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Everything posted by DarkStar8
First a summary of previous thoughts... Since the time of Albert Einstein it is well known that space and time are related and can be considered together as a 4D Space-time. The assumption was when Einstein formulated his equations that there are 3 Spatial dimensions plus 1 temporal dimension of Time. But what is Time in this context? Einstein's Time is all about the abandonment of universal simultaneity of separate events. Different observers in different reference frames will disagree on the order of events they observe. He gives an example of lightning striking two ends of a train at the same time while those on board see the lightning strikes do not occur at the same time. Special Relativity and General relativity perfectly explain how the universe works on the large scale and wheire motion is close to the speed of light. Unfortunately the Quantum theory of the very small does not obey the same rules and appears very weird. No body can explain the famous Two slit experiment that quantum physics is based on. However I am going to give my explanation to the puzzle. First I will try and give an explanation to an ancient puzzle of Zeno. Zeno says motion is impossible for if an arrow if fired it must reach half the distance before it reaches its destination and then half that distance again ad infinitum .. It never gets started. Ok here goes with my explanation. Although Time is intrinsically connected to the 4th dimension, I propose the Time dimension is also a very large spatial one too,although very few people can imagine this as we can not easily move within it. A dimension is a direction, where we apply coordinates and can move in that direction or in the opposite direction. All three known dimensions are known because the standard unit length is used. If we abandon the unit length as a fixed quantity and use our minds to see 'out of the box' Hopefully I can very simply show you the forth spatial dimension or 'direction'if you like. We have all seen the star field generators screen savers on our pcs . Ok forget 'length' and view the white Pixels apparently moving towards you. We can imagine coasting in a particular direction and if we speed it program up, it appears as though we are accelerating, and if we close out eyes imagine we have turned around open them and observe,we can then imagine traveling in the opposite direction.Now these directions obey the rules of motion.. (well except remember we can't use the unit length like the meter for the extra direction).Bare with me here,and just use your imagination, the first dimension or direction of freedom is Forward and Backwards. 2nd Up and Down 3rd is Left and Right and the 4th is... In and Out. Can you imagine zooming inwards or panning back forever as a direction? This direction should also experience similar effects as in Special Relativity. Ok so to recap space-time is 4D and has 4 Spatial directions with the new one being In and Out. Time is related to length/scale Lets return to Zeno arrow paradox.Instead of an arrow we'll have a point. This point is Not infinitely small and has a finite size for it must remain in my reference frame. For if it was infinitely small it would be travelling in the forth spatial dimension of IN at an ever increasing rate. Any object that moves away from my reference frame will suffer length contraction and time dilation. So Zenos arrow or my finite sized object initially stays fixed to my reference frame. Therefore both the object and me are experiencing the same rate of Time. The feel of Time is a consequence of both me and the object feeling negative motion, ie the universe is expanding away from us.In order to observe motion of the object to move after a force is applied it must appear to me to length contract and have its Time slowed. The amount of motion is directly balanced to any offset of change in rate of Time and Length. The object now has Its own reference frame that is out of sync with mine... The object moves. All motion even at low speeds requires length and Time to change. Note after the acceleration of both the object and me are still at rest in their own reference frames. If you are in Train and you drop your phone does it not fall straight down as though you are at rest?Constant Motion is indeed an illusion. Two slit experiment: Ok let this object above in Zenos paradox be a Photon, because as we know light is always constant to our are reference frames. The Photon has no mass, lets say for now that it is relative to me and does not move in ANY direction. However if the Photon oscillates in the 4th spatial dimension of IN and OUT then something amazing happens. During the part of the cycle that the Photon moves IN its mass increases and it becomes an Electron. This is like an Atom absorbing a photon. As we continue through the cycle the Photon appears again in my reference as a particle and has no mass. Further through the cycle we can no longer observe directly because as the Photon moves into the Out direction it moves at a faster rate of Time than I can observe and spreads out like a wave. Then further in the cycle it slows down and I observe it again as a Photon before it collapses into an electron again. What! I here you cry. Yes events in the near future have already occurred before we can experience them! I suggest light is propagated in this fashion in free space.Continually oscillating between the Time slowed Electron a Photon and Light as a wave in our near future. Of course we can not observe anything in the future because the Wave function that describes the wave collapses. What of electrons around Atoms? We observed them and feel their effects because they orbit the nucleus of an atom and are therefore under continual acceleration. Consequently they are offset from our reference frames in the IN direction and therefore possess a Mass.Mass being confined energy slowed in Time.
