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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. Jealous much?
  2. 1) Random number generator, multiply by two 2) Store a list of Primes randomize the list 3) two ways both of which will probably require you to bind openGL to do anything remotely interesting: a) Create/Load/Manipulate some font stuff like they do here(there is some resizing stuff in earlier tuts but this is C++) b) Output a font into a text file, convert it to an image file and then stretch it! I'm sure there are easier ways but I can't think of any off of the top of my head and don't really know anything about python.
  3. I took this as meaning D + NA = DNA, I didn't see the link to 1 dimensional space. As for the second bit it was just an observation on this subject with regards to another thread(I may have intended a little humour.) This one!
  4. The four letters are used in coding for what amino acid to insert into a peptide sequence when RNA is read during protein synthesis by the ribosomes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_code Just out of curiosity where was this statement intending to lead? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWould this be an accepted context-free language or would some argue the opposition?
  5. If you really want to do it in Java, for whatever reason, you could implement the Intel MKL through wrappers........ although it would probably be simpler to just use C++! This looks like fun I might try it some time.
  6. Does Java know how to handle video files? MATLAB with C wrappers really isn't such a bad idea...........
  7. Xittenn

    The TRUTH

    oooops I posted in the wrong thread! sorry ..........
  8. It was on the list..............remembering that is! Thx for the insight.
  9. I never did figure this one out...........maybe if I format the question properly someone can throw me a clue...... The function [math] \phi (x) = a(sin \frac {2 \pi x}{\lambda}) + b(cos \frac {2 \pi x}{\lambda}) [/math] represents the superposition of two harmonic waves with the same wavelength [math] \lambda [/math]. Show that [math] \phi [/math] is also harmonic with the same wavelength, and can be written as [math]\phi (x) = A sin(\frac{2\pi x}{\lambda})+\alpha[/math] [math]A = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/math] the best I can come up with is [math]\phi (x) = A sin ( \frac{2\pi x}{\lambda} + \alpha) = (\sqrt{a^2 + b^2})( cos \alpha (sin\frac{2 \pi x}{\lambda}) + sin \alpha (cos\frac{2\pi x}{\lambda}))[/math] how would [math]a=cos \alpha \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/math] and [math]b=sin \alpha \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/math] something tells me this is really easy....... ........thread titles............
  10. Xittenn

    What is it?

    damn it............. ><
  11. Xittenn

    What is it?

    What would you call an Oligomer comprised of six Arsole units? ............ -sorry- A six unit Oligomer comprised of Thiophene.............. Hexthiophene? ....... not to be confused with 3-Hexylthiophene. hmmmmm Organic Semiconductor materials very interesting.......
  12. Xittenn

    What is it?

    Would I be far off if I searched through Thiol containing Oligopeptides?
  13. Would I be far off if I searched through Thiol containing Oligopeptides? [edit] ooops sorry, how did that happen...........
  14. Xittenn

    What is it?

    Is that another hint or are you agreeing with macsci?
  15. Well there are more tools for debugging your programs if you buy it. Also it isn't a license to make commercial software and most individuals who program are doing so with the intent to make commercial software; well aside from lab coats and nerds.
  16. I like to keep things going when I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing. I often need to read lengthy online articles to keep up to date with or further my knowledge on n number of topics at any given time. I'm spending way too much time reading while I could also be doing other things. So where's the text to speech api? Selecting, copying and pasting text and then listening to it would allow me to spend more time programming, playing WoW or doing math....... TV used to be the filler while doing these things but I have had a no TV policy for some time now... I need to fill the gap. Software is available, there's all the telephone billing agents and I've seen game engines with this capability programmed in! This is just the start my search but figured maybe some of the more refined techies abound may have some guru like knowledge of what's going around, preferably freeware. I guess programming my own is always an option....... Anyway thx, daPincess Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle => http://www.naturalreaders.com/ interesting..........very interesting....... I could scan complete texts! ........ #include <Windows.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { ifstream Text; Text.open("C:/Users/Rebeka/Desktop/TextFile.txt"); ofstream TextOut; TextOut.open("C:/Users/Rebeka/Desktop/TextOutFile.txt"); int open_bracket; int close_bracket; string line; if (!Text.bad() && !Text.fail()) { while(!(Text.eof())) { getline(Text,line); while(line.find("[") != string::npos) { open_bracket = line.find("["); if (line.find("]") != string::npos) { close_bracket = line.find("]"); line.erase(open_bracket,close_bracket-open_bracket+1); } } TextOut << line << endl; } } else return false; Text.close(); TextOut.close(); return 0; }; Sorry, joke or not I figured if I'm going to post it may as well be correct and functional!
  17. http://www.microsoft.com/express/vc/ http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb/Default.aspx Huh? No! Great now I have Visual Basic installed................yuck! Wait, what do I do with it? => uninstall
  18. Xittenn

    What is it?

    heterocyclic bridged oligomer buckyballs?
  19. Visual Studio has what's known as express editions(they are free) ............ and VS2010 is in Beta release ......... not that I have any opinions in regards to what you learn Cameron or anyone else, it's what I'm currently using until I purchase a copy of 2010 when it is released. It has parallel programing architecture yay!
  20. Are there any good reasons to maintain the combination of quad and triangle strips in DX10......... I would personally prefer to just break the quads apart. Aside from memory resources is it in any way beneficial and/or necessary? Is there an increase and/or decrease in processing performance? I have noticed other software and mesh converters breaking the quads down into tris. Would this be in any way risky to the way a model would deform when under the influence of animation?
  21. Yeah guess just running away is a little different! My bad...........I could start a new thread.......
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom_(character) I think it would be entertaining, get some new perspectives around the place! Although there was a discussion I was in before that basically said "well there's more silicon than carbon why is it that there's carbon life and not silicon." Maybe we are just the precursor in a universal process.................
  23. <da>: wat up guys <buttacup>: the sky *** buttacup is now known as daSky <daSky>: hai <abchirk_>: hi
  24. Xittenn

    Human emotion

    I really have no opinion on this subject as I've put forth no effort in studying the causal links between chemistry, logic and emotion. I am however quite curious about the subject as I have had some issues in terms of maintaining a normal emotional state. Today I started to cry at work which was almost completely random to the events of my day. I just suddenly became sad and overwhelmed. This happens often but usually it is triggered by a chain of thoughts I'm having or a pronounced outside stimuli. It was only a couple of tears which where proceeded with a dozen sneezes. I've seen many psychiatrists and most have not diagnosed me with any acute emotional problems. When I was a teenager one psychiatrist prescribed me lithium bisalts for manic depression in the case that I may be. They made me feel emotionally sick and we stopped the treatment. I'm often terrified of the people around me and the possible thoughts they could have with regards to me. At the same time I'm often the one who is laughing just a little to loud. I'm contemplating seeing a psychologist as the down side to my emotions can be a bit much at times. My GP agrees that it may be beneficial. I don't know it would be nice to not worry so much and not be so scared of the people around me. I really don't see how these feelings can in any way be beneficial. [edit] great I'm cryin' again..............
  25. Xittenn

    What is it?

    That rulez UC......................post another!
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