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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. Car could carry an algae tank:-p...............................I know this point was made already but...............why would you have an onboard cell power an onboard electrolysis reactor to produce electricity to power a car? Just don't understand how that ever came into play. You could at the very least have used the hydrogen to power a hydrogen cumbustion engine(which are very much so in existence.) 25% to 50% standard heat loss in converting through electrolysis in the current range of reactors.................10% is hoped to be obtained...........seriously check out the links I posted it's like all the info from a formal American Government funded institute............or not.......no emoticon rrrrrrrrrrrr......... It's also got to be salt water....................
  2. Electrolysis is highly inefficient.............wiki electrolysis see electrolysis of water. Platinum is very expensive and can easilly sour. General cost present day is absurd................ Algae photosplitting of water is the new and expected means of achieving cost effective production of hydrogen.............I suspect with the use of modern optics it could actually be introduced into peoples homes. Ocean production facilities are being looked into as being the most cost effective means. Here's a couple of good links that I found............... http://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/proj_production_delivery.html http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/pdfs/merit03/42_nrel_maria_ghirardi.pdf'>http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/pdfs/merit03/42_nrel_maria_ghirardi.pdf http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
  3. The blur part is the point of interest radial or interference patterns...Radial could be ignored, interference patterns could have impact on the way we see stuff! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWell regardless of observations on blur which no one else but me and my optometrist seem to share.................. Optix So like I'm thinking gel optics. It in itself could be a study. I'm sure this one is under current development with machine vision and/or medical developments of replacement eyes...................Books, Journals, Societies.................Anyway I think it would be cool to develop something around gel optics in an attempt to simulate a human eye and all the mechanicals. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedhttp://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?IA=GB1994001421&DISPLAY=DESC well after all of five seconds of looking I found this..............at least I won't be treading on anyones patents. reason number 5million and 1 I should finally by my own computer..............remember kermit, so do I...............remember owning a copmuter, ummmmmmmmmm. Anyway, in terms of chemistry I'm looking at a long list of substances contained within Canadas DSL. It's so hard being freelance and maintaining good insight into the legality when you are not attempting to do anything outside of the law. Most of the equipment is readily purchased and/or fabricated by moi. Implimentation is my biggest concern. Aside from what I'm seeing as the most obvious difficulties...........proper dimensioning, actually finding a material that will envelope the lens, deform the lens and be itself easily fused to a motor control system; not to mention the need for regular hydration...........this sounds like fun. I wonder how well an aerogel lens would work with a cmos Image sensor.................. Should this be in engineering????????
  4. I just received my birth certificate in the mail................sex: female. I can marry yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. It's a vein and it's covered by next to nothing. They still tell me not to worry about it though. I don't know that's a pretty ummmmmmmmmmm not so cool place to have an overexposed vein..................it better burrow! They say the skin(mucous membrane) over top will thicken................
  6. If you read the article in the link I provided you will know................
  7. What is the highest pitch achieved by a human. I know mine is around 1000hz.
  8. http://science.howstuffworks.com/invisible-tank.htm not quite................................
  9. Xittenn

    negative impedance

    I do believe you are referring to internal impedance in a power supply. Essentially as you draw more current the voltage drops but if you actually take voltage readings on most power supplies they will drop in a non-linear fashion due to internal resistance. A sudden increase in voltage at a point of greater current draw looks like negative resistance. By internal resistance I mean the rectifying circuitry causes impedance's which also in turn are non-linear due to combination's of fluctuations in frequency and capacitive and inductive reactance. I'm sure there are better explanations but this may point you in the right direction. after wiki I've never read something in wiki I didn't like but hey the wiki has more power so run with it....................I'll leave this just in in case.
  10. There's gotta be a better excuse for us than that...............no really! Why do we have to have an excuse for ourselves again. I think just like many other individuals within reality, individuals within the LGBT community just don't like getting beat up.....literally. I've had death threats, I've been beat up...................... I was fired a week after I had my name changed............... Do I just laugh about? I don't generally complain in fact this is probably the first time I've ever even thought to mention........... I do laugh about it in a crazy sort of OMG sort of 'if I could only' way. Well we survived evolution for whatever reason whether or not evolution had a choice in the matter. I can only hope I don't have to face to many nasties and be glad with what good comes from it all. In the end the only thing that really hurts is not the slander or the opinions but the fact that I may be facing the rest of my life very much so alone. It's hard enough to make friends let alone to find someone to be with. A lot of people have this problem for various reasons many of whom overcome. I hope to be one of them and I apologize to anyone I ever complain to ahead of time; sometimes the pot just boils over..............ras-le-bol!
