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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. Composite bodies If a body can be decomposed (either physically or conceptually) into several constituent parts, then the moment of inertia of the body about a given axis is obtained by summing the moments of inertia of each constituent part around the same given axis. -Wikipedia
  2. Xittenn

    "Wireless" Energy?

    Microwave transmission is currently both being considered and used as a means of wireless power transmission. amongst other things.......
  3. ultrasound?
  4. <Incarnation>: ... i love you guys <buttacup>: mmmmmmm <buttacup>: what did I miss? Incarnation kisses buttacup <Incarnation>: not much, i lost my mind <Incarnation>: not the first time this has happened <UnintentionalChaos>: you had one? <Incarnation>: i'd like to think so <buttacup>: I forgot to eat supper <buttacup>: oh oh <Incarnation>: soldiers are red <Incarnation>: soldiers are blue <Incarnation>: fighting a war <Incarnation>: falling for you <Incarnation>: yeah, im sorry <Incarnation>: gonna go <buttacup>: ummmmmmmmmmmm <buttacup>: roses are red <buttacup>: my face is too <buttacup>: so wtf <buttacup>: else is there to do\ <buttacup>: lol <buttacup>: I think I've mentioned prior my innate ability to make others run away +++ ChanServ has given voice to Aerv <buttacup>: ervvvvvv <Aerv>: buttsex? <buttacup>: yeah <buttacup>: ............
  5. When a guaranteed solution becomes available I'm sure it will cost lots of money.........read "No consensus exists whether or not the keywords attribute has any effect on ranking at any of the major search engines today. It is speculated that it does, if the keywords used in the meta can also be found in the page copy itself. With respect to Google, thirty-seven leaders in search engine optimization concluded in April 2007 that the relevance of having your keywords in the meta-attribute keywords is little to none[3]. However, the same article also suggests that Yahoo still makes use of the keywords meta tag in some of its rankings. Yahoo itself claims support for the keywords meta tag in conjunction with other factors for improving search rankings.[4]" I'm sure there is more on this but that's where most start.................good advertising!
  6. Well first you have to convert it to the Torque Game Engine model format which is apparently .DTS! Then, check this out, John is kind of cute.. much easier than trying to do anything even remotely similar in C++................ Just for your personal comparison and for the amusement of others here is my simple code used just to index the .x(direct x file format) file in C++! .cpp #include "XFilez.h" bool CMeshFile::LoadXFile(string file) { Index.mesh_file = file; ifsMeshFile.open("C:/Projects/Naomies Moon/Roz_XSI/Roz.x"); while(!(ifsMeshFile.eof())) { getline(ifsMeshFile,line); vMeshFile.push_back(line); } ifsMeshFile.close(); if (!ifsMeshFile.bad() && !ifsMeshFile.fail()) { //find templates_index_end index file_itterator=2; while (!(vMeshFile.at(file_itterator).find("Frame") == 0)) { file_itterator++; } Index.scene_index_begin=file_itterator; //Index Hierarchy while (!(vMeshFile.at(file_itterator).find("}") == 0)) { if(vMeshFile.at(file_itterator).find("Frame") == 1) { Index.frame_index_begin.push_back(file_itterator); while(!(vMeshFile.at(file_itterator).find("}") == 1)) { file_itterator++; } } else file_itterator++; } } else return false; return true; } .h #ifndef X_FILEZ #define X_FILEZ #if _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include <windows.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class CMeshFileIndex { public: string mesh_file; static const int header = 0; static const int templates_index_begin = 1; int scene_index_begin; vector<int> frame_index_begin; }; class CMeshFile { public: bool LoadXFile(string file); private: CMeshFileIndex Index; ifstream ifsMeshFile; string line; vector <string> vMeshFile; int file_itterator; }; #endif tabbing not so easily copied and pasted.........
