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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. How much is an Nikon Eclipse TI base model no accessories, 250 bucks? Probably not eh? Sorry the subject was there.............................................
  2. Is there any relation to the increase or decrease of Follicle Stimulating Hormone on hair growth eg. loss of hair on head, increase of body hair............... I know that FSH controls the general production of testosterone by stimulating the testicles. Testosterone is generally accredited with hair growth on men but is FSH also related?
  3. hey thanks I'll look into it...............I wish someone had told me this ages ago!
  4. :embarass:It took two weeks for me to figure out exactly what I was doing wrong but I finally solved the equation step by step last night. I'm actually quite ashamed to say what I forgot to do so I just won't..............I hope nobody tries hard enough to figure it out, it's kind of embarasing. Thanks for taking the time to at least peak at the question though. I know my question was hard to understand, I was hoping someone with a good understanding of physical chemistry would just look at it and know. The question itself was actually pretty easy, I just haven't been doing much math lately. Sometimes I forget to do the simplest things..............As for Tex I use public access library computers so I don't think I can. When I really feel it's necessary I use ASCII special character codes to write it out but even that's pretty tough to read. Sorry at any rate if there is a next time I'll take the time to write the question out more clearly. Thanks again for at least looking it over!
  5. e^x.........................ooops I know expand and integrate term by term, it's just not happenin'................................. mathematicas quick and easy error function just won't cut it this time....................... not that I've ever used mathematica except for this time............................guess I don't make amateur mathematician.................... the following is a link to a pdf I've been examining to help me understand the steps taken. The final results match the book I've been studying Joseph Noggles Physical Chemistry. I can get pretty close to the final answer now but I still have an extra term 1/rho^(mn-3) m=6 and rho is x in the doc. http://personal.rhul.ac.uk/UHAP/027/PH4211/PH4211_files/sutherland.pdf another thing I've been having a problem with is the subsuming of the leading 1 in 1 + 3*integral(x^2 * exp[1/x*rho]) d rho to be the first term of the expansion how is this allowed??????? excuse my mess just trying to iron this one out................... wrong subsuming still not sure how they did subsume the term they had in the document??? Now I'm not sure what happened to the 1 when this 1 + 3*integral(x^2 * exp[1/x*rho]) d rho was expanded and integrated.......it probably explains where 1/rho^mn-3 goes...........I seem to also be caught between two different placements of signing convention theirs and the books!
  6. Could anyone explain how this 3 * integral 1 to infinty ( rho^2 ( 1 - exp [ 1/(x * rho^6) ] ) ) d rho becomes this 3 * Sum from n=1 to infinity of ( x^-n / n!(6n-3) ) I'm a litle foggy when it comes to integral evaluation through series expansion I do understand that exp [ 1/x ] gives the series expansion 1 + x/2! + x^2/3!... how did they get the (6n-3) term
  7. Can you recommend any literature in any of the following subjects.... -protein kinetics -enzymes as related to life sciences -dermis/epidermis/scar tissue -collagen -protein/enzyme synthesis -crystallography/nmr there are many on all of the above but choosing the best is usually key to a better understanding...........................
  8. I for one am not so concerned about the reintroduction of sweat glands and hair follicles although this would be nice. Returning the epidermal layer to it's normal texture and consistency and removing that waxy shiny look is more my focus of study. The reason I mentioned sphingosine kinase was it is to my understanding that it has some link to fibroblast activity. I thought this maybe used to redevelop the dermis layer of 3rd degree burns etc. This being assumed to be one of the significant contributing factors to the lack of healing of the epidermis. I hope I make some sense................I'm still learning! I have just reread the article on sphk 1 and it was actually saying exactly what you're saying...................
  9. sphingosine kinase...................................
  10. The function φ(x) = a(sin 2πx/λ) + b(cos 2πx/λ) represents the superposition of two harmonic waves with the same wavelength lambda. Show that phi is also harmonic with the same wavelength, and can be written as φ(x) = A sin((2πx/λ) + α) where A = √(a² + b²) the best I can come up with is φ(x) = A sin ((2πx/λ) + α) = (√( a² + b²)) (sin(2πx/λ) cos α + cos(2πx/λ) sin α)
  11. I'm actually thinking of having laser done as a deep skin peel as opposed to chemical. Sucks for hair removal..........................I'm strawberry blonde. Any tissue engineering type stuff going on for dermis reconstruction......................
  12. Yeah.................................It seems so odd to me in an era where we boast our technological and medical feets we can't do something as simple as reconstruct an overlaying tissue on the external portions of the human body! I haven't actually done a study on skin dermis/epedermis/scars............ as of yet. Most of my understanding of the scarring process comes from hearsay. I am planning on diving in after I finish my current study on physical chemistry. I do have some familiarity with cosmetic creams and products which claim to be effective, all of which attempt to use one of the above chemicals to produce an effect. I have as most found no product that works although Glycolic Acid seems to be good at reducing acne scars.............. You've verified something I had assumed being that scarr tissue was mostly comprised of collagen; I had heared type III. It would be nice to hear some theoretical opinions on what a future method of reconstruction may be!
  13. I've been looking into the chemistry of known treatments for scarred tissue. I'm particularly interested in Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic Acid), Beta Hydroxy Acids, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol, any and all vitamins and Collagen. This is a diverse list and yet they are the main focus, as to my understanding, of substances used to treat scarred tissue. I'm looking into the mechanism which guide the use of these substances in treatment. For example, Glycolic Acid is used as both a general exfoliant and also a deep tissue skin peel. It is known to have the properties of softening skin and also reducing wrinkles. The means by which this is accomplished is through the breaking of lipid bonds and skin cells. This would seem to be a good means of reworking scar tissue and yet it is generally accepted as being not. Why is this? Is it because scar tissue has a higher concentration of TIII-Collagen and therefore a lower concentration of lipids? It is also to my understanding that a combination of AHAs, BHAs and Retinol seems to prove effective and yet a tolerance to a combination thereof will quickly develop. Why is this? I know this is a very general topic of discussion but I hope to have some good general responses with regards to the chemical mechanisms. Thx!
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