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Everything posted by Xittenn
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms713499(VS.85).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms713497(VS.85).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms708482(VS.85).aspx Research if you have questions ask............. kk note: search parameters should revolve around tone generator not frequency for your purposes http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=tone+generator+c%2B%2B&btnG=Google+Search&meta= k so the first two in that search are probably all you need to get started I can't find anything aside from these either...........
I've yet to come across this despite the numerous references to Gamma functions in various places which I never gave notice. To what I am referring is integration of factorials which is now to my understanding a specific case of the gamma function. What are some of the finer points to be looked over when considering solutions? Where do these concepts lie in the greater scheme of mathematics?
Everybody pull out your UK to English dictionaries.......
Isn't a normal rocket just a cannon in reverse with no projectile and a long explosion with the cannon doing the flying? I'm pretty sure this is the closest one will come to putting things in space via this method. Unless they perfect the 'force field' and stuff a projectile in a barrel with a nuke. Yes/No?
Copernicium for those of us who didn't hear! http://chemistry.about.com/b/2009/07/19/element-112-is-named-copernicium.htm
I suggest you avoid making one of these...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroshock_weapon chances are you won't but hey........ Use a material that holds charge inside your sword and stick a little DC motor in it with brushes!
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Xittenn replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
http://www.amazon.ca/Cosm-Gregory-Benford/dp/0380790521 Not bad book..................something similar in nature? This one is more of a worm hole caused by the creation of a small high density mass aka. black hole! -
Well if it doesn't matter make a short cut to a blank file and use that(point the current shortcut to a blank Corel file(save file with a new name every time you start(make the file read only it will force you to save it under a new name every time)))............... -registery -missing dll -internal flag -misplaced or corrupt association of any type(all of the above) If it's Corel and not Windows asking for the disk I take the chance in saying it's not windows directly but the option misplaced or corrupt association of any type(all of the above)............ Did you try going into installed software in control panel and doing a repair.........the option is never there but you never know. Make a video of the process and post it on youtube it may help to provide better conjecture(only as silly as you make it sound.)
As I'm sure you are aware, it's most likely a missing .dll if it's a windows thing..... it doesn't have a filename that it will search for when you enter the disk?
There could be a shutter at the end of the tunnel formed by a high velocity air current; similar to an air curtain fridge door. Atmosphere could be introduced at an appropriate gradient near the end of the tunnel. At this critical stage the shockwave that would develop could be squelched and siphoned off.
150000 Rupees/mnth -Electronics Engineer
400000 Rupees/mnth -Architect
These are averges and do not immediately take into account freshman to senior. Appearantly in India architects are fairly highly regarded. Architects are also in demand. I'd still do some more research if I where you but the individuals I spoke with are all from India and have some experience in the matter!
Although I don't see anything on rings Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts and Formulas the 2nd edition is now available. Looking through, it looks thorough and covers all the basics of algebras, fields, groups, lie groups and their homomorphisms. I'm sure rings are in there somewhere but the index is cross referenced more so with respect to the generalized theorem wherein such matters may be covered. I'm quite excited at it finally having arrived and am enthusiastically reading through it!
So like with an acceleration of 3G or [math] 30m/s^2 [/math] on a 15km track you would hit a speed of [math] 948m/s [/math] in 31.6sec or roughly mach 2.7.... Not a bad start...........regardless of whether it's an orbital launch or an escape flight and pretty standard G forces too.
A mile is not really that long..........in fact 10miles isn't really that long. It could very easily be run underground. It would be interesting to see an approach on this within our lifetime.
Categorical Foundations: Special Topics in Order, Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory?????? let me know if you find another..............or if you read this one let me know if I should buy it myself! Thx in advance........... >cutie<
Rail Gun! One launch method currently envisioned involves an under ground magnetic levio track that propels a shuttle forward which then reaches a really high speed before it is spit out at the end of the tunnel.
I weigh 160lbs or roughly 73kg, I am 5' 10" and have a BMI of roughly 25.15. I wear a size 8/9 or 28! I'm not considered overweight by anyone I know. In fact most people say that I'm pretty slim. Being that I have a well defined physic I am in no way skinny. I'm not muscally either. Regardless I do a lot of exercising, I can run for an hour at 10 to 11kph or like 6.5mph. Most men I date are well over 100kg @ roughly 2meters. They also are not fat. I don't understand this sudden craze to be small I think it sucks................ I think it's a ploy to make a weaker populace allowing for greater manageability. Severian almost all gyms employ kinesiologist who are well trained in taking measurements of individuals and their body fat percentage. They often will do it for free the first time.......a complete physical! Even if they don't they probably won't charge you more than $30. Don't get small get cut, yo!
3-10 milliamperes .... Well for starters this looks to me as though you are looking to create a continuously available electrical power source. May I suggest cutting the cord and using some sort of static generator with a renewing source of static shock! In which case you want to read more about a static electric shock and the required Joules in creating the desired effect. Think of one of those gag hand shocking thingies.
[math] S = k ln W[/math] [math] S = entropy [/math] [math] W = \frac {N!}{\Pi_j a_j!} [/math] and is the statistical mechanical probability of being in a state or the weight of the configuration [math] k = Boltzmans \, Constant [/math] [math] \Delta S = \oint \frac {\slashed{d} q_{reversible} } {T} [/math] This state function is the Thermal Dynamic equivalent of the above Boltzman Relation and is necessary to the derivation thereof! "Entropy is perhaps the most misunderstood thermodynamic property of matter. Introductory chemistry courses generally describe the entropic driving force for a reaction as an inherent desire for the system to increase its "randomness" or "disorder." With statistical mechanics, we will see that the tendency of an isolated system to evolve to a state of maximum entropy is a direct consequence of statistics." "A system approaches equilibrium by achieving the configuration of energy with the maximum weight." -Physical Chemistry; Thomas Engel, Philip Reid Insane Alien a super liquid at approaching absolute zero still in it's liquid state for example helium will still have much less entropy than dirt at room temperature! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Consider the fact that there are one possibilities of getting snake eyes and the fact that there are 1 6 6 1 2 5 5 2 3 4 4 3 six possibilities of getting seven, hence seven has the greater weight (am just rewording this statement to better emphasize the points made above).
Physical Chemistry; Thomas Engel & Philip Reid introduce entropy as follows: [math] dS = \oint \frac {\slashed{d} q_{reversible} } {T} [/math] and has no worded definition in the entire text! The closest thing to a worded definition of entropy is encountered in the following statement: "It has not yet been demonstrated that S is a suitable function for measuring 'the natural direction of change in a process' that the system may undergo." I find no reference in the text to entropy being defined as a measure of disorder or decay! I do recall an older text I had read having stated this but this new text has a much more developed scope than did that one..............
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19165154?ordinalpos=21&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18599527?ordinalpos=64&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum hmmmmm does it have to attack the fat cell directly? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19261336?ordinalpos=12&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18473870?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=4&log$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=pubmed
<Paymon>: Check it out! http://www.ragnarokproject.webs.com then email me about the project at ragnarokinc@live.com <Paymon>: ... <buttacup>: wtf he came he trolled he ran away lol! I didn't get a time on that................
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