- 3 replies
LHC seems to be making Super-Symmetry unlikely
DarkStar8 replied to imatfaal's topic in Science News
Does the supersymetry partners have to be a particle... Can't the partner be the associated field of a particle? I'm guessing the properties of the supersymetry partner is spread out everywhere and contributes to the dark energy observed. -
Our problem is our understanding of nothing. Nothing like light is a duality (like light)of the infinitesimal and the infinite. One side of nothing is a large container of emptiness. The other side is something very small. The universe is the largest container of emptiness there is. The universe is both accelerating towards the infinitely large (emptiness) and contracting towards nothing(infinitesimal). The universe = nothing but the dualities forever dance around themselves ying and yang, the large contains an infinite amount of the infinitesimal and the infinitesimal can exist anywhere and everywhere for a period of time. Nothing.. Is light ( electromagnetism) and (dark energy). Nothing is all things. Emptiness accelerates (linear momentum)towards the infinitely large. The nothing of the infinitesimal small accelerates( angular momentum) towards an ever smaller size. The magic of angular momentum is that it gives frequency.. Which gives energy, which gives us everything. For all we see is different aspects of the same phenomena. Nothing-light- energy-mass. Thing to note is is as the universe expands then all masses must be growing for they are constantly absorbing more energy from the void. One day we will be consumed inside a blackhole, effectively the end of our view of this universe... which is in itself a black hole.
Why universe appears to have only 3 spatial + 1 time dimension
DarkStar8 replied to Parametric's topic in Physics
I'd like to say more but it is unfair to continue here when I set up another thread. It is strange though that both Time and Size vary but Time is treated as a dimension yet scale isn't. -
Why universe appears to have only 3 spatial + 1 time dimension
DarkStar8 replied to Parametric's topic in Physics
Albert Einstein NEVER said Time is a dimension!! Spacetime is 4D. In another thread I argued that by condensing a region of Spacetime within a smaller volume, into a spatial 4D direction, the rate of Time is naturally slowed. Next time you look at a star field screen saver on your PC then contemplate all directions of motion.. Forward & Backward, Up & Down, Left & Right,and.... In and Out. Why don't we see In and Out as a dimension? It is because any motion within it towards IN produces free energy that opposes motion,(electrostatic forces)while all the other dimensions require the storage and then expulsion of energy to produce motion. Sometimes when I walk down a narrow street on my way to work I imagine as I move ever closer to distance objects that I am observing them at higher and higher magnification.Does anyone else? -
The Largest Structure In the Universe.
DarkStar8 replied to DarkStar8's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
So what is the largest structured group of quasars or the highest red shift Galaxy we can observe before we say hang on a minute we need more time than 13.7billion years. Nassim Haramein points out that an expanding universe on the large scale must be contracting on the small scale... Equal and opposite reaction. Energy in the vacuum?.. Perhaps Sir Fred Hoyle wasn't totally wrong. -
The Universe is expanding, but if we turn the clock back and energy is drawn back into the void so that that 13.7billion years ago the universe came from nothing. We could then have a continuously expanding universe which has no beginning. Mass, energy continuously emerging from the void as the universe expands... You see the Big Bang theory in its current form with specific moment of creation can not explain the following... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130111092539.htm
How can the universe be infinite in size?
DarkStar8 replied to Airbrush's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
My understanding of infinite is not so much a fixed large number, but more a continually accelerating number series. Ie what ever number you think of is always less than the infinite which is always ahead of you. The universe is accelerating as fast as it can towards the infinite and infinitesimal in all directions, and no matter how fast you travel the 'limit' of percieved motion always maintains its distance away from you. -
If we had a universe which was full of copies of our Local Group throughout the entire universe I would have thought that given the tremendous distances in the universe that eventually objects far away would be too small to resolve. So why do we still see objects like Quasars that are far more massive more brighter and more powerful than anything we have in our neighbourhood.
I know that in non inertial frames space does not behave as a ether like medium, but it seems to behave like a fluid in accelerated frames.
Compressing space.. Well you need an accelerated frame of reference.It is taken as common fact that spacetime expands. If it can expand, hypothetically it can contract somewhere too. I find nothing a fascinating subject. Many great philosophers pondered such a thing. As I said near nothing has a duality of infinite number of infinitesimal small points contained in infinite large expanse of emptiness. Nothing contains everything. Heisenbergs uncertainty principle shows that if you slow Time down so that you can observe an exact location in space the momentum at that point has the potential to be infinite.zero location has infinite energy. We can not think of zero size, so I suggest you think of the smallest thing you can. A point. now if we get a magnifying glass out to look at that point it now looks bigger, if we want to get this point towards zero size we need to shrink it faster than we can magnify it. We have to shrink this point at an ever faster and faster rate. Now what we have is a huge amount of momentum at a specific location in the direction towards smaller scales, towards nothing. Nothing therefore potentially has as much energy as the entire universe contained within it. There is no fundermental particle if space time is fractal, (except perhaps the photon whose wavelength (size)is dependent on frequency/energy). Controversially I suggest that there is a limit to the rate of collapse similar to speed of light in SR. Is there any evidence yet that photons slow at high energies?
Are two photons generated in a hypothetical accelerated relativistic reference frame still touching due to Lorenz contraction despite being separated by large distances.?
