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  1. Ok, so I combined nitric acid(70%) and iron filings, in a beaker, when agitated it would give off relatively small amounts of orange smoke. Then I put it on a hot plate and heated it to 160 degrees farenheit, the solution started bubbling, first emitting large amounts of orange smoke, then a constant stream of white smoke. I took it off the hotplate in order to prevent it from reaching its boiling point of 180 degrees, at this point it was a black gel. When agitated, this gel remained inert, so I was advised to rehydrate it with distilled water, which I did, I then put it back on the hotplate and reheated it to 160 degrees, it emitted an almost constant stream of white smoke and occaisionally a puff of orange smoke. When the smoke stopped, I was left with a a brownish powder caked at the bottom of the flask. Ferric Nitrate is supposed to be white crystals, not a brown powder, does anybody know why this happened?
  2. How do you do that? Same methods or something different?
  3. To etch silver, I said that in my first post, but thanks for the replies
  4. I need ferric nitrate in order to etch silver, I was told that I could make it by combining nitric acid and iron filings. Now from what I've read, this appears to be true, but what I don't know, is what proportions and conditions I need to create ferric nitrate.Does anybody know what those are?
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