  7. Thank you for clearing that up for me!
  8. How does either OCamel or Scala outperform or make the creation of Monte Carlo simulations any better/easier than when done in C++? note: I am quite interested in these sorts of applications and despite any prior arguing on behalf of C++ am truly looking for all the facts.
  9. You could get an AC ammeter, to start!
  10. If they managed to type in a nick how could it have been accidental........... ooops 'click'
  11. Fully implemented also through c++??
  12. On a similar but different note how would one remove stains of say NLG consistency lithium based greases from clothing?
  13. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/concurrency/default.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/nativeconcurrency/archive/2008/10/28/visual-studio-2010-ctp-available-including-the-concurrency-runtime-parallel-pattern-library-and-asynchronous-agents-library.aspx oooooo parallel vectors maybe they'll have fixed some resizing issues as well..... I'm sure this separation won't be the defining end to c++!
  14. Sutton Inme Coochenella Love Fook Yu and Fook Mi Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOliver Nutting Wanda Peek
  15. Craven Spanx lol
  16. North America.........when are they going to allow free roaming? Let me out damn it!
  17. where [math] y = \sqrt x [/math] because this is the question so.... [math] y_2 = \sqrt {x + \Delta x } [/math] and [math] y_1 = \sqrt x [/math] then [math] y_2 - y_1 = \sqrt {x + \Delta x } - \sqrt x [/math] and [math] \Delta y = \sqrt {x + \Delta x } - \sqrt x [/math] I do believe this may be a way used by calculators starting by finding the first closest squaring of a prime and then going through a couple iterations of this to find a good approximation.......
  18. If you are feeling adventurous you could try this [math] \Delta y \approx f'(x) \Delta x [/math] Where [math] y = f(x) = \sqrt x [/math] then [math] \Delta y = \sqrt {x + \Delta x } - \sqrt x = \sqrt {x + \Delta x} - y [/math] so [math] y + \Delta y = \sqrt { x + \Delta x } [/math] now [math] \Delta y \approx f'(x) \Delta x = \frac {1} {2} x ^ { - \frac {1} {2} } \Delta x = \frac {1} { 2 \sqrt x } \Delta x [/math] let x = 25 because this is the nearest square root that is easily achieved mentally and [math] \Delta x = 2 [/math] because 25 + 2 = 27 then [math] \Delta y \approx f'(x) \Delta x = \frac {1} {2 \sqrt {25} } * 2 = \frac {1} { \sqrt {25} } = \frac {1} {5} = .2 [/math] thus [math] \sqrt {27} = \sqrt { x + \Delta x } = y + \Delta y = \sqrt {25} + .2 = 5 + .2 = 5.2 [/math] These are approximations CM.......... I just added this 'cause I thought it was cool when I learned it.........Calculus Bittinger!
  19. Well correct me if I'm wrong but this asteroid is carrying about 10exajoules or roughly 2.4GigaTons explosive energy. It may be somewhat dissipated in the atmosphere(as heat nonetheless) on entry but would still hit with an impact force of a couple dozen big fat nukes.
  20. When I saw 21,000,000,000Kg I thought wow that looks big! I then pondered about it, punched in the numbers going by density of water and that's like 275m in diameter assuming a spherical object. I Googled and Wiki says it's apx. dimensions are 270m(must be the rough diameter...) Wow that's not very huge at all...... How big is Tunguska?
  21. I second that.............
  22. Is this why the electromagnetic plain wave is mathematically represented using a logarithmic function? [math] exp[2 \pi (\frac{u \cdot r}{\lambda}- \nu t)] [/math]
  23. What does the merged part mean?
  24. I would love to understand and am very interested in what you just said. I'm finding it hard to put it together though! Is this, in effect, a mathematical statement of the uncertainty created by trying to measure a particle? Where attenuating the frequency of the magnetic field for momentum decreases the accuracy of the measurement taken by the same device for position and vice versa; with respect to plancks constant of coarse...... Thanks for your input Proton! It's those little bits I don't know to look for that often hold me back from seeing the big picture.
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