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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. You put that so delicately!
  2. Wouldn't a Tachyon, technically speaking, have been created by the 'Big Crunch' and be traveling backwards through time!
  3. Condorman? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorman Field trip! http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/02/070209-wingsuit.html I soooooooo have to get me one of those.......... Have you ever actually seen a flying squirrel? They're pretty cool! I saw one gliding from telephone post to telephone post. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exosquad The work never ends..................... Another idea even further into the realm of so not possible...................internal fuel tanks..............fuel conversion glands...................bio flap rocket cones................... Oh energy wings not quite ionized Argon but something similar(that's twice I've said that.)
  4. So it snowed yesterday in Vancouver, it's March. I know the cause has nothing to do with what I'm about to ask but it did cause me to ask this question(which I searched for and found wobble, not quite!) Anyway, I'm assuming that the axis of the Earth with respect to it's position around the Sun does change over time. Where over x amount of time the Summers in the Northern/Southern Hemispheres become Winters and vice versa. Over what period of time does this occur?
  5. The wiki just said this........ A charged tachyon traveling in a vacuum therefore undergoes a constant proper time acceleration and, by necessity, its worldline forms a hyperbola in space-time. However, as we have seen, reducing a tachyon's energy increases its speed, so that the single hyperbola formed is of two oppositely charged tachyons with opposite momenta (same magnitude, opposite sign) which annihilate each other when they simultaneously reach infinite velocity at the same place in space. (At infinite velocity the two tachyons have no energy each and finite momentum of opposite direction, so no conservation laws are violated in their mutual annihilation. The time of annihilation is frame dependent.) Even an electrically neutral tachyon would be expected to lose energy via gravitational Cherenkov radiation, since it has a gravitational mass, and therefore increase in velocity as it travels, as described above. Rereading it I may have misinterpreted the meaning.................it may not have been so clear. I do believe the Superbradyon is a hypothetical Supersymetry particle, a product of String Theory.............I'm still avoiding any literature on this topic! Reverse Cherenkov Radiation hmmmmmmm Metamaterials............
  6. Why do you say assuming they are charged? The Wiki on Tachyons clearly states that even if they are neutral a gravitational 'Cherenkov Radiation' could be observed. oh and............. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superbradyon
  7. Environment * Pascal like programming language, * user extensible library, * help system (TeX based online help), * more than 1000 pages of documentation, * examples for the programming language, * PVM access in the programming language of KASH, * PVM support for many parts of KANT, * database for number theoretical data, * colour support. colour support!
  8. How does 'Squeezed Vacuum' technology aid in the creation of quantum computing networks..................... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOk...so how does the technology quoted as being called 'Squeezed Vacuum' technology applied in this http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090203130708.htm help provide a means for quantum computing..................... How could a better vacuum make for better changes in chiral states and create say a quantum comparator?
  9. I still prefer C++! Awesome! Just try finding a way of computing through without actually going X+1........................ Reading the characters was less about a cyclical event and more about just typing in an equation and assaying it to better perform the task above! I thought Kant was an 18th century German philosopher? Who said TTCalc was a language?
  10. Actually I think it was caused by a mix of the cold weather we're having in Vancouver(my lips are pretty chapped too,) my gloves at work(which have a sanitary spray for longer use,) my hormone levels having changed(even more than what the Cyproterone had achieved) and God! No, really this being an E, M and E topic it's just another example of how we literally do it to ourselves............It's our will which drives us forward and we evolve and morph our exobiology to enjoy ourselves more or survive better, either/or. And God gave us the free will to do it, right? I picture God like the ending scenes of the new Indana Jones movie. A quantum physical hive mind that manifests itself as greys inside of our universe but actually exists within inner space. I wonder if they use 'Squeezed Vacuum' technology? Is there any going arguement for a finite reality.........my brain really hurts!
  11. God just gave me eczema, why? I'm serious! Thirty years no eczema and then boom...............twice in two months! I would say contact but with what. I blame God!
  12. You're inputing specific series and testing convergence in VB? Can we see some code? Care to elaborate? How many nF did you make the cap, same transformer?
  13. Did you add that while I was writting a response? That doesn't really change anything I said though so............hmmm TTCalc............ you sounded like a kid: "So if you see something in the paper about a kid blowing himself up it's probably me. lol."
