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  1. Thank you for the information. Do you know how many minutes/hours it takes for the wrinkling to go away, wouldn't that help determine the time of death? thank you for your input
  2. I am not sure this is the proper thread to post this but I have a forensics question to pose to anyone interested. Is there a thread just for forensic study or is it ok to my question here? Any help greatly appreciated snap Any way here is the question....There are quite a few of us that have been following the Kathleen Savio/ Stacey Peterson case and we have debated oursleves into a frenzy over a particular forensic question and was hoping that somone could help us out. We all have been trying to debate a particular issue regarding the Kathleen Savio case. Am not sure any of you have heard about it but I can fill you in on the details if need be. But our question is... her dead body was found in a DRY bathtub, her death was ruled drowning, yet, the only part of her body to have any skin wrinkling (from water), was one hand...How does one drown in a dry bathtub and have skin wrinkling on only one hand? How long does skin wrinkling stay on a dead body when exposed to air? How long does it take for skin wrinkling to appear/dissappear? Is there a way to tell if the person was alive or dead at the time of skin wrinkling ( does the skin wrinkle different on a live person as apposed to a dead body)? Because if post mortum skin wrinkling is different, it would be very telling and help the our therory that she was, drowned by him holding her face in the toilet water until she drowned) then placed her dead body into the tub to make it look like an accident. Any clues of information any of you have, that could help with our debate, would be greatly appreciated.
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