Hi, as you can probably tell with one of those handy post counts (or the like), I am new here. Be nice. =)
I am also a high school student (senior year :[ ) so forgive my ignorance regarding anything you say. Erm. I just have a quick question; I've performed an experiment to test for starch and sugar with amylase, starch, and glucose solution.
And theory says there must be starch somewhere (it is starch solution. How can there not be starch? Unless there was a problem with starch, but I'll get to that later).
I use iodine, and there is no starch. For any of my trials.
And I really think the starch was fine, because I put amylase with the starch and it gave me sugar (tested using Benedict's reagent--it turned orange). Thus...there was starch, in my reasoning. As an added note, when I tested what should have had starch for sugar, no sugar was found either.
This is a mystery to me. =/