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Everything posted by Xittenn
So if we like trap some antimatter, an antiproton say, and get it to start enjoying the company of a proton instead of simply anhilating it we could essentially liken their behaviour to a certain social phenomenon?
mmmmmmmmmmm Beef Wellington....................hmmmmmmmmm no!
Please Help me in (data preparation for data mining) Please
Xittenn replied to mariam's topic in Computer Help
Maybe this could help you with your search.................... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Tools/ You can find some programing tools at the end! -
Just out of curiosity CM during the last few days of feeling sick or just after do you get a funny taste in your mouth; kind of like the smell of moth balls? Can you squeeze the back of your throat, like when you try to push out phlegm and produce little hard balls of a off white/yellowish colour from your tonsils? I would seriously think about who you are going to vote for when you reach the right age. Americans need a government who will put a public medical system in place. Anyway tell your doctor if that is the case, it could really help them give you a proper diagnosis.
I really wanted to get something in on this one but all I could come up with was sky-net.................................I know I've said this before but I'll say it again anyway, sorry!
homosexuality and evolution
Xittenn replied to Muzna's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
I still don't understand why anybody would look for one specific gene that actually causes Homosexuality it's almost the least likely case. http://www.acnp.org/g4/GN401000174/CH170.html Not to compare Homosexuality to drug addiction but................... "Candidate Genes Knowledge about the cellular and molecular bases of acute drug action has exploded over the last several years. Information about the genes expressed by brain systems on which drugs act has allowed testing of the possibility that interindividual differences in genes encoding proteins expressed in these systems could contribute to interindividual differences in drug abuse vulnerability (reviewed in ref. 65). Significant data now support the idea that virtually every abused drug can induce behavioral reinforcing properties by altering function in brain dopamine circuits arising from the ventral midbrain (16). Genes important in the mesolimbic/mesocortical dopaminergic pathways are thus strong candidate genes for possible contributions to interindividual differences in substance abuse vulnerability. The dopamine D2 receptor gene (see below) represents one such candidate gene. Recent molecular cloning studies have also identified the genes encoding many drug receptors, including the dopamine transporter that is the pharmacologically defined cocaine receptor, G-protein-linked opiate receptors that are the heroin/morphine receptors, the G-protein-linked cannabinoid receptor that mediates marijuana action, the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-glutamate receptor ligand-gated ion channels that mediate phencyclidine actions, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligand-gated ion channel that is the site of action of nicotine, and the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor ligand-gated ion channels that mediate actions of barbiturates and benzodiazepines (see ref. 33 for review). GABA and NMDA receptors are also strong candidate loci for acute ethanol effects." It would seem to me that it should be looked at from a broader less direct implication.........Because there are so many different reasons why individuals indentify within this/these groups! -
Medpedia is now online http://www.medpedia.com/ I've been waiting for this.................................
So like all good nuclear families the males of the species have strong bonding ceremonies and the grandparents enjoy each others company on holidays................
I'm not building it just replying to a gentlmen who posted with some details on what he's attempting to do..........but thanx a bunch anyway, much appreciated! I'll try to post a reasonable model this weekend, maybe you could take a boo at it. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWow I expected this to be really easy. I assumed there would be databases upon databases of fifty varieties of glass with general compositions their specific and molar heat capacities, enthalpies, heat conductance etc. and yet nothing. I figured I could do a broad generalization but the best broad generalization would be mineral oils are good coolants just use Pyrex glass and all will be fine! I'm somewhat disappointed here.............. What's the normal approach buy the material and hope to God the data sheets contain all pertinent? I mean I guess this is what I do, if a coolant is needed that is no longer available I search for the next most similar and check the specs.......I just assumed this would all be compiled information generally and readily available to all. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedIt would be knid of nice to see a model though............
formulas i should know for space travel career.
Xittenn replied to cameron marical's topic in Physics
Front End??? -
The frequent topic of homosexualty on this board reminded me of a question I've asked myself many times. Is there a particle which repels its opposite and attracts its like? ----------assuming gravity doesn't have an anti(---assuming gravity is a particle---)--------------
I was confused for a 'Natural Female' last night..............his girlfriend was a little jealous!
