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Everything posted by brian334

  1. Light has mass, every day light from the sun hits earth. Where does that mass go? Does it stay on earth? Every day space junk hits earth, does that increase the mass of earth? How could it not? How much mass leaves earth every day? Answer - none. How much mass comes to earth every day? Answer -- lots
  2. Use KE and PE. At my website there is a description of a machine that uses both PE and KE to convert energy.
  3. Are you saying we should get rid of the sun?
  4. Elephants are big and powerful but if you put a tiny hole in ones heart it will die. Hurricanes have a weak spot. The central low pressure is the weak spot of a hurricane. When the U.S. government needs money it prints it. The Hurricanes Huggers are dead set against controlling hurricanes.
  5. The machine uses the hurricanes own forces to kill it. There is no way to out muscle a hurricane, but it might be possible to out smart one.
  6. When the tanks with weights in them expand they weigh less than the liquid they displace. And go up.
  7. Lets talk about hurricanes. How much would the pressure in a hurricanes eye need to increase to make the eyewall stop turning? What if 60 cu. Miles / hr. of air were diverted into the eye? How much would the air pressure in the eye increase? The diverted air would not spread out evenly in the eye, it would tend to stay in the same plane that it was introduced in. Energy from the sun evaporates water and makes it go up, energy from the earth makes it come back down. Someday the sun will run out of energy, will the earth ever run out of energy/gravity? Nope. I will say it again gravity violates the law of conservation of energy.
  8. Converting PE to KE, or KE to PE is conserved , but where does the original energy come from? Is there some chemical reaction that makes gravity?
  9. Gravity breaks the law of conservation of energy. Where does the energy in gravity come from? Does it ever run out? Answer -- Nope Wood houses are not the only things destroyed by hurricanes. Do you remember New Orleans? Should we make steel trees and houses that float? Or maybe we should vacate Florida.
  10. The machines convert one form of energy to another. It should be easy to explain why the machines will not work
  11. Its a ship not a airplane. What perpetual motion devices?
  12. We need a war on hurricanes, Brian Sandler brian334@peoplepc.com I recently received a patent on a machine designed to destroy hurricanes. At my website http://bsandler.com there is a complete description of the machine. Please contact me at the above address if you have any questions. Thanks, Brian Sandler
  13. Buoyancy is based on the amount of liquid displaced, if the weight is outside the housing than the displacement and buoyancy will increase.
  14. Things that can be tested should be. Things that can not be tested should be guessed about.
  15. This is not homework.
  16. If a 65 lb weight fell 10 feet, what would the impact speed be? And how much force/energy would it have?
  17. Gravity makes things move, does it have energy?
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