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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. A function is like google maps, but instead of asking the directions to get to the location it is you wish to go, you input the directions to take from where you are and then arrive at the destination. A technicality of functions, by their mathematical definition, is that they must be a one to one relation. Each of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on are relational operators and relate members of each of the sets of natural, integer, rational, irrational ... numbers. This will probably not help you better solve your calculus problems, calculus is something you get better at as you make more and more attempts to solve the problems that a text book presents. It is however a fun topic to explore, if you enjoy quirky knowledge that often has very little practical use; just sayin'. It is something that is defined in the branches of mathematics that deal with logic, sets, categories, groups, numbers and so on. I have just started studying most of this myself and am very happy that I have!
  2. I think these definitions are best elaborated on in the context of the material you are reading. I think to properly gain insight into what it is that is trying to be said here will only fully be appreciated when you revise all the material that the author has presented. I say this because they are not really terms that have tightly bound interpretations and the the terms used within the definitions are also open to much interpretations. What I will say here is that you must take a step back and look at the broader scope. Not all processors are Pentium, not all computers are neatly packaged in a pretty case that sits next to your desk. It isn't even sufficient here to elaborate by including the varieties of computing solutions that we are now accustomed to like laptops and cell phones as these definitions had implications before these technologies were even practical. What many overlook when regarding computing solutions are those solutions many never see. If you introduce industrial applications into your review of these definitions you might begin to see a need for the separation and how each becomes a task needing to be defined in this manner. If you begin to include such systems that incorporate micro-controller technology, programmable logic circuits, embedded systems and so on each of these categories becomes a little clearer because the answers to each question becomes less cut and dry, and yet each incorporates an idea that is common throughout.
  3. This is a ginger thing right? All devious like ...
  4. Not unless the others have Fedora as well !
  5. Hi! So like I lead a rather sheltered life, I have no television and do not read newspapers and I generally avoid anything that goes beyond my immediate existence. I love science and maths and this is why I am here, because I feel like I have a place to be able to express myself inside of a community that is relevant. I have in the past joked around with friends about the idea of starting a religion that was founded on science. I have pondered on what such a religion would be and how it wouldn't simply be another facility for education or a reason to hold weekly tech conventions and/or seminars. The details of this are rather irrelevant and I will end this with lambskin chaps and dancing in a marble palace Dragnet style! So I have passed by this place downtown Vancouver(on Homer and Granville I think) and it has its front up, SCIENTOLOGY sumthin' sumthin' ..... I remember when I was in my teens thinking hey maybe I can join in and see what's happenin'. I have come to understand that this is essentially a very bad idea and that I should stay away no matter how sexy Tom Cruz appears in his films. Why? What, in a nutshell without me actually having to research these guys and actually gaze upon their existence, do these guys stand for? Who is Xemu and why is he my Daddy? Is there a Scientology heaven and hell? What are the handful of basics I should know about these guys?
  6. So the pink pwny wasn't just me? Acha ... all hail Xenu! o.o
  7. Hi again! <3 So like I reinstalled Fedora 14 and all that is my Linux partition and well, although my avatar has updated and my photo updates everywhere for the most part, my photo for my profile link to dashboard is an awesome pretty pink pwny \o/ I love the pretty pink pwny and if it were up to me instead of atom I would be the pretty pink pwny and this would be very fitting. This is however an error in something and I am wondering if I can purely attribute this to my end? thx
  8. It is difficult for me to give you a precise answer as I have never actually used Access and I am limited to what I know about it to my working knowledge of MS-Excel and MS-Navision Enterprise. I think this is simply a matter of scripting a Visual Basic for Applications(VBA) script for onEvent() onClick() or whatever and using an IF-THEN-ELSE. If combo01 =(=) Then text = [value] .... Select Case works as well ??
  9. My two cents? I say this way too often but, some more details would better help with the question. I think the most common reason, and I say this because you still haven't given one, is in graphics programming when one wishes to switch from DirectX to OpenGL or they have a mesh that was done in left hand and it is required to put it in right and vice verci; bones, texture coordinates and all. If I am off topic I apologize now. The problem with finding one matrix to do this transformation in this case is the two matrices that you are trying to transform between are compositions of linear matrices themselves. They are comprised of a 3x3 scaling, a 3x3 rotation and a concatenated translation vector. There is no proper way to do this in this scenario, as such. You would have to decompose the matrices and apply the relevant transformations independently. This has a lot to do with the properties of affine matrices and where the composed matrix is not. Please correct me where I'm wrong on this I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around the whole of it unless I have been working on it myself, and I haven't!
  10. The pustules are actually pretty normal and are something that can be caused by just about anything, as with the swollen tonsils and lymph nodes. Doctors will often do very little about these symptoms, I had a bulge in my neck for three months and it was left alone. My younger brother actually had the same thing with a lymph node in his neck, it got so big he had to have surgery to drain it; he hasn't had an issue since. I think often these symptoms present themselves as a cause of allergies and there has also been a bug going around, the continent lol. I buy allergy medicine to take the swelling down(tonsils), it helps. But again obviously always see a doctor, and they will tell you the same, just pop on in. I think that holds a different meaning in Canadia as it is part of our medical insurance so there is no subconscious suspicions of a devious ploy to make more money?? Get well soon!