Below is a view from a spaceship moving in a forward direction And below is a view of a fractal like generated Spacetime zooming in to smaller scales, moving in the direction of 'in' Einstein never said Time was the forth dimension. He said Spacetime is 4D. It is not 3D+t, only 4D.In another thread I suggested that scale has direction of 'IN' and 'OUT', where you can apply the laws of motion in a *similar manner. Yes compactify Spacetime and Time slows but I suggested it is scale that is the direction in which the Spacetime is being dragged. Well that's what I think. Scale is like one face of a 4D hyper cube. You can't turn it unless you turn Spacetime inside out... Although perhaps that's exactly what a blackhole is. I can except being wrong if someone can give me a convincing reason for my apparent error of judgement. I'm listening... * similar manner not the same, for we would need a different type of yard stick that is fractal in nature. This bit makes my head hurt, but obviously all momentum in any direction must have a 'speed' limit.
Our concept of nothing is in error. There was never a one beginning event. Creation is occurring continually out of the nothing. Nothing contains the whole. That which is created is made of nothing and the nothing contains the whole and that which is created returns to nothing. There is duality within nothing like light and dark that are complimentary opposites. Ok so we can't think of nothing.. But we can think of nearly nothing. We have that that is collapsing towards the infinitely small, and at the same time that that is expanding towards the infinitely large. See the duality like the ying yang or the duality of light. There is is a limit like the speed of c within the rate of collapse by which the roles of the large and small reverse. This is not to say that the universe will collapse, but that all masses will continue to grow until our location will be devoured into a blackhole, to start a new cycle of existence. Death is not the end of existence. There is no sense of Time between death and new consciousness in the new cycle. Nothing is all and all is nothing, one can not exist in isolation of the other. To show the energy in the nothing, think of nearly nothing a tiny point of infinitesimal small size. The point still has size. If we magnified it it would have more size. So an infinitesimal small point must be dynamic and be collapsing at an ever increasing rate so we never have a chance of measuring the size.. But look we have momentum within a direction of the small. In other words nothing is potentially full of an infinite amount of energy!!
What mechanisms are there for converting between bosons and fermions?
Could high frequency bosons feel a Time Dilation effect to give them Mass. I was wondering if the Higgs Field acted in a similar manner to the speed of light barrier.
If the universe on the large scale is accelerating towards an infinitely large state of emptiness, then isn't it conceivable that it would contain an infinite amount of infinitesimal small regions collapsing in the other directions that eventually produce particles. Perhaps that space is the nearest we can get to nothing. Perhaps light is made of nothing? Perhaps all matter is of light? Perhaps everything is made by the division of nothing. As a hypothesis I like to say... Is it possible using Heisenburg uncertainty principle for cosmic rays to form by popping out of the contraction of space at small scales while the universe expands in the opposite direction? With this hypothesis matter would be continually being created out of the void spontaniously and in synchronicity with the expansion of Spacetime. Anyhow, as Newton said every action has an equal and opposite reaction. We know the universe is expanding.. It has to be contracting in the the opposite direction. Remember the balloon analogy used to expand the universe.. Doesn't someone's lungs contract?
The Sun is Snow White not yellow... Well least above the atmosphere where the blue component isn't scattered. Snow and Clouds are white because they recombine and reemit both the blue of the sky along with the apparant yellow of the Sun.
Sorry for sounding dumb as I really want to understand, but always feel I never get my thoughts across clearly. Okay, I'll try again. 1. In a fractal Spacetime can you have motion? 2. If you can move in a fractal Spacetime in and out is that a direction? 3. If you can move in a direction in a fractal spacetime, what do the laws of motion say when motion if very fast?
Why? It surprises me that not all motion is limited to a maximum rate. Frequency is another one... there doesn't seem to be a top freq/energy that has a limit. I don't understand why all motion in a particular direction isn't effected by similar effects of special relativity. I would have thought eventually at extremely high frequencies there would have a time dilation effect where individual photons energy would appear mass like and slow down like it was hitting a barrier like the Higgs Field. Ok this is like Reductio ad absurdum. But I like this kind thinking.
If you sped up a Mandelbrot fractal generator on a screen would your apparent speed of zoom be limited by relativistic effects?
Motion appears to slow time. Therefore a stationary observer experiences Time passing at a Maximum rate. But what produces this feeling of positive forward feeling of Time of one second per second. To me a forward passing of Time would require some inverse of motion. Mmm, what if the expanding universe was occurring at the large scale, and an equal and opposite effect of contraction was occurring in the void of space at the small scale. Would this do it?
Isn't matter simply highly condensed space? It seems a lot of people describe them as separate phenomena.
I imagine infinity not so much a very large number but rather an accelerating number series. Can I do this? On this basis there can be many infinities depending on the rate of acceleration of the number series.
Yes, that's it. When you next look at a starfield screensaver, try and imagine first that you are zooming in towards the centre of the screen( scale direction)then next imagine that you are zooming forward(forward direction).Now imagine moving very fast and think of the consequences of moving forward at relativistic speeds and then zooming in at relativistic speeds? Shouldn't the same effects occur, ie speed of light limit, time dilation,Lorenz contraction?