are a reflection of survival instinct; they are the centres of who they are.
  25. Oh wow! That actually sounds like something I would thoroughly enjoy. I rather despise my so called 'condition' and although I will always have an appreciation for its existence, and I do enjoy those sad moments on occasion, I would much rather be an upbeat money motivated machine. This is not a very good argument against, in my opinion. I wasn't really looking at putting the whole ideal down, I was really just interested in the message and to be informed. I'm a little surprised no one had much to say about this. I guess I'll just remain generally ignorant because honestly I really can't be bothered to read any information on this matter myself, I have better things to do like compile Salome \o/
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