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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. -Voxel(Refined to Octree, Quadtree??? Relationship to Subdivision Surfaces....) -CSG(not exactly sure about all the distinguishing points between CSG and BSP as they seem to be somewhat intertwined in game editors; more prcisely what is CSG a mathematical representation or just a term used to say join stuff together?) -Pore Space Partitioning Based on Morphological Skeletonization(I don't know, it sounds inspirational) oh and -Radiosity(Real Time) as a routinely used method for calculating diffuse lighting
  2. You can tech demo a game engine...........and Quake 4 engine actually still has the option left in code.........regardless.... a) it's well on the way and b)it has absolutely nothing to do with finding an alternative format to BSP...... I'll add the option to render real time ray tracing in my engine and I'll mail you the tech demo.......the best I can do for now.......
  3. Well........................ http://www.techpowerup.com/68545/Quake_4_run_Ray-tracing_Enabled_on_Intel_Larrabee.html http://www.realstorm.com/ http://arstechnica.com/hardware/news/2009/04/caustic-graphics-launches-real-time-ray-tracing-platform.ars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1il2zVo0ci0 http://www.laserpirate.com/as3raytracer/ I never said there are mainstream games which use Ray Tracing. I did say there are game engines with Ray Tracing and there have been for some time!
  4. The answer is yes, there are currently game engines which employ Ray Tracing and there have been for a while! It is however not a replacement for BSP. BSP is a format used to create geometry where as Ray Tracing is used to enhance the fundamental forms of lighting. Ray Tracing does serve other functions such as target acquisition. Thanks for the reply Capt. Panic......
  5. I might rephrase this one as a math question in 'the future.'
  6. Binary Space Partioning or BSP, for those who don't know, is a readily used method for creating walls and other such objects within a 3D gaming engine or it is also used in Computer Aided Design(CAD). BSP is a fast and effective space partition that does not require much processing time during rendering. It is good for primitive shapes but can become unstable as shape angles begin to decrease to a sharp point or geometry becomes to complex. I opened this thread to inquire on other methods for accomplishing this task. I am interested in methods that may even say be slightly more consuming of processor time with the benefit of creating more complex shapes. I am familiar with the most common types of primitive modeling techniques currently used including Spline/Nurb Surfaces, Polygonal/Mesh Surfaces and Subdivision Surfaces. There are others and I may be overlooking an obvious choice. -daPincess
  7. Laptops are going to cap because of battery limitations. The need for computing power and the supply of it through @ home solutions or server based solutions will not. "What about bandwidth? This "server-based computing" technology is of course also known as "thin client computing" technology. But what does "thin" refer too? The client device? The protocol? (The LCD screen? In the early days of RDP and ICA, it could be said that the protocol was the "thin" part, and in fact many people used Terminal Server and Citrix to make three-tiered apps work across WAN links. But now that we're talking about remoting full and true desktops, that whole "20kbps" per session thing can be thrown out the window. Regardless of protocol, regardless of technique, a true “desktop-like” experience is only going to happen with bandwidth. Some of these approaches require more bandwidth than others. As Peter Ghostine said, “no one is going to be able to squeeze an elephant through the eye of a needle. While compression algorithms will always advance, if a user wants to watch a video at 24 frames per second, that’s a lot of data that needs to go across the network. Period." Delivering a few business apps in 1998 via RDP or ICA is very different than delivering a whole and completely functional desktop in 2008!" Again it may not be that there will be absolutely no software compression, but I'm thinking it will be something closer to this: "Screen-scraping The general idea with “screen scraping” is that whatever graphical elements are painted to the “screen” on the host are then scraped by the protocol interface and sent down to the client. This can happen in two ways: * The client can contact the server and pull a new “snapshot” of the screen from the frame buffer. This is how VNC works. * The server can continuously push its screen activity to the client. This can be at the framebuffer level, the GDI / window manager level, or a combination of both. (This is how RDP and ICA work.) Login Consultants' Benny Tritsch adds a note of caution regarding the term "screen scraping:" Over the years, this screen-scraping has become very advanced. RDP, ICA, and other protocols don't simply look at pixels on the screen and compress them into graphical images. Instead this process is enhanced by analyzing the screen content and identifying screen regions that are being reused (such as icons, fonts / glyphs, dialog boxes, etc. Those graphics elements can be cached at the client side, so if the host needs to send one of these elements, it only transmits the reference number of the cached element and the new coordinates. This dramtically reduces the amount of data transmitted and thus increases performance and user experience. This cached information can even be used for enhanced local echo effects, like Citrix's Speedscreen Local Text Echo for the standard GDI output. So even though the specific term "screen scraping" is no longer an exact literal representation of what is happening, the term is used more broadly to describe this general concept." and with this on the horizon, http://gigaom.com/2009/02/01/by-2012-koreans-will-get-a-gigabit-per-second-broadband-connection/ it may be more suitable to just scrap those ugly notebooks and replace them with a VR helmet or flat screen with a built in buffer connected to an internet connection; fully serviced!
