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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. \o/ I've been accepted by Canada's #1 ranking comprehensive university. It's like being special in some way--not really, but I can preternd!

  2. My Ethics professor's first words to the class were, and I quote "I am a feminist, my household is feminist, I make more money than my husband and he 'accepts' that. My son is a 'bro-ny' and I don't see why some sexual preferences are met with opposition, after all some people are born right handed." She seems to dress 'goth' and was adamant about her past as a 'raver', which I readily identify with. She is only a few years older than myself. She stares at me, but they all do :/ I like how the one guy says "Well what are men now, men must be women, and that's the worst thing." The reality is most people still do ask themselves these questions, most people see what was, and are forced into a role play that makes them ask this question "Should women vote?" No one takes this guy seriously and for good reason, there is no reason it ought be that way--women not being allowed to vote. I can't fathom a reason why, or a rout to how things became so rigid in their structure in the first place, that such a simple minded way of thinking became the norm. I don't understand how people, even those who are firm in their post-modern mindset, still have trouble with moving forward. I'm not saying that there is doubt in the decision, but I often see women still doubting the reality of this move forward, like it could be taken away from them at any time. I really do not understand people, if a man were to say to me "my power is so much greater than ______ that I can impose my will and my will is that _____" I would understand that. When people make up really weird stories to make up really unusual rules that neither benefit the individual or satisfy some want that the individual has, I have to ask myself what makes that person tick, and that scares me. If I can't answer what makes people tick that tells me people are running around rampant, are illogical, and are going to screw up everything! Illogical people are unpredictable people . . . .
  3. It was funny, I lawled. I just assumed the cartoon was meant to initiate some deeper conversation, it is in the ed. section and not the lounge! Nobody beat me up now k . . . .
  4. This is very oddly skewed. It can take many years to develop the sufficient skills in an industry to even be taken on as an apprentice. To become a Millwright takes four years of apprenticing, same with industrial electrician, and machinist. Having a bachelors degree can often open up the ability to apprentice, especially now as competition increases, having a degree can open these doors. Most trades men do not complete their apprenticeships before the age of twenty five, it is more often the case that they complete it between thirty and thirty-five years of age. I mean obviously you won't go to school to get a degree in chemistry so that you can be a good painter. You don't need to know chemistry to know how to make the best mixes of paint. But, a degree in mathematics can get you into an apprenticeship as a machinist which can build into a career in aerospace--or other--with potential of earning well into six figures (math is very important in higher level jobs of this field.) Or, conversely, many trades professionals in these fields go on to get a degree to further themselves in their respective field. Commercial air pilots, as far as I'm aware, require a bachelors degree in physics or engineering. Even guys working on high voltage are forced into a degree by competition and by a need to demonstrate a certain level of precision. I think that people focus too much on the stereotypes of success and not enough on the details of how one can improve themselves to become better within their fields. Most jobs attainable by a degree are not research jobs. There isn't a trade in chemistry and yet there is a lot of demand for chemists within the industrial labour market. I have personally made my choice as far as my bachelors degree is concerned and am taking a double major math/computer science. My ideal position would be working in scientific computing for the local medical research community. I haven't ruled out the possibility that I might not get into my passion. I have other pathways to financial success, I can go back to machining, I can get a much higher paying job in plant management/production engineering. There is also the possibility of me getting into game design, game programming, effects programming for the entertainment industry. Four years and $50000 is not half the investment that many think it is. It isn't so small as to be considered a drop in the bucket, but at best it's only a foundation. I'm investing in my future success by getting a degree, and I'm thirty-two almost thirty-three years old. I think that students should wait to go through post secondary and first get some real life experience, but this is just my opinion. I believe that by doing so students would gain a much better understanding of what they are striving for and why they are striving for it. I'm not in anyway the standard of anything as it stands, but I think we will be seeing future students taking a much different pathway than what has been historically accepted as the proper path. I am of the opinion that each person has their own approach to education, some need to complete it in steps, and it is more a rarity that students should continue on with post secondary after high school graduation. The current view on education pushes students to get their education over and done with and I believe this is the driving factor for our observed crummy statistics. Many of the most upstanding professionals I've known have gone through a number of growth stages that got them to where they are, none of them simply got a degree.
  5. Yes! I wouldn't say confuse the two, but we experience two different systems simultaneously, and identify the combination as an experience. Veldhuizen MG, Shepard TG, Wang M-F, Marks LE (2010) Coactivation of gustatory and olfactory signals in flavor perception. Chem Sens 35:121–133.
