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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. Not that I'm a believer in anything but the patterns in the chaos but....... YT is a guy................oh! Yeah, ummmmmm the Bible clearly states that to God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day.................. I asked this guy I work with whom happens to be a Muslim what he thinks about our current ability to make replacement parts for brains. He replied all knowledge comes from God..................I don't know to many creationists who don't believe in evolution. They just feel that God was responsible for it all whether being 7days or 18billion years! I'm still the Devil! There was however the gentleman who was also Muslim who didn't believe in Dinosaurs...........................
  2. I just bought new shoes...................and a dress................I'm going to go buy some make up next so that might change my current view on the matter!
  3. At first I thought hmmmmmmm no problem standard off the shelf computer from Future Shop plus or minus a generation. And then I thought about it a bit @100fps you get like 100 clock cycles per neuron per frame. That's like an average of 15-25 JMP FE/MOV FF etc. machine commands per neuron per frame. So I Wikied the generalities on mathematical representations of a neuron and got this............So I place my bets on an SGI machine with like 1000 dual(not quad) core Itanium processors. That's my best guess! I was hoping to make a comparison between this and the worlds smallest organism which was modeled on the atomic level in real time a few years ago but I can't find anything on it............. oooooo found it.......... so 50nanoseconds of real time(Quantum Physicists definition on this; I used this term not them) simulation took 50 days.............I think my guess should hold!
  4. So like I've moved on up the ladder to a face cream with Peptide-8, it's doing wonders for my fine lines and wrinkles. It hasn't however put a dent in my deep tissue scar........I know rule number one never uses oneself as the Guinea Pig. I would eventually like to move up to a cream with Palmitoyl Oligopeptides. I do believe I've read that Palmitoyl Oligopeptides are naturally occuring in the body and that they aid in the production of collagen but I'm having a hard time finding the information. It is the stimulation of the production of collagen that is assumed here to be the beneficial treatment; but again fine lines and wrinkles. One would think that if it can reduce fine lines and wrinkles it would aid in the repairing of scar tissue.............. Regardless I'm really anxious to get this book I ordered Tissue, Cell and Organ Engineering by Challa S. S. R. Kumar. I hope to find lots of relevant information on the medical and engineering science of skin growth and repair and many more of my questions with regards to this/these disciplines! Has anyone read the book? How was it?
  5. Not to be really picky but you really shouldn't write "this is the paper on which I am working.............." it is most likely interpreted as "I wrote this paper." Try "this is the paper I have studied/reviewed on the Secure Message Transmission Protocol!"
  6. To answer your first question.......well that's one I'm just not going to answer as it's kind of futile. I really shouldn't have said smelting.........I'm thinking more like melting, doping and molding(more specifically.) Coal and Coke are messy in ones bedroom and the ores I'm looking at using are already purified........I'm sorry for not being entirely clear on the matter. But anyway read through http://www.airproducts.com/NR/rdonlyres/BB02F4DD-0366-4B15-AF41-569AD3C58600/0/OxyFuel_Cupola_TrierVDG2004.pdf
  7. Damn it I spelled Dofasco wrong........... Electric vs. Gas Smelting Furnace........................... I haven't really looked into it but from a logical point of view they both seem to have advantages. Electrical: -no need for gas -can power from an electrical outlet or generator of adequate power -zero emmision heater -higher efficiency; less loss to surrounding atmosphere Gas: -easier to repair ceramic containment vessel -.................. any thoughts in general...................
  8. .........................you can't very well say Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Protocol its like saying the VGA(Video Game Awards) awards........I did that once and was severely ridiculed................
  9. They both are for different reasons. I'm assuming that being you've never used LSD you are unaware of the more significant mental halucinations which a person has when having consumed. You say visual but do you really understand that this is very much so a minor effect.........with exception to those occasions. I just thought you should know. Also a lot of 15 year olds want to know about these drugs and it's often because they want to try them...........well don't they suck...........no really! I know a guy who is spending 20 years in jail for a murder he commited on LSD and another who was involved who served 2..............I also think other individuals your age read these posts and see infrared vision and think cool.........but do they think it's cool that a bunch of thirty something guys have chemically induced schizophrenia and are walking around with freaking tiaras in their hair...........'cmon dude!
  10. Just add butter...................It won't be good for much of anything except eating though. Why not try something like Polyglycolic Acid...............???????????? That's just my way of asking why sugar!
  11. I programmed a ray trace for a 3D world. Taking the camera position, the field of view and the position on the flat plane where the mouse was clicked a ray could be traced and a target could be acquired in a 3D game world. It was kind of fun. You can find a bunch of info on both of these concepts(2D & 3D) in the Source(Valve gaming engine) forum. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedMathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics by Eric Lengyel Good read for 3D....................
