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  1. sorry no one has given you a straight answer or one that is correct. first off 5ft 9 at 165 is fine, i'm 6ft 2 and they say i should be 180, also 5ft 9 is not short. second you would die roughly in the same amount of time weather you drank beer or water (several days to no more than a week or two). IF you drank both you could live for a couple months before scurvy started to kick in, if you added some extra vitamins and maybe lemon juice for vitamin C you would be able to live longer before kidney failure kicked in. hope this helps..... since no one else did. here is a web site to start your own research. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2011/04/how_long_can_you_survive_on_beer_alone.html
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