  6. The sense of smell is transmitted directly to the cerebrum via the olfactory nerve. The sense of taste travels over three of the other 12 cranial nerves, but these do not go directly to the cerebrum, these go to the medula and pons. The olfactory nerve is the only nerve that connects directly to the cerebrum, where the optic nerve ganglia is situated in the diencephalon and is routed through the thalamus. The thalamus is important because it acts like a switchboard for sensory input, and the olfactory bypasses this. The pathways taken then suggests that the only place where which the two signals could be contrasted and compared is in the cerebrum. I don't believe it is sufficient to say that they are companion senses as a cause of their both evoking emotional responses from the amygdala. My opinion on this would be, that in fact what we mean by 90% of our taste comes from the smell, is to say that most of what we sense from our food is in fact the smell. If one does not breath while eating the taste decreases, what in fact we are experiencing is a decrease in the use of smell in amusing our brains with our food.
  7. I only have trades related accidents, like where I set the shop floor on fire while welding a leaking hydraulic pinion inlet, after which I accidentally painted the shop floor green that same night . . . There has been a lot of flying debris in my life, most of which has traveled at speeds in excess of 100km/h. I have very funny scars all over me--ok maybe not so funny! I hope to be allowed to continue to blow stuff up randomly through my role as a mathematician . . . . random pencil debacles I asked the boss how much water to a bucket of coolant, he said one cup, but he meant one cup of coolant to a bucket of water. I thought it was weird but I was young and didn't ask. I kept working and after half an hour you could see the green of the coolant as it seeped into my veins and crawled up my arm.
  8. With the specs you are suggesting your per bearing price is still going to be greater than $100 for angular contact ball bearings. The weight and frequency of rotation are well into precision engineering requirements and your project is very dangerous. You might want to add to your list the cost of some high quality grease, which can also go for upwards of $100/tube (sometimes small tubes.) Kluberquiet BQ 74-73 N ~$150/400g tube
  9. At first glance, and looking through the index, it had appeared that way. The first chapter starts on particles but then essentially takes a short route equivalent to Messiah's point. The elaboration is brief being about one chapter long contained in two chapters. I missed it at first because I had previously read some of the first chapter earlier, and when I went back I looked through the index and then went backwards through the book. I had come to a too quick conclusion, but I had addressed the fact within a five minute period of time--sometimes I type in a more live fashion, I'm sorry. Messiah develops the very same idea over many chapters, in great detail, and I don't see this text as outdated, and it happens to be well recommended by a great many scientist. As for charge, I will go ahead and link the 'formal definition' in Wiki just to give you an idea of what I was thinking about: I bolded what I think is the relevant part to this conversation! On a side note I neg rep'ed Granpa because he quotes his link, but it completely looks like they are his own opinions even though they are a quote . . . I don't think everyone caught that! Sorry if I was being critical, I just thought it should be more easily recognized as a quote and not Granpas writings. Someone has obviously corrected my reaction to post #147. I do see where the literature very clearly states that 'Dualism' or 'Duality' or 'Wave-Particle Duality' from the historical view is incorrect. I think Messiah made statements that attempted to address this and is what I posted earlier. I do not however see anything that explicitly supports your statements that electrons are particles and not waves. I've seen literature that more explicitly states that electrons are waves except in certain experimental conditions where one would treat them exclusively as particles and not wave particles. I also believe that the deeper abstraction supports this view and not the one that you are trying to condition.
  10. I had asked you to give a formal definition of charge, the fact that you didn't tells me that you are ignoring much of the story. Repeating yourself over and over again is not an argument, and there are many holes that you have not accounted for. If you can't account for the holes then you can't expect anyone to accept what you are saying as hard fact. I'm pretty sure you are observing half of this statement, but not the other. I don't see Ryder making contradicting statements in this respect!
  11. The hyperbolic identity would be irrelevant. You can not make two equations that are not equal to each other, equal to each other. With each constant set to 0 the left hand is equal to 0.5 and the right hand is equal to 0, and this is an inequality so you can not start making statements about the identity. When dealing with integration the proper approach is to combine the constants to form a +c in no special way just drop the constant on the left and keep the constant on the right, and then solve for the constant. The idea here is that the integral differs within itself by a constant, in a case like this you don't even know if the constant is positive or negative, the constant is a placeholder.
  12. The great thing about constants of integration is they can be anything you want them to be. [math] \begin{aligned} \frac{\cosh^2 0}{2} & \neq \frac{\sinh^2 0}{2} \\ \frac{1}{2} & \neq 0 \\ \end{aligned} [/math] The question then is with what constants of integration do these expressions become algebraically equivalent. [math] \begin{aligned} \frac{\cosh^2 x}{2} & = \frac{\sinh^2 x}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \\ \frac{\cosh^2 x}{2} - \frac{\sinh^2 x}{2} & = \frac{1}{2} \\ cosh^2 x - sinh^2 x & = 1 \\ \end{aligned} [/math]
  13. Why do all my projects seem to involve learning the next generation of a software package . . . . and why is it so awesome to have inventor on my pc legally for free \o`

