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Everything posted by NSX

  1. So you guys are suggesting that this fat gene is built into the women? What about the fact that women tend to have more mood swings, which cause them to be stressed, which then make them eat more?
  2. Didn't Albert Einstein drop out of school? Or he did poorly in school anyways...
  3. Well, we have to bring in our good friend Heisenburg; even if we think we've detected this elemtary particle & made a theory on it; it might turn out fraud; since we may be forcing this observation.
  4. That's interesting: Does it mean in order to gain a better understanding of the worlds, we need to develop a new type of thinking? I mean, besides Mathematics? Are there any other forms of logic? Besides mathematics?
  5. So do you specify the number of decimals places, or...?
  6. I'd like to see it.
  7. That's what I'm thinking; is there some magnificent property of Iron that I don't see?
  8. NSX


    Well, our teacher wants us to do it deductively...
  9. lol Why's that? So do the axes intersect each other?
  10. Can you give me an example?
  11. Well, in a nutshell, I was saying how we can only get a picture of things around us based on what we are given. There is no way [currently] for us to gain an absolute view on the world around us.
  12. But its much harder to make such a complex element... The atomic mass of Fe is what, 55.845 amu? The atomic mass of Hydrogen is 1.00794 amu; Why not just get 55 atoms of HydrogeN?
  13. Well, as far as we know, the Math works for us. I'm reminded of a display in my Physics Text: They talk about 2 experiments: Both involve bombarding a golf ball with something or another to find out what it's like [mind you, we're not supposed to know its a golf ball]. 1. They bombard it with balls roughly 1/10 the size of the golf ball; some of the balls hit @ an angle, causing them to change direction; thus, we know there is a curvature. 2. They bombard it with balls roughly 1/1000 the size of the golf ball; balls also hit @ an angle, but this time, we are able to detect the small indentations on the golf ball, as well as realise its' curvature. Anyways, long story cut short: I think that our mathematical / arithmetical / geometrical view on our Universe is like trying to travel @ the speed of light: THat is, we can get ever & ever so close, but never the actual thing.
  14. Here's a translation for people like me, who are handicapped in the lingo of French: Your language is appaling! :jk: Take it easy
  15. Well, this is fairly dangerous. I mean, we need to fully analyze the repurcuttions [pardon my spelling] of populating Mars. By taking resources from Earth onto Mars, we're depleting Earth of its natural resources.
  16. lol What about the Roswell incident?
  17. hm...I've been thinking matter - anti-matter collisions too as a way of propulsion [like Star Trek:D ], but why do you want Iron? It's so complex. Why not use a more basic element?
  18. NSX


    Well, I find it easier to do a project if I'm interested in the subject. What interests you?
  19. So what about functions like cosecant, secant, etc.? Do they have a inverse like opposites too?
  20. I believe Cobalt is multi-valent, the common valences being +2, +3. So if asked how to write in words, it would be Cobalt (insert # of valence e-here) Nitride using the IUPAC, or stock system.
  21. Cool. Thanks guys! So is it called arctangent and arccosine for the tangent and cosine respectively?
  22. That remains to be seen; there could be some secret class of superpeople being used as an army or somewhere along those lines being developed by a government somewhere...
  23. Actually no. How does it go?
  24. NSX

    1000th POST!!!

    :lame: :spam: just joking! :bravo:
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