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Everything posted by fiveworlds

  1. Dishes washed in boiling water will dry faster than those washed in lukewarm water. You shouldn't need to be drying dishes with a tea towel they should air dry very quickly if washed in boiling water. Usually restaurants have a conveyer belt washer and dryer system.
  2. I know plenty. Time was that degrees were rare few people had degrees so therefore people with degrees got jobs. Now pretty much everybody has some form of a degree.
  3. Obviously but there is also the possibility that jobs in your field won't be around when you leave college. Your skillset could be completely irrelevant to 95% of the job market in your locality with you being in competition with other highly qualified people for the role. Most people with PhDs are already married with kids and there may not be the option to move for work without leaving the rest of the family behind.
  4. What? there are plenty of people with PHD's who work in Mc Donalds flipping burgers. Take for instance a guy gets a degree in chemistry. Sure he can make some product but he hasn't been taught any skills on how to market his product. If you need to market something and everything is done online nowadays then you need to be able to program. If you can program but can't do art then your website will look horrible and nobody will buy your product.
  5. I was thinking that the phonograph which was an anlog sound recorder could only excite electrons to move at a fairly slow rate. Therefore knowing the theoretical maximum speed of the excited electrons it should be possible to take samples faster.
  6. Light is a wave and waves can be subdivided into an unknown number of divisions. If I do an OCR of the paper I get a subdivision of the lightwave to a certain precision depending on how good the camera actually is. I can't store the whole lightwave unless the lightwave was actually composed of a fixed number of incredibly tiny and unknown particles making the number of waveform subdivisions non-infinite.
  7. Then maybe I should be able to write a script to configure windows firewall. Assuming I might have more than one computer to configure being able to write scripts to do the job for me would make my life easier right? As far as I can see that seems to be more netsh https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc771920(v=ws.10).aspx I'm worried about cmd being removed in windows 10 should I be able to use powershell to do these kind of tasks?? http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2016/11/17/latest-windows-insider-build-removes-command-shell-access/ Another thing to consider is if I am installing 200 servers in a rackserver then each ip address should correspond to a number on the rack so that I can find a faulty server. If I let all those servers connect via dhcp what server would each ip address correspond to?
  8. Really? at home I am still using a static ip. In college it is still dhcp and it still has to be configured I haven't made any changes to my home router. I wanted to be able to set wireless properties by script which I learned how to do ish still have to add in my dns server and domain configuration. ps there is a load of excess stuff that I want to know like windows firewall but realistically if a network has a hardware firewall then windows firewall can be disabled.
  9. I don't need it but I didn't know how to do it and wanted to know how to do it. It hasn't ever been factory reset yet as I said I am learning networking. That includes learning how to use subnetting etc. I obviously don't need a subnet at home. Enterprise grade routers automatically default to using console/aux cable if they happen to factory reset so it isn't a problem in a real business network.
  10. Yeah and a subnet is setup for guests. Even if they happened to they would still need to know the ip address of the router and the chances of them having the correct computer name as well to connect to the server is fairly slim. Even then it's overkill for a home server since I'm learning networking and I try stuff at home. Whenever it randomly stops working properly.
  11. Yes or assigning administrative priviliges to an ipaddress. For instance only allowing a certain ip to remote desktop into my server. Consider the case that you have to reset the router. Then anybody could be set any ip. Also consider that I can set to discard any packets coming from unassigned ip addresses.
  12. Cool I got it running in c++ // WirelessPropertiesConfig.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; void connect(string ssid, string command) { char buff[512]; buff[0] = 0; bool exists = false; string cmd = "netsh wlan show profile | findstr " + ssid; FILE *fpipe = _popen(cmd.c_str(), "rt"); if (fpipe == NULL) cout << "Failed to open" << endl; exists = fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fpipe) != NULL; _pclose(fpipe); cmd = command; if (exists) fpipe = _popen(cmd.c_str(), "rt"); _pclose(fpipe); } int main() { connect("eduroam","netsh interface ip set address \"Wi-Fi\" dhcp"); connect("home", "netsh interface ip set address \"Wi-Fi\" static"); cin.get(); } Not sure if there is a better way of doing. if (exists) fpipe = _popen(cmd.c_str(), "rt"); It requires admin privileges so I just set that in the manifest file but there is probably a way to code that properly.
  13. Is it possible to set wireless properties via a script in C/Batch/Powershell. For example I travel in and out to college and when I am at home I connect to my windows server domain with a static ip address and dns server. In college I connect to the wifi using dhcp with a non-static ip address.
  14. In the end it would up being a problem with that version having installed the cd key and 217 updates it is working fine now.
  15. To demonstrate that multiplication can be done in O(1) on a complex instruction set processor and by extension using multiplying by an exponent can be too. However this is all old technology that is rarely used anymore because they are complicated circuits. Processor nowadays have billions of transistors. NO company is going to handwrite everything but CISC requires handwriting and thats a problem when a processor has billions of transitors from an economic standpoint. It is cheaper for intel etc to copy simple RISC instructions millions of times which has allowed for moore's law but not advances in CISC architecture.
