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Everything posted by bratman

  1. My picture is this, there are such things as CO2 collection stations already that are manmade and the carbon nanotube tether in fact would not be solid it would be like a chinese finger puzzle, hallow and pressurized with superheated CO2. (the static electricity might heat it) And for another thing the static electricity generated by tube would probably power the whole thing, what would use the most power is getting it into outerspace once. After that it should be able to power itself and probably alot more. After getting into space I was hoping of a collection station with an assembly line type apparatus. Form the CO2 into objects that can be sent off into space. Yes I remember the solar sail and other items that seem to be able to be made into propellant even yes CO2 pressurized, not sure how that would work out in space, worked on WallE ;p or at least his fire extinguisher did. Hmmm a block or a more flyable form of frozen C02 with a pressurized superheated C02 tank made from more carbon nanotubes or plastic and mylar sails. Metal would not be a good choice. Anyway thanks guys for input on this. Hope one day someone can use this discussion to an end. Once the CO2 is space, yes what is stopping it from coming back down? Hopefully it never does, if it does it forms again in the atmosphere but im sure that some would never make it back if its sent off like I am suggesting. Or just shove it in your black hole made by your giant particle accelerator Split it into Carbon and Oxygen with Solar. And yes all black holes were once plantary systems with their own Large Hadron Collider and a Uranium PU-36 space modulator. Ask Insane he was there.
  2. If you can get the gas up to space intact and form it into some shape once its up there. What would need to be done is to sail it away somehow, launch it or send it flying hopefully towards the sun. You would not want it coming back to earth.
  3. Yes gas has weight, I realize this one I did not just fall off of a mullet boat. Carbon dioxide, Methane. I am thinking while recording your replys. Shoving it back into the ground is not a reasonable idea either. Have you looked at the dead zones in the water lately? Another approach.. http://www.sandia.gov/news/resources/releases/2007/sunshine.html Also methane http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/05/14/BAGJG6LG3R15.DTL Any gas approaching space would have to be superheated and collected then frozen. Reentry into the atmosphere of frozen CO2 should change it to carbon monoxide and something else I read somewhere but carbon monoxide is not good for us either.
  4. If you can shape carbon nanotubes into a ribbon can you make it into other shapes? It needs to have the strength to be able to make it to space which only carbon nanotubes can do at this point, and the last time a tether was the tether snapped and was only about 30 kilometers long. And not very thick. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator Here is your link. quote: the strength required would be twice that of any existing material including graphite, quartz, and diamond. I am wanting to push CO2 to space. Collect it, freeze it and then push it off never to be seen again. And I lied, methane would be another one that is explosive and more contributing to our plight. Perhaps methane could be used to support the tether, as in propulsion 4 tethers supporting a 5th. Once the gases are in space freeze them after that I have not thought of a way to get rid of them other then pitch them. If methane block hit the earth again it would burn on reentry. Not what I am intending, I would like to see them sail off never to be seen again. Explosiveness is an issue because of static electricity produced by the tethers. I just want to have a friendly hypothetical discussion. Correction: and the last time a tether was used the tether snapped and was only about 30 kilometers long. And not very thick.
  5. First off we have all heard of the tether into space. How much heat could a pressurized helium filled carbon nanotube chamber take before bursting and would it be possible to make such a device? I want heated gas tube inside and helium filled sectional valved outer wall in order to sustain the weight of the tether. The heated gas inside would be non explosive. I do not know anyplace else to discuss this or I would have tried there first.
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