    1. Xittenn


      At least I got an aerofoil profile right? It's all in my head just gotta put it onto paper. I blame WoW and Munkres . . . alright I'm just lazy. Windmill coming soon to a blog near you--I need cooler topics to ruminate. :D

  14. try this instead
  15. Growing host targeted glands for implantation . . . . .
  16. More of an engineering thing . . . .
  17. It could be rectal bleeding . . . . . usually nothing to worry about if that is the case! It's the only thing I can think of. If you participate in anal sex and you are a little too active you might not be letting the sphincter relax back into its normal state, which with other factors could mean that you are leaking fecal matter which is accumulating throughout your pelvic region. Always best to see a doctor
  18. Shoes go for that: http://www.neimanmarcus.com/product.jsp?isEditorial=false&index=2&masterId=cat000550&itemId=prod58340020&cmCat=cat000000cat000470cat000550cat9250740&parentId=cat9250740 In 2008 I almost bought these $1400 Gucci Boots in purple: http://mynextshoes.net/2008/11/03/the-classy-gucci-fringed/ I held myself back though . . . . something to do in my 40's.
  19. Yes, that got me there. Thanks ajb! Leimkuhler, B., and G.W. Patrick. "A Symplectic Integrator For Riemannian Manifolds." Journal Of Nonlinear Science 6.4 (1996): 367. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
  20. I thought you were solving the whole problem from some given point in polar coordinates. I'm just not used to addressing this type of system as polar. I also see that [math] \frac{dx}{dt} [/math] is a constant, so maybe it isn't best to approach it as a harmonic oscillator. It's been ten days, I don't know if this question can still be classified as homework at this point? I would think it has now simply passed into the territory of I can't answer the damn question . . . I don't know how to handle this. :/ Here's what I did to solve the problem: 1) [math] r = r [/math] 2) [math] x = r\cos{\phi} + \frac{dx}{dt}t [/math] 3) use Pythagoras to form a relation between [math] \phi [/math] and [math] x [/math] 4) find the derivative which will give you the constant [math] \omega [/math] 5) Apply the mechanical advantage--gear type 6) [math] v_{\perp} = \frac{\omega_{pin}}{r_{pin \; arm}} [/math] It's late if I made a mistake I'm sorry, I've never done a question like this before and I'm half asleep . . . . :/
  21. What are the more common theorems used to derive, for example a sphere in differential form, as a matrix representation? What are the more common expressions used to describe differential forms as matrices?
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joatmon


      Well, I have to show my ignorance-particularly as I like fish! So it's no and no! I guess I lead a simple life where food is concerned and rarely ,for example, have starters. I've always seen caviar as a luxury that we could do without.

    3. Xittenn


      Beluga caviar is non sustainable and is something that people should generally avoid. I don't see caviar from sustainable sources as a problem.

    4. Joatmon


      Nor do I. The "we" I used meant my wife and I. We can do without it as it's rather expensive.

  22. I'm just as socially awkward and immature in my day to day. The following is an artists composite of the female version of the clown from Stephen King's It: I believe that this closely represents my inner being or soul if you will . . . . I growl when I look in the mirror sometimes! I guess in RL I am far more prone to say things like "When I grow up I'm going to run a Zombie making factory. You wanna be my first subject? You can live forever!" I wouldn't say something like this here Swansont might have things to say about such behaviour. I feel like an evil version of one of the misfit toys from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special)!
  23. Absolutely! Lying would be, I wear a suit today, and jeans and a t-shirt tomorrow. And if everyone else is wearing jeans and a t-shirt to interview you, wearing a suit and tie might make you look uncomfortable. In the tech industry that I have been a part of what I have posted above in the photos, is often what is most appropriate. Wearing a suit from Mark's and Spencer's will make you look inappropriate. But really, I don't give a rats ass what any of you wear, it was friendly advice. If everyone including the OP sees it as innapropriate far be it from me to waste anymore of my game playing time on the matter. Congrats on making your way up ewmon, and whatever you choose to wear I hope it gets you to where you want to be. Have fun! o.o ** I personally like men who wear pants that are not jeans
  24. And if that is how you feel you best represent yourself than by all means do so. I know hiring staff from places like Microsoft, EA, etc. and have had to do hiring myself of Architects, Engineers, Drafts-persons, Millwrights etc. and I say what I say from these experiences. I give an answer . . . . the onus is on the OP as to appropriateness. I can't really say anything more than that iNow--you shouldn't wear jeans and a t-shirt to a tech job, it's very unprofessional.
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