  16. a. 4n^2 + 2 is: O(1) b. n^2 + 14n + 6 is: O(1) c. 5n^3 + 10n^2 – n – 8 is: O(1) d. 3n^2 + 2n is: O(1) ​Explain why the above is O(1) using CISC computer architecture. Explain why we don't use CISC architecture in relation to difficulty of design implementation. ​In a simple assignment function multiplying is a constant. In a risk architecture however the number is gotten through addition so therefore squaring a number takes a long time. Thing is you can also make a computer where addition takes a lot of time. <script> var s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0; var t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0; var test = Array(); test["000"] = 0; test["001"] = 1; test["010"] = 2; test["011"] = 3; test["100"] = 4; test["101"] = 5; test["110"] = 6; test["111"] = 7; for (var i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1){ document.write(s1.toString(10)+s2.toString(10)+s3.toString(10)+t1.toString(10)+t2.toString(10)+t3.toString(10)+"="+test[s1.toString(10)+s2.toString(10)+s3.toString(10)]*test[t1.toString(10)+t2.toString(10)+t3.toString(10)]+"<br>"); s3=s3+1; if(s3>1){s2=s2+1;s3=0;} if(s2>1){s1=s1+1;s2=0;} if(s1>1){t3=t3+1;s1=0;} if(t3>1){t2=t2+1;t3=0;} if(t2>1){t1=t1+1;t2=0;} } function multiply(a,b){ output = "overflow"; if (a + b == "000000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "010000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "011000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "100000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "101000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "110000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "111000"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "000001"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001001"){output = 1;} if (a + b == "010001"){output = 2;} if (a + b == "011001"){output = 3;} if (a + b == "100001"){output = 4;} if (a + b == "101001"){output = 5;} if (a + b == "110001"){output = 6;} if (a + b == "111001"){output = 7;} if (a + b == "000010"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001010"){output = 2;} if (a + b == "010010"){output = 4;} if (a + b == "011010"){output = 6;} if (a + b == "100010"){output = 8;} if (a + b == "101010"){output = 10;} if (a + b == "110010"){output = 12;} if (a + b == "111010"){output = 14;} if (a + b == "000011"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001011"){output = 3;} if (a + b == "010011"){output = 6;} if (a + b == "011011"){output = 9;} if (a + b == "100011"){output = 12;} if (a + b == "101011"){output = 15;} if (a + b == "110011"){output = 18;} if (a + b == "111011"){output = 21;} if (a + b == "000100"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001100"){output = 4;} if (a + b == "010100"){output = 8;} if (a + b == "011100"){output = 12;} if (a + b == "100100"){output = 16;} if (a + b == "101100"){output = 20;} if (a + b == "110100"){output = 24;} if (a + b == "111100"){output = 28;} if (a + b == "000101"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001101"){output = 5;} if (a + b == "010101"){output = 10;} if (a + b == "011101"){output = 15;} if (a + b == "100101"){output = 20;} if (a + b == "101101"){output = 25;} if (a + b == "110101"){output = 30;} if (a + b == "111101"){output = 35;} if (a + b == "000110"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001110"){output = 6;} if (a + b == "010110"){output = 12;} if (a + b == "011110"){output = 18;} if (a + b == "100110"){output = 24;} if (a + b == "101110"){output = 30;} if (a + b == "110110"){output = 36;} if (a + b == "111110"){output = 42;} if (a + b == "000111"){output = 0;} if (a + b == "001111"){output = 7;} if (a + b == "010111"){output = 14;} if (a + b == "011111"){output = 21;} if (a + b == "100111"){output = 28;} if (a + b == "101111"){output = 35;} if (a + b == "110111"){output = 42;} if (a + b == "111111"){output = 49;} return output; } document.write(multiply("110","011")); </script>
  17. Not sure about the following windows server 2012 error
  18. You could use the rfid like a switch. Take hotel room cards for an example. You have a card with rfid you plug into the electricity. You could have something like if the rfid tag is there then the led is on otherwise the light is off.
  19. Ok you have a single dataset about all student grades. What is the fastest way of determining the third year male and female student in your class with the most consistently high results? How would you eliminate variables? edit Or better yet given the following dataset http://downloads.mysql.com/docs/world.sql.gz determine the English speaking cities with the highest population.
  20. That's a good way to get put in jail for assault. Just sue them for harrasment or make it clear to them that if they continue their course of action that you will be forced to do so. If they approach you with an intent to physically harm you then and only then are you allowed to use force.
  21. What's the roman numeral for zero??
  22. I have .net framework v2 - v4.6. The project isn't using the .net framework according to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff770576.aspx <TargetFrameworkVersion> isn't in the .vcxproj file. It runs it just says it's outdated. Hmm maybe c++ itself changed.
  23. I am using visual studio 2015 on windows 10 anniversary edition. It forces me to build everything for a minimum of windows 10 so they might have dropped supported for legacy windows builds. I got the following error and build failed until I deleted some of the old stuff. Still complains the project is outdated though.
  24. Okay I tried your project and it wouldn't build it gave an error message saying it was out of date.
  25. I know and it should really not be using select which can cause the richtextbox to flash blue. But I would have to be able to read the text in the richtextbox some other way than lines or select. Which really just leaves the .Rtf method.
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