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  1. My simple theory.. I am not a scientist, I am not a theoretical mathematician, andI am someone who had a lot of potential to be both, but took a path ofpopularity, athletics, and a good time……. I have a thought, and that thought I find personallyprofound. To those in the aforementionedfields it may be but a laugh, but nonetheless I find it compelling in thenature of shared wisdom to share. My father would be proud in that neither of us could evermake a square cut, but could mathematically make seemingly round objects out ofinfinite straight lines. In that spirit Ioffer a new jab of thought on how our physics may behave. Credit where credit is due, I listened to a physicist on theColbert Report. He tried to put into laymen’sterms how physics had changed; that we now understood a field that held thebasis of the all elemental particles together without crashing out ofcontrol. Electrons should shear from thecore, and our mass should not be such. “Dark”matter and “Dark” energy are the place holders that we can barely quantitate asthe x factor in this scenario. My thought, as elementary as it may seem, is based on myexperience as someone who knows reactive forces from being an owner of a boat.Many books I have read talk about the laymen’s way to operate and dock avessel, but all are rooted in the complexity of physics; a moving body, in aninteraction between two densities of different matter being affected by both inopposite and similar ways. In the same way I see the heavenly bodies of ourgalaxy. Imagine the singularity of theoreticalphysics; a pin point in time and space. What is commonly explained is an infinite amount of mass and energy,surrounded by an emptiness of nothingness. At the time of the big bang it is assumed that the energy and massexpanded into the nothingness and created our reality. Now back to the right angle. Why does gravity create straight(ish) lines, and why does the galaxyexpand, but not out of control? Andspeaking of control, why do why have a Higg’s field? Imagine if the singularity and the big bang happened againsta higher density field than we now give credit to. A high mass soup with total static characteristics,whereby the mass had never moved, ever made up of the building blocks of ourquantum knowledge. The trigger of masscollection and expansion of the singularity instantly was in a battle withstatic mass higher than that of the big bang explosion. In a globe of forces at all angles our solar system wasborn. Not into that of a virginnothingness, but that of a stagnant pond of high mass and energy. That explosion and release of energy atrandom angles and unknown ways created the matter that we now callreality. Any potential combination ofenergy that is observable by us is matter, that energy that is not discernible byus is antimatter. In any event, it isheld together after and continues to be created. Could the singularity have not held all of the mass andmatter, but had the force to plow through it, combine it in infinite ways, andlet it settle behind as the matter we have in our universe today? So this is my big reach, the crazy, stupid, or brilliantthought. If the singularity explosion tothe big bang did hit and is still hitting a swamp of high density, individualprotons, electrons, neutrons, quarks, etc., are those leaking through after theexpansion and helping to create matter? More importantly does the expansion of force against the dense sea ofatomic building blocks create a reactive force that is responsible forgravity? Is our concept of gravityformed by direct reflection of expansion force from the big bang against theearth perpendicularly, and then angularly in such a way that it curves aroundthe heavenly bodies, and continues toward the outer shell of our expandinguniverse. At the same time, do forcesreflecting back against the shell that is fighting the dense sea also work tocreate our gravity? The mass of an object is shown to have a arithmetic factorin the amount of gravity it affects on an object in relation to distance andforce. What if that gravity factor wasdue to the original forces of expansion and the way the forces can either passthrough or have to move around? With aspherical object and assuming the expansion of the universe as being spherical,without accounting for other heavenly body interference, we would assume thatthe forces against the planet would be equal all around (from origin, andbouncing off of the ever expanding bubble). The gravity would occur from the interaction of the force hitting theobject and reflecting, the passing through of energy where not 100% dense, andthe deflection of the energy where not perpendicular to a round object. Along the same lines, with regard to the Higg’s field, couldit be possible that what we call “dark energy” is actually that reflected forcein a constant reflected force from the big bang? The energy that is keeping electrons fromflying away from the protons, quarks, etc. is the constant pressure internal toour bubble as it expands against a dense sea? Would the infinite angles of energy and force not push atoms into aspherical shape, heavenly bodies into a spherical shape? This is way outside of anything I know, but taking in what Iknow about boating, black holes to me are shaded in places where the constantpush pull force bouncing off of the outer shell cannot reach and only a certaindirection of force is occurring and creating a vortex? I don’t know if this is accurate, if it is something thatwas thought up a thousand years ago, but I needed to let it out as it was epiphyticalto me as I thought of the world around us and the lack of understanding of theHigg’s field and gravity as a whole. Maybeit is entertaining; maybe some thoughts can be piqued from it. I found it engaging and that is all thatmatters to me. That and the thought thatmaybe the exercise my dad showed me on graph paper on how to make a curvedsurface out of straight lines will help human kind understand things that arenot currently understood. MHH
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