So this is a complimentary thread to Building a HV AC Capacitor. The capacitor being built in this thread was plexiglass with aluminum foil plates immersed in mineral oil in what I would assume to be a baby jar. So I thought hmm what a great way to try to do some physical chemistry maths. Here is the perfect opportunity to model heat transfer and dissipation for a practical purpose. I have all the equations and would like to give it a try. I have however none of the info on glass(I would have to assume a commonly used type,) mineral oil and plexiglass; aluminum is easy to find. So before I actually try to do this for the practical purpose of letting the composer of Building a HV AC Capacitor know how dangerous the heats produced by a 300watt capacitor are(if at all,) could anyone point me to an online database of heat capacities and transfer rates? Or whatever would be deemed sufficient in accomplishing this task, I have a lot of equations at my disposal. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI can't find an ESR either hmmmmmmm I might have to equipartition and generalise. There has to be somewhere to find this stuff online? http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com anything better?????
http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/305/5685/847 Cool! So, if the effect is mostly being tested narrow band or in microwave range how is the effect being observed?? Narrow band visible I assume?? Does it look like a colour distortion?? Have you actually seen and/or tested the effect first hand?? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI always thought Narrow Band meant a select, small, portion of the entire EM spectrum.........good thing I double checked after the fact.........who needs blush! 'Still interested in how the phenomenon is being observed.
Eat more.........men these days are entirely too thin. Lots of pasta and cookies.
Cool! I just assumed he was talking about the tank as it's been in the media lately.....I'll have to take a boooo. Maybe Klaynos could let us in on some details. I feel silly I didn't actually read the article...........sorry CM!
Then why is Xc = 1/(2*pi*f*C) ? Assuming 28000VAC @ 60hz you're current curent is aprx. 10.5mA. What I had originally posted as 28micro-Amps was the coulombs of charge within the capacitor after disconnect assuming full charge(actually it could be as high as 40kV in an AC circuit due to peak voltage.) The total Impedance of your circuit assuming nothing else is in it is apx. 2.5MOhms. I don't know what you are using for a transformer(I needed to read again) but if you're planning on obtaining any kind of capacitance in the range of 30nF @ 28000V don't. You are looking at roughly 90kOhms which is like .316Amps notice no mili micro or nano which is like you do the math 9000Watts of pumpin'. Not your standard household appliance. I'm not exactly sure what UC means by that.......sort of but like.....A capacitor still charges under AC conditions it just charges back and forth for short periods of time(relative to frequency.) 40nF ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................................... try 2 no more than 4; what's wrong with 1! I could redo that for 10kV You max out your little transformer @ 7nF just so you know; generally you want to go a little bit less than max..........
Guelph's cool............. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/circ/hv/hvcap/hvcap.html ummmmmmmmmmmmmm if you want a proper charge/discharge scenario you should probably go DC. I mean think of this logically if you use an AC current you charge in one direction and then discharge and charge in the other. When you disconnect the chances are pretty good you'll be at a voltage less then your peak or RMS. I'm sure if you repeated a bunch of times you'd get it at a good point so that's pretty insignificant. .000000001*28000= <28 micro-amps I'm pretty sure that would discharge faster than your eye would have the time to actually see it........................I've never tried myself, 240v three phase was enough to make me fear the reaper.............
http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?itemID=F381&viewtype=side&pageseq=1 page 205 "suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree. When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, can never be trusted in science. Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real. How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself first originated; but I may remark that several facts make me suspect that nerves sensitive to touch may be rendered sensitive to light, and likewise to those coarser vibrations of the air which produce sound." -Charles Darwin How time does change things......................... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedso that being said...................yah! Sight the Next Generation Well I personally had no intention on improving sight but hey.........."no better time than here, no better time than now............." What would you do to improve human sight ........ would it be advantageous to make replacement eyes that could prove far superior to our own ............ would they look good, look natural ........... how would they feel? I could go for some binoc/telescopic vision and add some microscopy. Infrared? Capable of emitting fluorescense, laser .......... Raman Spectroscopy for all ................. I'm pretty sure the dolls I plan on making don't need this but hey, it's a broad study they can just have the ability no one needs to know. Better refresh rate ............ suggestions .............. higher resolution ......... I like the idea of using gel optics for the natural appearance I'm not sure how far I can stretch them to achieve some of these improvements.................. 60 second warning damn! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI wonder how much Hyaluronic Acid would be needed to maintain hydration while emitting laser light.................say 5 watts............hmmmmmmmmmm this could get expensive! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedNew thought.....as much fun as Raman Spectroscopy is........ "Hi Bob!" Says Sally "Well hello there Sally." Replies Bob "Come on in." "Hey I hear those things do Raman Spectroscopy.........." "Are you talking about my doll Bob?" "Yes Sally." "That's !@#$^% up." At any rate. A small thin film LCD inset in the lens could be useful in projecting diagnostics...............I like this very much. It could be as simple as a hex editor or as complex as a low to high res desktop. I know this isn't really a standard component to machine vision but most applications therein could integrate it to great benefit. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedsoooooooo back to vision analysis ummmmmmmmmm yah! =>Contrast image break it into 'Skin' groups => =>Read Gradients within groups, apply curve fitting, define 'B-Splines'=> =>Redefine 'B-Splines' as defined 'Lie Groups'=> =>Define 'Global Objects' from sets of defined 'Lie Groups'=> =>Define 'Object' from 'Global Objects'=> =>Assemble 'Spline Model'=> =>Convert to 'Mesh Model' (possibly Subdivision Surfaces, I like Mesh)=> Whether the objects will be compared as spline models or mesh models, well........ How much analysis should be done in 2D and/or 3D, well....... how far I'm off on this generalization, well............. I wish I could go over some code for Maya and maybe Tier 0 and Tier 1 for the Source Engine but yeah.............. A lot of code is being patented I should probably go over some of that......... various texturing stuffs and modeling techniques........ I've read a book on graphics coding. I haven't read anything on Machine Vision. I'm kind of afraid to, I'm sure it will be informative but the focus will undoubtedly be out of context............ at the moment! Not that animation and gaming engines aren't out of context, they are after all backwards. I just think this approach will serve me better in that it's more fitting to broad analysis in real time as opposed to focused analysis which a good deal of machine vision applications are at this time.
I like the idea of building off of a seed cable. I was thinking though, oh oh, most cables are either wound into a helical pattern or, as are many elevator cables, fused by a rubber composite into a flat band. Neither of these are really feasible in your seed method. Proposals? Maybe I'm missing something..........
As far as I've understood Titanium Sponge is the currently available tank material. Slow refueling and a poor discharge(amount of hydrogen actually released from a full tank) are the problems. This one link says it's for Tritium and Hydrogen Isotopes but I distinctly remember Titanium Sponge and Hydrogen storage for Hydrogen Combustion purposes. http://www.cheric.org/PDF/JIEC/IE10/IE10-4-0539.pdf http://books.google.ca/books?id=LfFIEQg1iioC&pg=PA100&lpg=PA100&dq=titanium+sponge+hydrogen+tank&source=web&ots=Zy5K05JL2n&sig=QoV78BnPu_25QNNxGRUuP7O_ri0&hl=en&ei=0TONSczNGJ3gsAOmk9CWCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=6&ct=result
Well, I don't do drugs although I am currently on a fair amount of pain killers. As for your inability to understand what I have to say......well that's not something I'm going to be capable of correcting any time soon! Maybe it's a lack of interest in understanding what I have said that is preventing you from achieving just that. Feel free to not understand what I have said, I'm pretty used to it so you won't hurt my feelings. I wish I could more effectively share what I have to share, a lot of it is actually pretty good stuff ........... ummmmmmmmmm ....... wow you called me a stoner...... p.s. that last post was written with point form in mind, just like this statement.............. editing post I can and have used quarter million dollar machinery to make parts for tanks...............I've repaired the quarter million dollar machinery...............hundreds of people have put their faith in my ability to do what I do and do it well.................they literally trust me with their lives.............I teach people how to do a broad variety of tasks..............I supervise and manage their time and efforts.........my time and efforts make rich individuals even richer...............I do all this and then I take the time to learn more...............I've been through a couple forums and I've been essentially riped apart every time..........I don't understand why I can't fit in...........I was really just hoping to get in on some cool conversations, some heated debates and some tasteful arguements...........I know my spelling and grammar aren't the best, they never where...................I'm young and eager so..............I make mistakes so....................I may even be at times judgemental of others, I still don't say what you just did.................I'm sorry I wrote this, please just nod and pass it off as something you didn't understand..............
Was that the confusing part.............I wasn't sure how to spell it I went through graf and graph graph produced skin graph..........sorry.........I should have triple checked I'm a terrible speller. Fat grafts..............why don't they adhere. Do you really want my explanation of what a fat graft is? nope it went skin graff got tattoo..........then skin graph and got what is a skin graph I took that for 800........ we do spell it colour in Canada though...........and labour........
So what you are saying while waving your hands is something like........the electrons in a transistor which want to pass over the base/emitter boundary for the most part fall under the potential barrier which restricts. But, because the electrons energies fall within a probability distribution some may have the energy to overcome this barrier and do? Under the 'appropriate' conditions...............I always wanted to truly understand Quantum Tunnelling yet never took the time to look at it!
Why don't fat grafts take? Why do they not adhere to the area to which they are grafted onto?