  8. 1/The exact figure was of little to no concern. <roughly> 2/that was the mainstream figure..........I run 1680*1050, the figure however was still better than onlive....way better! 3/I don't know of any gaming engine that actually renders 60 fps, they render 30; monitors refresh at 60! 4/I get a full 16Mbits/sec no problem; individuals who want this service will undoubtedly pay for it. Most individuals who require a laptop can afford the expense. A good deal of those who use laptops presently will be switching to cell phone internet connections with qwerty! I'm just making a prediction in saying we'll solve the bandwidth problem around the same time as we run into laptop bottlenecks!
  9. Absolutely and I expect to see this trend continue or at the very least commence in winter 2009! http://www.brianmadden.com/blogs/brianmadden/archive/2007/11/05/remote-display-protocols-for-vdi-will-rdp-be-enough.aspx First article that came up on google, note the section "What about bandwidth?" All this really just further backs up what I was saying, especially the part about Crysis not being playable on a ported 486.....unless you are basically just dumping the video buffer over the net! It's interesting to see some of these solutions finally coming about. I still argue that one day a complete frame by frame upload of the RAMDAC may be an available and used option. Why make two computers, when you can have one? Why power two computers when you can power one? Playing Crysis on the desktop I have just bought requires me to set the graphics mode to mainstream as opposed to gamer or enthusiast! There is so much room to grow in terms of computing power and rendered output. Even the liquid cooled beasts lack luster at their best. If the argument here is there will always be a little encoding of the transmission and decoding on the client end then well sure. The difference between the two ends however may be like comparing a house to a skyscraper. There are presently no high end protocols that support ultra thin to thin clients with an accurate render of the original output and that's at 1280 * 720 @ 30 fps mainstream........................ 1280*720 24bit 30fps = roughly 500MBits/sec : ) Sun Ray is used on a local area network..................via ethernet!
  10. I do; become a tissue engineer and fix me so as so I don't die and live well past a billion..............set mission, b! Maybe life *is* deterministic................... :joke:
  11. .......which is remote desktop; rebuilding the desktop through bits of information on the porting computer. This still requires a fair amount of processing power on the porting end, if not the entire software package. You will never have a [math] 486DX^4 100 [/math] port a Core II Quad and have it run Crysis! Eliminating the need to have a computer may not be so apparent at the moment but may in the more near future become something of an interest. The current power guzzling liquid cooled gamer extremist machine cannot be replaced by a laptop. A sufficiently high bandwidth connection directly connected to the RAMDAC could give certain individuals more freedom in their lives thereby preventing health problems causing death! Even more so in the future when the standard @ home begins to seriously outperform the laptop machines again we may see a return to the 'thin client!' Power consumption, I'm sure, will be the dividing line between the two. No one will want to carry around a fifty pound battery and this will one day be the case..................unless portable fusion becomes available. Gaming aside you can also include mobile 3D Animation, CAD, CAD/Physics Simulations, Mathematical Modeling..............I'm sure there are more these are my favorites though......... I don't see the analogy of ARPANET days to the present thread at hand! <side note> Should anything I say be unclear or seem unwarranted please address your concerns with precise questions or requests of further details/sources on the specific points of concern! Thank you, DaPincess...........