  12. Attophysics Atomic Photography http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v419/n6909/full/419789a.html Electron Stroboscope http://focus.aps.org/story/v21/st7 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080222095358.htm ~
  13. I kind of feel really bad for having posted any reply at all to this. Even a light conversation about drug use can be so damaging. I just got off the Skytrain I was on my way to Vancouver. While I was on it this guy gets on the train, he's all messed up. He looks pretty clean but he's definitely on drugs. First off he makes this weird gesture like he's just had GRS(gender reassignment surgery) and he sits down like he's in pain. I say that out of personal experience. He doesn't look like a trans woman though but he's talking like a girl............a robot girl. He then starts to feel the air surrounding the pole attached to his chair like it's permeating some sort of energy. He does this for the five minutes while he's on the train. When he gets to his stop he stands up, he hikes up his pants, like Erkal. He looks at me and says in his effeminate robo voice "what's your name?" He then proceeds to get off the train, salutes me and marches off. There was a terrible number of coincidences and parallels with my life.................it was like he had read everything I've posted online and found me and was mocking me. I felt like I was having a hallucination. Regardless the reality of the situation is that there are a lot of problems with people doing drugs in the lower mainland. I like to keep an open mind about certain issues. I like to think that one day science will be able to introduce new means to make certain cool things happen. This kind of mentality has led to so many psychotic break downs, drug induced schizophrenia, murders and a plethora of other nasties that these posts really are just dangerous. Although sweeping the topic under a rug is just as bad. Did you know that a major sign of schizophrenia is hallucinations of being the opposite sex? That one kind of hits home for me...........................
  14. Many ideas have been presented in fiction on this subject. Dare Devil had his sight disabled but developed an equivalent sound sensory perception. Buddhist priests and various metaphysical sorts claim to have achieved this sensory perception. In general it's cross referenced with individuals who have become blind. All this has already been stated but the OP included the use of elicit chemicals so....................let's just say for argument sake...........I had a friend. She was a bit of a party animal and a hippie and she indulged in recreational chemistry. She also had a tendency to meditate and had attempted to on several occasions meditate on LSD. Now she says, well attempting to meditate on LCD is rather a difficult task but.......... So one time while she was meditating while having consumed LSD she become deeply entranced. She closed her eyes and listened to her breathing...............in.........and out. All of a sudden she had a new perception of her surroundings. Being that she was not blind she was very capable of describing what she saw without her eyes. She said it was like infrared vision. The walls of her house disappeared. She could see her family walking around two floors above her. She could also see the electrical cords in the walls. The experience was overwhelming and very short lived. The conclusion to her story went something like this.......when smashing your brain with a hammer all sorts of things suddenly become possible. Could a blind person develop an alternative sensory perception well................
  15. Yeah, I don't think we had any insulation..............ok maybe a little. The house was built right around the same time as sheet rock replaced plaster. There are still many individuals in Canada in these sorts of circumstances. It's too bad, that's a lot of trees, renewable or not!
  16. Outdated but worth noting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary-coded_decimal there is more than one way......................
  17. I used to live on some acreage in Nova-Scotia. We had a wood stove and a wood furnace. Our yearly consumption of trees was enormous. We could easily go through a dozen and a half fifty foot tall trees. Then there was the cost of the gas to cut them into manageable size for splitting. And then we had to split them which at the age of six was no daunting task. We still woke up at 5:30 in the morning in the middle of January with ice sickles hanging from our noses 'cause it was 40C below!
  18. look up mnemonics wait I'll do it........ah says look up assembly language................ I always thought of the HEX coding as assembler and the mnemonics as the english translation........ JMP FE I like C++ .............mmmmmmmmm polymorphism and recursion!
  19. note the date............................ http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,943707,00.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flywheel_energy_storage I like this one 'cause it's about HTS bearings being modeled.................... http://arxiv.org/ftp/cond-mat/papers/0510/0510346.pdf
  20. Last time I checked the goal was to make a superconducter based flywheel that could spin really, really fast(like 30000m/s +) as opposed to making one that was fast but heavy! The major problem with this scenario being the superconductor flywheel falls apart...........................I'd say breaks like a DVD but it's most definitely an unravelling.
  21. I want to make my own tubes for a tube amp................. So we all just think in voltage differentials...................????????????????? I say Answer:True but I don't like it very much. The whole idea leads to really hard to read threads that give me a headache. I really hope to make brain chips one day! They can do the thinking for me.....
  22. The thought had crossed my mind.............but really Foie Gras is like $15/100g how much pate do you really need to eat. As mentioned the general consensus these days is not to force feed but to give them something they enjoy enough to be gluttonous. Most Ducks and Geese that are bred for food these days have their livers removed and sold as this delicacy. The liver is worth more than the bird. Where are you even going to find a not so gras foie......................And again I'm pretty sure you can't just chemically alter the meat after the fact the taste is grown into the fibers......not to say you can't mimick or improve............
  23. No go with the Penning trap? It covered so many bases, nature, nurture, dancing............that's just the mentionables! But really, the idea behind this is the rebuting of the 'laws of attraction.' Is there absolutely no naturally occuring instances of rogue pairing.....................leaving the definition of rogue pairing to the imaginations of the respective posters! If 'straight love' is so deeply ingrained so much so that it is of 'fundamental nature' and follows the 'laws of attraction' is there no respective counterpart for homosexuality(which has been proven to exist.) The proton answer was without a doubt an answer but I would in no way call this a violation of the afore mentioned laws........... There are what 120 something sub-atomic particles(I know sketchy statement I may edit.) But hey if there really isn't well it's all good!
  24. Try some Maple Leaf Medalion Meat it's all grain fed. The cuts of meat actually have a yellowish tinge and a completely different flavour. Essentially what I'm saying is you can't just add duck fat to a ducks liver and call it Foie Gras, its eating habits change the very tissues of which it's made.
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