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  1. Are you sure you don't have some secret stash of info??? FBI maybe
  2. Well that is an impressive answer and certainly give more food for thought, I really hadn't considered what to do once an object had simply made it into space. Do you have any more information on an ion thruster?? I guess this all comes down to what type of fuel you choose to use and the efficiency of the engines I reckon.
  3. Hi there Everyone, I am new to this forum but certainly looking forward to some good conversation. Anyway really the question ive had on my mind for years now is "What speed do you need to travel to space at" Why I ask is that, this whole strap a big rocket to your bum and try and go as fast as you can model is good for a lot of things but BAD for most things. (Just imagine a house) Now if i was able to build a structure (the size and shape is not important) and strap a couple of small but adequate rocket engines to it, that would give me a terminal velocity of say 500mph, whats to stop me from just reaching this terminal velocity and then carrying on for like an hour until im in space?? Am i missing the point, because my friend just laughed, but to me, it means a lot less stress on structures
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