  12. I was in control panel last night and I started playing with the extended options like monitorless operation; for the blind. Maybe voice over operation isn't such a bad idea.........applications; lot's thereof!
  13. I bought a 'puta recently and a laptop was an appealing option. The only problem with a laptop is it lacks power for the price I'm willing to pay! So today I was thinking, well maybe I could just se up a web cam and point it at my monitor and program it to accept voice commands over the phone. Well that's kind of dumb, right! Why would anybody go and do a thing like that. So I added a VR helmet or a monitor. This still didn't sit right; there's always remote desktop. Well I'm pretty sure there are currently some pretty major limitations on remote desktop. First off, and correct me if I'm wrong, the hosts RAMDAC is not transmitted via internet to the guests computer. This would be a high bandwidth consuming process even at lower resolutions. This brings me back to the top............communicating control commands. Well remote desktop is sort of a two way process where two computers are required, but I don't want a computer to control another computer I want a keyboard, mouse and monitor. High speed extreme now communicates @ 16MegaBits/sec, that's pretty fast. Over the next few years we could be seeing speeds high enough to say transmit a video buffer with the little bit extra necessary to transmit control commands. Could we eventually see the replacement of the laptop with a wireless net transmitted control interface. I say this with the power hungry dev team super heroes in mind(animators and game playas'.) Who wants to carry around a ten pound computer. Where is the power going to come from. Well litteraly why not?????
  14. Excellent choice.............I think........... I take that back, I intend to live well beyond my last breath........I'm a transplant my consciousness into a host!
  15. Well I'd rather not take MathML and smash it together with Unicode to make something that not so greatly resembles LaTex. Does anybody have any better suggestions aside from a text based formula or long list of name'd functions! ............................ this [math] \int\frac{3}{x}dx[/math] instead of this integrate(equation) with both calling function float math::integrate(equ equation) {} obviously all within C++ editor where [math] \frac{3}{x} [/math] could be replaced by a variable containing the equation also, knowing this is not a coding forum, does anybody see any use in this....................I think I do but all to often! I'd probably have to get a programmable keyboard for either scenario.............. or switch between US English and Math Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedwell wonders never................a VS SDK!
  16. ".......but gravity alwayssssss prevails....." -Radiohead:-p
  17. Hey it's just more room for those of us who don't have a problem with just being an organic being............ miss u, luv u............. will always keep u in our hearts u crazy..........u (Hamilton; say hi to my mom!)
  18. I'm with that................I'm shooting for a billion+! It's my life long dream.............. I'm too scared to die.....it will take me that long to get everything I want to done!
  19. float HaltonSequenceGenerator_t::GetElement(int elem) {..............................................}
  20. Hey awesome................. that makes perfect sense!
  21. Probably hurt a lot less than trying to open a window in c++......................... #include <Windows.h> LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND han_Wind,UINT uint_Message,WPARAM parameter1,LPARAM parameter2) { return DefWindowProc(han_Wind,uint_Message,parameter1,parameter2); } int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { WNDCLASSEX windowClass; HWND hwnd; windowClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); windowClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; windowClass.lpfnWndProc = WinProc; windowClass.cbClsExtra = 0; windowClass.cbWndExtra = 0; windowClass.hInstance = hInstance; windowClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_SHIELD); windowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(hInstance, IDC_ARROW); windowClass.hbrBackground = NULL; windowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; windowClass.lpszClassName = "NULL"; windowClass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); RegisterClassEx(&windowClass); hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, "NULL", "*****", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYSMENU, 0,0, 1600,1000, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); return 0; } Just out of curiosity yo Daddy oaPs why do you want to learn to program? Aside from stretching the limits of your capacities to think and solve........ There are just a lot of threads about this right now and I don't see any indications as to why it would be such a great thing to do.
  22. My last name used to be Fuchs before I anglicized it to Fox; now it just sounds similar........... Rebeka Fox it's kind of.......................naughty!
  23. Lua, maybe............... and damn it Erlang possibly!
  24. 'Touch before my time........... I try to avoid the eighties....... very few exceptions! much better 'xception 54 40
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