  11. I have just installed OpenFOAM and will be using either blockMesh or gmsh as pre-processing and ParaView post; Salome-Platform looks promising as well. CUDA and OpenCL GPGPU technologies are not implemented at the moment. This does seem however, to be the most promising solution to CFD under an open source licensing agreement. I am working on installing OpenCL Blas and Lapack accelerators and I hope that, but correct me if I'm wrong, these are the or an example of the accelerators that gmsh is expecting to find. Not that accelerated pre-processing is going to be much of an advantage. I'm going to give this a try for either a loudspeaker design or maybe for a cryogenic propulsion system I have always wished to flush out. I think you will be looking at some large coin for an IDE/CFD platform that implements CUDA or OpenCL.
  12. This picture was one of IBMs favorites of 2010. Fairly new and underway!
  13. $20 used :| College Algebra is also something you will find in, at the very least, the downtown public library. You learn so much more from books and the internet just hacks your brain to little pieces. It's really just what I've always done, before I started buying books I got them from the library, sorry if I offended you.
  14. silly question .... have you tried soln = NDSolve[{ equations, inits, inits2 }, x, {t, 0, 5}] ?? I just think because Table equations is a one dimensional array Join might be simply appending inits and inits2 and so there really is no association. I mean how exactly is NDSolve supposed to know to look up the value of x[0] and x'[0] on the table if the concatenated table consists of what it thinks is x 'cause t is not mentioned in the table creation of init. Maybe add {t,0,0} ..... just thoughts :/
  15. Why 400-nm and what kind of answer are you looking for? This sounds more like a physics question! I say this mainly because you are looking at technology that a) hasn't even been released in a primitive form, or invented and b) you are looking for the physical boundary. Even the photonic processors that are being developed are, for the most part, simply an integration of a light transmission data conduit. They are currently modulating light in various systems at 40 - 100 GHz which you've probably already come across. Why serial? What is it for? Analogue? IBMs Graphene 100GHz transistor technology is still, somewhere .... . . .
  16. Use the Disk Utility supplied by the Linux distribution, it could very well have an NTFS formatting option. It is highly unlogical to format it as FAT32 and ext2/4 will not be visible to a Windows based PC ... If you want to play around though it isn't like you will do any permanent damage to the drive if you format it in any which way, so really have fun, play. Your permission issue will probably not be resolved by deleting that folder and as to why precisely you have the issue I'm not sure. I kind of remember once having had an issue like this but I resolved it pretty quickly. I'm sure if you actively search for your answer that you will find it. Very few hardware problems cannot be resolved in this manner. I would really just upgrade to Windows 7 if you can.
  17. Look for something iCore probably an i5 processor LGA1156 maybe LGA1155 ..... Video cards are really important in general and insuring that you have the proper case and power supply to adequately cool your system is also important. Myself I have soaked $400 bucks into my case, power supply and heat sink(liquid cooling, radiator) all corsair. An SSD drive will really boost things like system startup times and will play an important factor in your no wait scenario. You really don't have to spend thousands to get a good computer these days. It isn't like when the 80286 came out and a system sold for $20 000 and had a Meg of RAM and a 100Meg HDD that had transfer rates slower than old ADSL. Knowing what you will be using it for is always helpful .... if it's scientific computing and you need a super computer knowing what your expectations are can make a reply more relevant.
  18. NVidia Links
  19. I'm rooting for you ;D
  20. You keep mentioning 'standard programming' but really what you are doing isn't exactly used, at all. Maybe a long time ago or in the most basic of cases but even then really there isn't a such thing as the standard case! If you are looping indefinitely, which for whatever reason does happen out of some desire, and you still have to press the x with your mouse to exit this is still a required input. #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { char str[MAX_PATH] = {0}; printf("What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? \n"); printf("velocity:"); scanf( "%s", str ); printf("\n \n \n \n"); printf("(press enter key to exit) \n"); char exit = {0}; /* --- good practice to do other stuff as well or just use getchar(); getchar(); ---- */ while( exit != 10 ) { getchar(); exit = getchar(); }; return 0; } Pausing in general is considered an anti-pattern in practice, there are usually far better things for a CPU to be doing. But none of this matters during the initial learning phase and the solutions to this problem become more dependent on the libraries that you are involving yourself with. In standard practice and where windows is concerned a window is created and a message loop checks to see if it is time to quit. This isn't even considered general practice and systems for closing software can become quite complex where application programming under c++ is concerned.
  21. Blitzer
  22. It was graphing the complex values, yes . ... . . . .
  23. Sorry shouldn't use wolfram alpha use Maxima. Should look like this ^
  24. Reread the definition for asymptote ... . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .
  25. Ok I thought you had written [math] y = -2 \log_3 (x-3)^{-1} [/math] your new one is [math] y = -2log_3(x-3) -1 [/math] and that corresponds to this which makes more sense ...
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