  11. 1) more minute..................how would you best describe the blur caused by a seeing impairment; myopia. Radial blur was what I would have assumed but.............. I'm saying blur isn't radial in nature but a series of less intense copies of an image created by light interference patterns and that this is possibly useful for sight analysis..............the picture is always blurred but when it's view focused the pictures are all in the right spot. I don't believe the two ideas are the same, correct me if I'm wrong. 2) Although I was not referring to something someone would truly be seeing, it would be a good use of minute colour variations caused by light diffraction near the edges of any object. I guess I do see edges a little more exaggerated than they truly are. Thanks for the feedback! No good reads:embarass:!
  12. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm that's why gender disphoria is only classified as a psychological disorder under the circumstances of which are 'only when it causes the individual great discomfort!' I tend to fall into this category. Disphoria is not recognized by spell check........... hmph. OP we could start a new thread I don't want to get in trouble !
  13. Stepping out there as I so love to do.......is there any proposals on any form of energy cable. I'm thinking not an insulated tube filled with ionized Argon magnetically creating tensile strength but something that might actually work.................. maybe even as to suplement tensile capacity.
  14. No argument here. I'm just looking at greater detail of resolution as opposed to simpler despite necessity; although greater is necessary as facial recognition is required(alternatives.) When I said spatial recognition I meant distance from and depth within. I was also leaving the topic open to all possible methods of sight analysis. I was seriously suggesting new or generally ignored methods of analysis eg. of light diffraction around objects, light and nodal interference(the multi moon effect, I don't know how to properly describe this one.) Regardless just brainstorming sometimes the redundant and the ridiculous provide a better means to an ends or even put light on a new solution. Mokele any suggestions on reading material with regard to neural physics and the visual cortex with heavy indications on array technology and tissue engineering......................
  15. Salut, c'est bon! I wish I was as humble with my ideas and ideologies...............I try to see both sides where the one you present is often ignored. I am however just as culpable of these idealizations fully knowing they are just that.
  16. I know! I know a lot of people have a lot of problems affecting their lives. I know making the best of it is the way to go. I just meant that this is my thorn in my spine and as much as I like to make the best out of it it's often quite difficult.
  17. I was shooting for reasonable recognition of spheres and cubes(maybe a couch) to start..................................human vision that's funny....................resolution 1024*768..............wow biologist, machine vision course I'm jealous.....................OP, OP.............regardless I'm still pretty bent on programming my own math library, it's a learning experience! Was thinking of going really substructure like and programming the whole thing in machine code but that's being silly. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI'm not just going for machine vision it's just my primer. What ever happened to fuzzy logic systems. It was pretty big in the nineties but I haven't heard anything in the last decade. I should do a search, one of those recurrent thoughts that will soon happen. Suggestions..................... I've been tempted to start the project from the hardware side first. Not just selecting the components but actually designing and manufacturing them myself. I have a really long list of things needing to be built just for these purposes of which I will avoid................uv laser circuit board etcher, a mechanical hand/arm like the one in Ironman to machine parts for me on hyper-poly axis in lathe and mill fashions, a chem chamber, kiln, fuel cell to power it all(I don't watch TV, I don't have a TV, except on holidays at my Dads; stop laughing.) At any rate current products are pretty much benign tumors growing off of the ears of the masses. I really want to do something new and cool and I don't have a fancy degree to get me into Intel. I do have time and some money and I do have a good deal of experience and self education. So if anybody has any cool random thoughts on the topic to throw at me.................Mokele I would love to hear what you have to say on hardware possibly some good use of array technology to make brain chips I would love to hear them. I know I said Atom but I really meant.......................... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWith respect to Machine Vision........................... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWell this is really important to me and getting some of you wonderful people into a conversation about it is a task I would like to accomplish. So I'll just keep posting snippets about what I want to do and how I propose to achieve it until I accomplish my goal.....................this could take a while! A good qualitative overview of what I hope to accomplish is: "Robotic vision which can monitor a room for activities and recognize the people, activities and objects within!" So pretty tough stuff but that's no excuse for not trying. SPATIAL RECOGNITION As I pointed out earlier on in this thread I want to base my spatial recognition on shading gradients, light source and the more obvious quantitative observations of shadows(the normal stuff.) I cannot at this time see any means of using colour to measure space especially at the near proximity intended. I'm sure there may be some use in a human brain for colour and space with respect to diffusion of light around objects. I assume these effects are minute and for my purposes insignificant if not unreadable within a two meter radius. Not to mention a processing guzzling task. It would probably be a good idea to develop a database of objects with a known given size. This would be useful assuming there is the capability of recognizing the object in the first place. So I guess a good place to start would be in assessing the resolution of the shading gradient required to read good spatial depth. I should probably also look deeper into stereoscopic vision and how shading plays a role within it. Something I've personally never heard anyone reference to that I think may play a role is observable to those who can take off their glasses. Have you ever noticed how an unfocused image will produce a spiraling copy of the image. eg. looking at the moon without glasses produces many moons spiraling out from the center moon. anywho not writing a book here........................... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWell I gave some good thought on the whole shading gradient resolution thing. I've decided that rather than subjecting monkeys to spatial recognition tests I will just go with standard 24bit true colour and remove as necessary from there. It doesn't really make a difference to the architecture and it will save me making upgrades as I go. I thought of going Fairchild and limiting to grey scale but that was just being well....................... Regardless I do believe I will be taking the first steps into this project within the next few weeks. I have no intention of doing an online project overview but hope to maintain this thread hopefully exchanging a variety of ideas on this topic with others.
