Europe is a good ider that got out of hand
i am British and pro European but even i feel that the EU is going to far and has a lot unneeded crap. the constant moving between 2 country's for example is an unneeded expense and the common agriculture policy is a throw back to the past that is only there to keep the french happy.
there is also the problem of a common currency without a common fiscal policy.
despite all this the eu will survive but it whount be the same there will need to be a two level Europe
level 1 for the country's using the euro with closer political integration
level 2 for the country's like the uk who wish to keep they'er original currency
there also needs to much more democratic accountability with any country's in the level 1 group having a direct say on the fiscal polity that governs it. wile giveing the countrys in level 2 the option weather to follow the lead of the level 1 group on a case by case base.