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Everything posted by npts2020

  1. Well, I am not a physicist but I thought the whole reason photons shifted to begin with was because of relativity. If you do away with relativity, why would photons shift at all?
  2. For a steel ship, it is not just the hull that is floating. It is the average weight (or density) of all of the space occupied (or water displaced) by the hull including the air inside of it. It is the fact that most of the inside of the hull is air that makes the whole thing light enough to float. Replace the air with something heavier like water......well you know what happens. The air doesnt need to be "between slabs of steel" only kept from spilling out into the water below the waterline and water kept from spilling in.
  3. No. When you throw a rock its temperature doesnt increase (except maybe some infintessimal amount from air friction). Temperature is only a measure of average internal kinetic energy of a system relative to itself. External kinetic energy is from one systems movement as a whole being measured relative to another system as a whole.
  4. Ok, now I'm gonna stir the pot some more. A better question would be was the bailout worth while to you? If I am an executive or stockholder in AIG, WaMu, et. al., the bailout was very worthwhile, for the rest of us it will suck. It is like trying to pump up a flat tire without fixing the hole. Can anybody name one action that has been taken that is going to have a positive long term effect and tell me why it will?
  5. I have seen Ron Paul called a wacko or wingnut by more than one media type. The problem is that those people rarely elaborate or try to point out fallacies in any of his statements. I would not say I am an expert on him but the things I have read and heard about him do have a certain logic to them that match my reality far better than the other segments of his party's words and actions. One thing is for sure, his approach to our economic problems would be very different from either Obama or McCain.
  6. Some will eventually go to homeowners, just probably not till after most that actually need it are alredy bankrupt. Oh wait, didn't they just change bankruptcy laws a couple of years ago.........
  7. While I might quibble with the first point I believe the analysis from a political perspective to essentially correct. The crises have been and will be used to grant sweeping new powers to the executive branch especially DHS and Treasury. What is amazing to me is that Americans hate giving money to poor people but are sitting still while their government gives many times more to corporate interests. Why are those corporations, who have had access to and control of vast amounts of wealth for many years, any more deserving of my public money than the laziest, deadbeat living under a bridge? Whether Obama uses the situation in the same way as Bush, only time will tell. I am hopeful but skeptical.
  8. You could probaby (in theory) pressurize any gas to be thick enough to swim in if you had some way of surviving the pressure.
  9. Why would anything shift, blue or red without relativity?
  10. What if we decide some religious group....lets say Mormoons, had some part of their concept of marriage other people (particularly religious ones) didn't like.....say if you married a woman you were also married to all of her female relatives and decided that those individuals should not be allowed to "marry" since their definition of "marriage" isn't the same as ours? Could we then have a proposition on the ballot to prevent Mormoons from ever being married?
  11. I am not finding fault with your arguments per se, merely attempting to point out that teaching capitalism and socialism at the same time to the same people seems contradictory. On the one hand you are telling young people that you live in a capitalist society where the measure of your person is how much wealth you accumulate. Then at the same time you are telling them that society would be better off if the same individual does things for reasons other than accumulating wealth. How are these very different views reconciled?
  12. Many media talking heads routinely do not vote. One of the reasons is to supposedly maintain neutrality, like anyone would see their vote anyway. IMO personal emergency or not being eligible are the only good reasons to not vote.
  13. Alcohol is a recreational drug.
  14. yep. The U.S. Navy has had a training reactor that uses exactly that method of controlling the fission reaction for many years now.
  15. Wow. I was unaware rolling for locomotion is as common as it is.
  16. I agree. It is the reconciling of large and small that will really tell us the most and not one or the other. Once the data starts coming there will be a mad scramble to describe its implications. I heard that something like 90% of the data from LHC will be lost forever because of lack of data storage. Is that true?
  17. Forced altruism isn't really altruism, its an oxymoron. At any rate altruism is what you are presumably trying to instill in the individuals involved, while the rest of society screams at the top of its lungs to grab for everything you can get for yourself, if you want to be a "success". Maybe they need to be taught how to not be capitalists and value some other things at least as highly as the accumulation of wealth?
  18. There are more than a few heterosexual couples "not capable of producing children" because of age, physical defect or other reasons.
  19. I think they will be just like the congresses I have witnessed in the last 30-40 years and continue to hand over societal and individual rights and resources to corporate interests.
  20. Like a nuclear powered aircraft carrier? Near as I can tell size is the main difference. I would like to know how electricity is produced with no moving parts, is it DC? In a typical reactor the only moving parts are the control rods and they are not required in some designs
  21. Wouldn't the debris still travel basically the same orbit? Even if none of the pieces were big enough to cause damage on Earth, you have just basically shot anything in orbit with a shotgun.
  22. I think a better explanation than his essay. At about 45 minutes many will not watch the whole thing, unfortunately. I particularly like the way he ties everything together and kind of sidesteps singularity issues though. If he is correct, and I didn't see anyone telling him he was wrong, it will require a lot of relearning and rewriting. Do you think the LHC will shed any light on this topic?
  23. Dang. I just spent parts of the last 30 or so years learning about time, now I am supposed to forget about it. I am still skeptical and would like to see more of the mathmatics but it is very interesting.
  24. The real problem is how to cultivate altruism in young people who are expected to learn to compete in a system where self interest reigns supreme.
  25. In a society where a large number of citizens occupy their time with gossip and trivialities I fail to see how you get an informed electorate. Ever watch J-walking with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show? Unfortunately the people he asks questions are not that atypical of the population at large.
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