  14. C++ would be a way better choice! Although it's still no solution to just 'inputing an equation!' Inputing an equation would be better done through MAPLE or Mathematica; well I think I've never actually had to use any of them.......... But making your own would be so much cooler. You can still make forms in C++ or you could make your own GUI. It could have all sorts of icons on it like roots and powers and well whatever you want(obviously........ ) I think C++ is a better option for you because it's function declarations, variable passing and structure like stuff are so already availlable. Not that VB isn't capable it just needs some extra coaxing to get it done! You could basically have a calculator that you could input the equation and then in code it could read it as a character array and break everything down into monomials(this needs to be severely expanded on.) You could create Monomials as Objects and give them a rigorous series of tests to better define how they can be treated inside of an equation. You could Parent them inside of Equation and relate the tests to define how the equation(s) should be treated. C++ is pretty easy to learn..................... I don't know it sounds like fun...................... p.s. you know that capacitors don't do work right? I felt so bad................ Divide by 4*pi*f.................15J is in the 'Threshold of Fibrillation.':D
  15. 3D Imax was pretty cool but the headset was just so damn big..........It was pretty light though. http://www.imax.com/chicago/theatreinformation/imaxexperience.htm hmmmmmm DLP projectors one left one right.....the light source would probably be a problem..............
  16. I always thought that was ingenious streamlining! How would you separate the two, one or the other would have to be rerouted to another orifice. Doing so would greatly decrease the sense of taste.......... You just drew a parallel between eating and Russian Roulette.
  17. Work in progress............... http://www.organogenesis.com/products/bioaesthetics/testskin.html http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/msad05Oct99_1.htm Moke: It's a systems problem. You can test a drug on in-vitro stomachs and find that it cures indigestion without any side-effects, but without organism-scale testing, your company won't know that it also causes birth defects until the lawsuits start rolling in and thousands of lives have been ruined. A few mentions of two many combinations to be tested...mammoth thread not much more that I could find..................... I'm not seeing the justification for the disreguard of this form of research; or at least not enough! I'm sure with enough effort a more complete in-vitro testing system could prove effective in at least reducing drug trials on animals to a small fraction of what is current.
  18. int binomial(int term0, int term1, int right_side) {}; int trinomial(int term0, int term1, int term2, int right_side) {}; float polynomial(char* equation_left, char* equation_right) {}; multiple variables/substitution equations................matrices(I'm sure I've gone to far)..........I do that sometimes...........integrals............ Where exactly does salty want to go? Maybe the world will never know! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedVB is good for one thing and one thing only batch renaming of files.......you should try it sometime!
  19. That was the best......................
  20. Paralith looks like she would make for a good science project...........I'd call it deep blue..............I'm single!
  21. Just foe arguement sake I could always use the three phase plug for the stove........................
  22. I never said that there was(two animals two by two!) YT had said she didn't take the old testament as fact but more so as moral teachings. I can't agree more, I was just noting that there are reasons to at least search for the historical events that led to the stories. Yeah, why is it always a good and competent God or none at all? Why is the possibility that God is either incompetent or evil or just shamelessly striving for his own success never really considered. I really have a hard time in life if hell is any worse well..........I'm still not convinced or am feeling threatened enough to believe in an 'omnipotent' creator. I do however hold regard for the idea that we are just lab rats for some greater being that is just toying around with his/her/its research project..........I know many under the influence of Pink Floyd have come to share this opinion with me! oh and Eve http://www.asa3.org/archive/evolution/199511-12/0289.html
  23. Scientists still look for Eve! There has also been evidence to suggest a major flooding throughout the world at a point in history which coincides with Noahs Ark and other religious stories of this date. Not exactly what I was getting at but http://www.viewzone.com/noah.story.html Noah's Ark found http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/04/0427_040427_noahsark.html I wonder what the big myth about our time will be 250 000 years from now; I use a logarithmic value here as a more accurate history will be maintained for longer periods. They had this queen her name was Britney Spears........................ she used to torture people with songs........... (I actually like Britney) Like some kid playing with his ant farm?
  24. Are you trying to create an interface through which an equation can be input and answered or are you trying to write an equation in VB which upon compiling and executed will render a result? Also why Visual Basic?
  25. SkepticLance are you male? Moke are you a Giant Atomic Lizard? Buttacup are you a Giant Transgendered Devil? Sorry! I don't think anything said here is intentionally offensive darlin'!
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