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Posts posted by DarkStar8

  1. It seems more likely to me that water ice on the surface of the Mercury comes from superheated steam blown on it from the Sun rather than comets. Surely, if all ices were deposited by comets , then all the planetoids surfaces throughout the solar system would not have their water ices deposited so uniformly about their surfaces.

  2. I'm sorry but a didnt quite follow you, I have not added a new dimension. The scale dimension I speak of is simply a direction that is already there. Only when a volume of spacetime is contracted in a smaller size does time slow down.Correct me if I am wrong, Einstein Never said Time was a 4th dimension. Spacetime is 4D but it I don't think Einstein ever said it is 3D space plus t.

  3. Yes it's the grammar. Just read it back makes no sense. I should read it back before pressing post lol.


    The concept of a scale dimension is a very difficult one for most people to imagine. Probably because we are all stuck viewing the universe from a fixed position.


    The concept of a scale dimension is very difficult for many people to imagine because in order to travel through it we would have to shrink continuously inwards and electromagnetic forces prevent us from doing this. The only object that I can imagine is capable of doing this is a large mass dying star.

  4. I would like to add that since space and time are two parts of the same phenomena, called Spacetime,then concentrating this spacetime, by squashing it all into one location would naturally allow time to slow.

    Take that cube of 27 sub cubes, squeezing the Spacetime from the other 26 cubes into the 27th and compacting it into the 4th spatial dimension would slow time down.

    The point of this post is why do we need a temporal dimension of time when a 4th spatial one would suffice.


    We have no proper yard stick for scale and we can't easily move within it because of the force of electromagnetism. I agree I must be wrong with my thinking simply because no one seems to see scaling as a direction. :(



    If we hypothesise the Mandelbrot fractal and imagine zooming in... How fast can we go.. is there a limiting rate as there is for speed?

  5. Hypothetically Imagine a cube containing 27 sub cubes and in each one I placed a similar object such as a ball. Then if one ball collapses in on itself so it is half it's size, couldn't we view it as though it was twice the 'distance' in another direction. It hasn't moved up down or sideways but it has moved in.

    Not only time is effected by relativity size is too using Lorenz transforms.. The 4th dimension of space-time must relate to size too right, for if we have a meter rule travelling at half the speed of light is it still a meter rule?

  6. Isn't God a shortened word of Good and isn't the Devil D' Evil, The Evil? Then isn't Good and Evil, light and Dark, complementary opposites shown in the ancient Taoist ideas of yingyang.

    Perhaps if light as electromagnetism with its fields and photons makes up all things we see, and I mean matter too, then perhaps the the hidden dark stuff like dark matter and energy gives everything substance and structure, maybe just maybe they the Taoists were onto something.

  7. Scale is non relative because mass changes the effects on objects at different scales. Classical physic and quantum physics are unreconsilable.

    Who can imagine zooming towards small scales or panning out as a direction. If you can then there should be a limit to the rate of collapse, analogist to the speed of light.


    Please convince me that scale is not a direction and hence a forth dimension because obviously my train of thought must be wrong..but I don't know why.

  8. As we all know from the genius if Albert Einstein that space and time are two parts of the same phenomena called Spacetime.

    Couldn't there be a 4th Spatial dimension of scale which is some kind of opposition to the temporal one.

    It seems that scale is ignored as a dimension as it is deemed irrelevant because of the other 3. If we imagine an object that we can zoom in towards the infinitely small or zoom out to the infinitely large we have a direction. Yes is difficult to imagine because we can not use a typical yard stick like a metre. This may help, imagine a black void with an object that appears to be moving towards you.. But is it or are you seeing under zoom. Imagine the star field screen saver... Like an optical illusion can you both imagine you are watching the stars under zoom and then also as though you are in a space ship moving forward amongst them? right ,can imagine scale as a direction? Now here's the odd bit this direction is Not relative! Why is size Not relative? Electrons the size of footballs and planets the size of stars? Why doesnt the universe work that way. I think scale is a direction where we should be able to apply a kind of special relativity but oddly scale is Non relative.



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