  18. With a space crane..........................................we could call it skyhook. That's my final answer. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm damn. You would most definitely have to manufacture the cable in space either introducing the materials one load at a time or finding the materials up there somewhere. The cable would then have to be introduced into earths atmosphere under seriously controlled descent..................
  19. The last post was a good qualitative discussion on food chain.............when's this post going to be moved I'm embarrassed for this reply! p.s. I do share your camaraderie with the wild ones.............
  20. No, I was saying that if kin selection was valid science or reason for my being it's functionality was lost along the way..............................Or lost to me, my family was all for it. I said ha your funny! I have said this and will say it again, I was born this way! There are individuals who choose to be who they are. There are others like myself who are born coupled to life through a capacitor instead of through a transformer......................I wish I could have just been born without a problem and if it's just some fixable psychological thing I would gladly accept the cure(kinda' late now!?!?!?!?) There are those of us who enjoy who they are, both born and chosen. It's 'caused me a lot of hurt and as far as I'm concerned I've missed out on a lot of good wholesome normal things life has to offer. I didn't date as a teenager. I didn't go to prom. I haven't had a significant other. I've never been in a serious enough a relationship to have said or been told "I love you!" Not to mention the problems it's 'caused with peers, not being allowed to join groups, missed employment ops. Ah, it's snowing....................Life has left me feeling kinda' dirty!
  21. So if we pass Sione through a giant inductive coil and he induces an electrical current we know he has a soul?
  22. Xittenn


    I looked down and I saw the rabbit and he asked me where the eagle was. I said I haven't seen him. He replied well good I need to go to my family. I saw the eagle the eagle said hey have you seen the rabbit. I replied yes he is with his family have you seen my cat. The coyote scurried by and asked his wife what was for dinner I shouted out not me ................ what you gonna do gimpy. The owl swooshshed by and said hey princess please watch over us, I replied anything for you beautiful. The little dust bunny with ears named field mouse sat next to me and watched a movie, his friends left me some crumbs in my toaster. The long legged spider asked me not to flush him I replied I hope you can hold your breath...............la guer!
  23. All of the above......................as I mentioned Transitioned Females find it a lot harder to appear as their selected gender role as opposed to a Transitioned Male counterpart. They vary from hey you look-a-like-a-man to geeeee you're pretty. Money often plays a big role in this as there are many feminizing surgeries which only become an option to individuals who can afford them. So where a Transitioned Male can take hormones and look male the Transitioned Woman generally cannot. It's visa versa when it comes to bottom surgeries MTF is like $20 000 as opposed to FTM which is like $70 000. A transitioning woman however can spend $10 000 on implants, $10 000 to $20 000 on hair removal, $2 000 to $30 000 on facial feminization, and $2 000 to $8 000 on voice feminization. I myself have only done the bottom surgery and will be looking forward to getting implants. I can keep my voice in a feminine range but it took practice, I started out gender neutered. I have a pic u can see, I'm looking Androgynous. When I wear make-up and something more feminine I am generally complimented on my appearance. I wore an outfit to my works Christmas party, the exact same outfit and make up was in this months Lou Lou(Canada's shopping magazine.) All the girls took a moment at the party to come tell me how jelous they where of my hair, make up, boots etc. I showed a few of them the picture of the girl in Lou Lou and they all agreed it looked much better on me. Regardless it really varies for FTMs and not so much for MTFs. A note on the actual OP that I wanted to add. My family often saw me playing a supporting auntie role to my brothers families.................... they can think again! It was sort of suggested growing up that that's all I would do at best and that I should somehow accept this and get used to the idea of playing second fiddle. I personally don't want children but if I did I would seek to adopt. I do want to marry though, I hope to find a good man someday; by good I mean like chocolate! So if it was a nature or nurture driven environmental mechanism it forgot to account for personal choice. We also maintained good family relations where we all lived close together or even at times shared a house with Grandma and Tauntie(c'est francaise!)
  24. MATLAB, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, don't see anything that suggests the availability of an include for C++. Never used a math programming language before. Probably should; they are most obviously much better at it than I. I'm going to program my own math library, I like the control and require the practice. Hmph I don't even understand Lie Groups......................I've got to stop napping so much; so little time so much to do.
  25. Hey dilation is not playing, it's Dr. prescribed activity........................all I did was look damn it.
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