The hard part is getting someone to publish you. lol
Well, do you live in a rural, suburban, or urban place?
The types of jobs to get depends on where you live.
You could be right; it's hard to prove something like this though. It's kind of like The Matrix then, where we're controlled.
Cool idea, never thought of that before.
Yeah; something like
That's the taylor series eh?
I see; I hear you math gurus talking about it alot; where else do you use this taylor series?
How would you do that?
I've read about using magnetic fields and slowing down laser patterns or something like that on
Here's the URL:
Just a little food for thought kinda thread here; what ways are there to find the numerical value of "e", that is, the natural base.
There's 2 I learned this semester:
1. 1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3! + ... n/n!, as n-->infinity where n is an element of natural numbers
Or something like that
2. The fundamental limit of calculus, that is:
lim x-->infinity for (1 + 1/x)^x
That's understandable; I mean, things like Newton's Law of Universal Graviitation seem to work everywhere; however, I guess what KHinfcube22 is trying to say is that we really do not know what is beyond our realms. I mean, who knows? There could be some other dimension where gravity expels all objects instead of attracting them. We can't rule it out yet...I guess, just put it in Pseudoscience for now.
Very true; anything can be true until it has been rigourously been proven to be impossible.
I think Stephen Hawking said somethign along the lines of that.
So what's the real deal with Area 51? Based on the media, which is all I've been exposed to about this topic, it's like some Alien research base, or something along those sorts. Is that really what it is?
My friend & I made up some math jokes in Chemistry a few days ago; man...chem is boring...anyways:
What's a math teacher's fave. type of toilet paper?
Why did the math teacher fail his eye exam?
B/c he had Dvision
Why did the math teacher's car slip off the road?
B/c it had SubTraction...
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